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Namas triyā-dhvikānaṃ sarva tathāgatānāṃ🙏🏻
All that is earthly is transient, and yet we grieve as though it were eternal."

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By LeCanard (@iniemohk).
Thereupon, magically influenced by the Buddha, the venerable Sariputra had this thought: "If the buddha-field is pure only to the extent that the mind of the bodhisattva is pure, then, when Sakyamuni Buddha was engaged in the career of the bodhisattva, his mind must have been impure. Otherwise, how could this buddha-field appear to be so impure?"

The Buddha, knowing telepathically the thought of venerable Sariputra, said to him, "What do you think, Sariputra? Is it because the sun and moon are impure that those blind from birth do not see them?"

Sariputra replied, "No, Lord. It is not so. The fault lies with those blind from birth, and not with the sun and moon."

The Buddha declared, "In the same way, Sariputra, the fact that some living beings do not behold the splendid display of virtues of the buddha-field of the Tathagata is due to their own ignorance. It is not the fault of the Tathagata. Sariputra, the buddha-field of the Tathagata is pure, but you do not see it."

Then the Brahma Sikhin said to the venerable Sariputra, "Reverend Sariputra, do not say that the buddha-field of the Tathagata is impure. Reverend Sariputra, the buddha-field of the Tathagata is pure. I see the splendid expanse of the buddha-field of the Lord Sakyamuni as equal to the splendor of, for example, the abodes of the highest deities."

Then the venerable Sariputra said to the Brahma Sikhin, "As for me, O Brahma, I see this great earth, with its highs and lows, its thorns, its precipices, its peaks, and its abysses, as if it were entirely filled with ordure."

Brahma Sikhin replied, "The fact that you see such a buddha-field as this as if it were so impure, reverend Sariputra, is a sure sign that there are highs and lows in your mind and that your positive thought in regard to the buddha-gnosis is not pure either. Reverend Sariputra, those whose minds are impartial toward all living beings and whose positive thoughts toward the buddha-gnosis are pure see this buddha-field as perfectly pure."
Nobody is coming to save you; you have to pick yourself up from rock bottom; you have to patch yourself up and take shelter in some dungeon till you yourself battle and conquer your own inner monsters. You have to love yourself; you have to provide for yourself; you have to win.
Brother, that's my irl friend group
No tantric practitioner will go around "demystifying" tantra, tantra is meant to be esoteric and mystic, it is the mantrayana vehicle ffs.
Abrahamism: the Gods your fathers worshipped are false

Buddhism: the Gods your fathers worshipped are Buddhists
Feminism is when women have Buddha-nature
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He ain't a Kalacakra practitioner for sure
-everything created gets destroyed
-total anarchy
- spawn is the shape of a Buddhist Mandala

The universe is trying to tell us something
The Semitic race is recognizable almost solely through negative characteristics: it has neither mythology, nor epic, nor science, nor philosophy, nor fiction, nor plastic arts, nor civil life; in sum an absence of complexity, of nuance, an exclusive sentiment of unity.
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Pics with Nationalities
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Kalachakra Tantra Unveiled ✨ avatar
Kalachakra Tantra Unveiled ✨
A message for all the b!gots, especially ones who lean or a part of the Right

I am tolerating you because I know and you genuinely seem to be interested in Buddhism and me demystifying Tantra

But I won't tolerate with your b!gotry if you start it, I won't think twice before blocking you
This is what people see when you first take refuge in the Three Jewels
Only the sword of Manjushri can liberate the endless knot of Karma from the honeycomb candy of Samsara
Among wise men there is no place at all left for hatred. For no one except the greatest of fools would hate good men. And there is no reason at all for hating the bad. For just as weakness is a disease of the body, so wickedness is a disease of the mind. And if this is so, since we think of people who are sick in body as deserving sympathy rather than hatred, much more so do they deserve pity rather than blame who suffer an evil more severe than any physical illness.

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