“ ... In the Final Five Hundred Years of The Kaliyuga * (Dark Ages), when the Buddha's Teachings have Declined and the Barbarian Dharma has Spread, a Great Leader will Appear in the Land Of India. He will be a Great Bodhisattva, who will Revive The Buddhist Teachings and Spread them Throughout The Land. He will be a Great Warrior, who will Conquer the Barbarian Lands and Establish The Buddhist Teachings. He will be a Great Benefactor, who will Bring Peace and Prosperity to The Land.
This Great Leader will not be a Monk, but a Layperson. He will not be a King, but a Leader Of The People. He will be a Great Scholar, who will Understand the True Meaning of the Buddha's Teachings. He will be a Great Practitioner, who will Embody the Principles of Compassion, Loving-Kindness, and Wisdom.
This Great Leader will Appear in the Year 2500 after The Buddha's Mahaparinirvana, which Corresponds to the Year 1956 of the Common Era. ”
~ Kalki Pundarika (Vimalaprabha [Stainless Light] Translated by John Newman, The Outer Wheel Of Time : Vajrayana Buddhist Cosmology In The Kalacakra Tantra)
🌟 Note :
* According to Kalachakra Cosmology, we are in Treta Yuga, the Second Time Phase (Yuga) of the Four Cosmological Time Phases.
Now why Kali Yuga and it's mention, if it's supposed to be the Last Yuga?
Kalachakra specifically says after Treta Yuga, there will come a "Mini-Kaliyuga" - like Period within Kaliyuga's Influence.
Then Krita (Satya) like period in Kali – which is actually Post- Treta Yuga.
Dvapara is skipped and a Period akin to Krita Appears after Mini-KaliYuga Period.
🤧 Making it simpler -
According to Kalachakra, at the End of Every Phase of Time Cycle, there is a "Transitional Period/Phase"
When Yuga changes called The "Mini-Kaliyuga" is Present.
In the case of Treta Yuga, we
have already Passed 100-150 Years of it, only 400-350 Years remain.
After this "Mini-Kaliyuga" - like, it's Bad Age/Stage has been is Passed, we see, Krita (Satya) Yuga which is a part of it (the so called "Mini-Kaliyuga, which seems to be a Transitional Phase to the Good/Better Phase) that follows The Dwapar Yuga, a 1000 + 30 years of Peace and Prosperity ✌️🕊️