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Padre Peregrino
Theology from a wandering priest
Рейтинг TGlist
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Дата створення каналуВер 27, 2021
Додано до TGlist
Вер 03, 2024Рекорди
Індекс цитування15.02.202508:57
Охоплення 1 допису04.02.202506:47
Охоп рекл. допису03.03.202523:59

New guardian friend for a short time

My good friends of many years have a 15 month old named Bonaventure who went underwater for 1-2 minutes. Upon finding him, the family started CPR and called 911. After 45 minutes of chest compressions (pre-hospital and hospital) they regained a pulse and he was flown to a Children's Hospital in Florida. Bonaventure is currently on a ventilator tonight with dilated pupils. This obviously carries a very bad prognosis. But we believe Jesus Christ the Son of God can fully restore and heal Bonaventure. Yes, it will take a miracle, and yes we're inviting you and all your children to contend tonight with all you got in prayer for Bonaventure's full recovery.
Bo survived the night and he's headed to MRI this Sunday morning. Unfortunately, no response to neurological stimulation testing yesterday. So, we keep praying...
"Brain death” is a fabricated medical invention from Harvard in 1968 to ramp up the medical industry for the ghoulish harvesting of organs from LIVING people. Of course, the brain does not die any earlier than the rest of the body. Death should be defined as cardiac arrest that can never return to a normal sinus rhythm. https://www.lifenews.com/2018/05/07/13-year-old-wakes-up-as-doctors-prepare-to-harvest-his-organs/
I pray that none of my enemies die with signs of final-impenitence. After a heretic or apostate dies, do not say, "We don't know what went through his heart at the last minute." THAT is a Protestant view of salvation, not a Catholic one. Pray that none of your friends, family or enemies ever die with what the Catholic Church has always called "signs of final impenitence."
Friday night update: Baby Bonaventure (aka Bo) is still unresponsive on a ventilator with fixed pupils after his near-drowning 36 hours ago. Baby Bo has people all over the world praying for him. Please continue to pray for a miraculous recovery.
PS I just spoke to Bo's parents for an hour on the phone. One of the redeeming aspects of this tragedy (see update in above tweet on the near-drowning baby) is this: Bo’s parents (and all his many brothers) attend the Traditional Latin Mass at two different parishes staffed by “competing” (shall we say?) congregations of priests at odds with each other since at least 1988. However, priests from BOTH congregations are visiting the family in the PICU. In fact, the hospital lobby is overflowing with Catholics from BOTH parishes. This shows us that God unites even traditional Catholics at odds with each other in praying through a tragedy. The Cross and Resurrection of Jesus Christ still set the pattern for all of Catholic history that God continually brings good out of evil.
PS I just spoke to Bo's parents for an hour on the phone. One of the redeeming aspects of this tragedy (see update in above tweet on the near-drowning baby) is this: Bo’s parents (and all his many brothers) attend the Traditional Latin Mass at two different parishes staffed by “competing” (shall we say?) congregations of priests at odds with each other since at least 1988. However, priests from BOTH congregations are visiting the family in the PICU. In fact, the hospital lobby is overflowing with Catholics from BOTH parishes. This shows us that God unites even traditional Catholics at odds with each other in praying through a tragedy. The Cross and Resurrection of Jesus Christ still set the pattern for all of Catholic history that God continually brings good out of evil.
7 Levels of the Desert Fathers' perpetual fast:
A: Carnivores, who eat meat. These are in the lowest degree of fasting, even if they sometimes restrain themselves from food. They are never able to advance in prayer.
B: Lacto-vegetarians, who never eat meat, but only milk, cheese, eggs and all kinds of boiled vegetables. These are in the second degree of fasting, which is kept by Monks in coenobitic Monasteries and, very rarely, by laymen.
C: Vegetarians, who eat only vegetables and boiled or raw legumes. This arrangement forms the third degree of fasting, and the most zealous monks of the common life keep it.
😧 Fruit-Eaters, who eat bread and uncooked fruits ONCE A DAY, without otherwise ever tasting food. He who attains this degree of fasting is able to master his body and thoughts without difficulty and CAN ADVANCE RAPIDLY ON THE PATH OF PRAYER.
E: Cereal-Eaters, comprise the fifth degree of fasting. To this degree belong monks – especially hesycasts and desert-dwellers – who eat ONCE A DAY only black bread, cereals, and soaked grains of wheat, corn, millet, lentils, beans, peas, etc.
F: Dry Food, is the sixth degree of monastic fasting, which is usually attainted only by the most zealous desert dwellers. Those who live in this harsh asceticism eat only dried bread soaked in water, with salt or a little vinegar, ONCE A DAY and by measure. This is how the hesycasts of the Nile valley lived.
G: Divine Food or manna, is the last and highest degree of monastic fasting, which is attained by very few ascetics after prolonged asceticism, being strengthened by the grace of the Holy Spirit. These are satisfied with the Most Pure Mysteries alone, that is, with the Body and Blood of Christ, which they receive only once or twice a week, without tasting anything else but water only. "After difficult temptations and asceticism, and by the Grace of God, I have come to be satisfied with the Most Pure Mysteries alone, and no longer feel hunger, or have need of bread or vegetables…"
A: Carnivores, who eat meat. These are in the lowest degree of fasting, even if they sometimes restrain themselves from food. They are never able to advance in prayer.
B: Lacto-vegetarians, who never eat meat, but only milk, cheese, eggs and all kinds of boiled vegetables. These are in the second degree of fasting, which is kept by Monks in coenobitic Monasteries and, very rarely, by laymen.
C: Vegetarians, who eat only vegetables and boiled or raw legumes. This arrangement forms the third degree of fasting, and the most zealous monks of the common life keep it.
😧 Fruit-Eaters, who eat bread and uncooked fruits ONCE A DAY, without otherwise ever tasting food. He who attains this degree of fasting is able to master his body and thoughts without difficulty and CAN ADVANCE RAPIDLY ON THE PATH OF PRAYER.
E: Cereal-Eaters, comprise the fifth degree of fasting. To this degree belong monks – especially hesycasts and desert-dwellers – who eat ONCE A DAY only black bread, cereals, and soaked grains of wheat, corn, millet, lentils, beans, peas, etc.
F: Dry Food, is the sixth degree of monastic fasting, which is usually attainted only by the most zealous desert dwellers. Those who live in this harsh asceticism eat only dried bread soaked in water, with salt or a little vinegar, ONCE A DAY and by measure. This is how the hesycasts of the Nile valley lived.
G: Divine Food or manna, is the last and highest degree of monastic fasting, which is attained by very few ascetics after prolonged asceticism, being strengthened by the grace of the Holy Spirit. These are satisfied with the Most Pure Mysteries alone, that is, with the Body and Blood of Christ, which they receive only once or twice a week, without tasting anything else but water only. "After difficult temptations and asceticism, and by the Grace of God, I have come to be satisfied with the Most Pure Mysteries alone, and no longer feel hunger, or have need of bread or vegetables…"
"In the Catholic Church itself, all possible care must be taken, that we hold that faith which has been believed everywhere, ALWAYS, by all... We shall follow universality if we confess that one faith to be true, which the whole Church throughout the world confesses; ANTIQUITY, if we in no way depart from those interpretations which it is manifest were notoriously held by our holy ancestors and fathers."—St. Vincent of Lerins.
The investigatory video made by @complicitclergy I posted two weeks ago was removed from YT. Ft Border Czar Tom Homan, it showed "Catholic Charities" and US bishops facilitated human trafficking. It is still on Rumble:
Mr. Westen at LifeSite News interviews me on my upcoming trial for the rescue. Last few minutes of the video we discuss our hopes for the future of the papacy. https://youtu.be/vbI9AgCjsys?si=yXjr1klXejY-Pbd2
Happy Ash Wednesday. Here's the account of tomorrow's two saints to give you some lenten encouragement https://www.padreperegrino.org/2024/10/perpetualfelicitywritten/
If it seems like every century eased the fasting rules on Lent, you may want to go deeper than the current minimal rules and see how Catholics in antiquity approached Lent. Hear my pod with Mr. Plese https://youtu.be/jA13dUAjJBU?si=2vHhZQCBdREQz-NB
It's good semi-conservative Catholics admit all the early Christians were Catholic. However, once they ALSO admit Vatican II turned 95% of Western Catholics into Protestants, they will have no option but to become traditional Catholics.
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