Contemporary libertarians often assume, mistakenly, that individuals are bound to each other only by the nexus of market exchange.They forget that everyone is necessarily born into a family, a language, and a culture. Every person is born into one or several overlapping communities, usually including an ethnic group, with specific values, cultures, religious beliefs, and traditions.
~ Murray Rothbard
~ Murray Rothbard

Our vision, in a nutshell, is one of small village-communities in which people occupy their own space in which to live in accordance with their own principles. These principles depend on the nature of the people forming the community in the first place, because the last thing we wish to do is impose a rigid or dogmatic system of any kind. In theory, therefore, National-Anarchists can be Christian or pagan, farmers or artisans, heterosexual or homosexual. The important thing, however, is for National-Anarchist communities to be self-sufficient. They should also be mutualist, rather than coercive. In other words, people should be free to come and go at all times. If you are unhappy with the unifying principle of one National-Anarchist community, then simply relocate to another. On the other hand, communities must be respectful of their neighbors and be prepared to defend themselves from outsiders.
– Troy Southgate
– Troy Southgate
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Subliminal Supremacy

“For spirit alone does not make noble. Rather, there must be something to ennoble the spirit. What then is required? Blood.”
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National Anarchism

"Without action, words are just words. Without violence, laws are just words. Violence isn’t the only answer, but it is the final answer."
– Jack Donovan
– Jack Donovan
"Wherever a free woman exists, there is a warrior goddess, and there is a goddess of victory for her."
– Abdullah Ocalan
Happy International Women's Day
– Abdullah Ocalan
Happy International Women's Day
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National Anarchism

Instead of representative democracy, through which politicians serve their own interests at the expense of the community on behalf of the state, National-Anarchists believe in participation. In other words, instead of voting for politicians every few years and then allowing them to go on and act precisely as they wish, we believe that people should take an active role in politics themselves. Not on a national scale, but within their own localities. Instead of politicians, National-Anarchists favour delegates, people who must either reflect the wishes of the people or be replaced immediately. This process would safeguard against corruption and unaccountability and make sure that people had a real say in the running of their own areas. This will mark a return, if you like, to the old Witenagemot system. And whilst National-Anarchists do not believe in applying centralised 'rule' we do accept that the actual form of decision-making is something that will be particular to each community.
- NatAn Manifesto
- NatAn Manifesto

By dissolving the monopoly on violence, Might is once again subordinated to Right, as it in practice means a return to having to consider the will of local power elites, making it more difficult to use politics as coercion. It would actually make it impossible for politicians to act against the interests of local people, without risking serious friction. This would be a decentralized and local phenomenon, in line with the MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) doctrine. The benefits of all political decisions implemented against the will of the people would have to be carefully weighed against the risk of potential uprisings.
– Jonas Nilsson, Anarcho-Fascism: Nature Reborn
– Jonas Nilsson, Anarcho-Fascism: Nature Reborn
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National Anarchism

"There is, I believe, a substantive sense in which fascism really did emerge from (individualist) anarchism, and that’s as our antithesis. Yes, the socialists, liberals, and conservative influences upon fascism were vast, and counted for the overwhelming bulk of their numbers. In comparison, the number of “individualist anarchists” who joined them was a barely visible dust mote. But what our presence contributed was a crystalizing clarity that catalyzed and reshaped those long-existing reactionary elements.
In this sense, while both anarchism and fascism are modern ideologies, we are at the same time purifications of eternal tendencies throughout history, the modern dimension being our self-awareness."
- Extract from article"Review: The Anarchist-Individualist Origins of Italian Fascism"
Read the full article
In this sense, while both anarchism and fascism are modern ideologies, we are at the same time purifications of eternal tendencies throughout history, the modern dimension being our self-awareness."
- Extract from article"Review: The Anarchist-Individualist Origins of Italian Fascism"
Read the full article

All anarchists agree that opposition to and independence from the global power structure is essential. National-Anarchists tend to focus equally on the culture and values of each autonomous community. Not only is it important to subvert the state, but it is also crucial to institute morals and principles in one’s tribe. Anarcho-feudalism fits perfectly under the umbrella of National-Anarchist theory because it outlines achievable means of applying particular ethics and standards.
– Craig FitzGerald, Anarcho-Feudalism as Practical Model of National-Anarchism
– Craig FitzGerald, Anarcho-Feudalism as Practical Model of National-Anarchism
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National Anarchism

Within the bleak framework of a perpetual war of each against all, there from time to time arises the exceedingly rare individual whom Nietzsche referred to as the "ubermensch." This is the individual of superior will, strength, mind, spirit, discipline, intelligence, intuition, perceptiveness, shrewdness, wisdom, creativity, inventiveness, generosity and other such characteristics that set the human species a half step above the other animals. It is this individual who becomes the "anarch," the "egoist," the one who rises above the perpetual fog in which both the sheepish people and their vicious masters dwell…. It is persons such as these who carry with them the seeds of cultural and civilizational growth. For any sort of human existence to emerge beyond that of the merely animalistic, this type of individual must thrive.
– Keith Preston, The Thoughts That Guide Me
– Keith Preston, The Thoughts That Guide Me
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Liberty Rising

Hmmm so eating fast processed shit and taking stupid vaccines doesn’t make you healthy
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National Anarchism

"The state is not the homeland; it is the abstraction, the metaphysical, mystical, political and legal fiction of the homeland. The popular masses of all countries deeply love their homeland, but that is a natural, real love."
— Mikhail Bakunin
— Mikhail Bakunin

The kings and queens of the past were often warriors and philosophers, hardly comparable to the unworthy corpse that presently squats its rotting arse upon the English throne. It is natural for aristocrats to spring from the ranks of humanity, but when they deteriorate into dynastic parasites who maintain their grip on power by using their wealth to fund an army of paid mercenaries, it becomes a travesty and a farce. In tribal societies monarchs are duty-bound to serve their people rather than to rule over them with an iron fist, but these ‘kings’ and ‘queens’ are more often than not the strongest or most intelligent within their communities. In the animal kingdom – and I use the word ‘kingdom’ deliberately – this is known as the peck order.
– Troy Southgate, Tradition & Revolution
– Troy Southgate, Tradition & Revolution

Land ownership became a political and coercive institution, laying the foundations for the latter servile feudalism in contrast to the more decentralized voluntary feudalism that had existed before. Where before ‘to own was to owe’ (private property having a social value defined in service to others) and there were mutualist obligations between landlords and freemen on the land, and whereas these relationships had been defined without either the twin evils of serfdom and servitude through forced and conscripted labour.
– Wayne John Sturgeon, The Ancient Future: Anarcho-Feudalism!
– Wayne John Sturgeon, The Ancient Future: Anarcho-Feudalism!
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National Anarchism

Sanshirō Ishikawa (1876–1956) was a Japanese Christian, socialist, and anarcho-syndicalist who was influential in the Japanese anarchist movement during the 20th century.
He advocated a mutualist economy on a co-operative basis, and - unlike his contemporary anarchists - the maintenance of the Japanese Emperor as a symbol of communal affection.
In his work “50 Years” Ishikawa argued that Japan should have a peaceful revolution that would lead to an anarchist society, where private property would be abolished and communes would be created, amalgamated into federations that would be organized into departments of culture and economy. The Emperor remained as the spiritual figure-head which augmented a sense of cooperation and community throughout society.
There would be agricultural cooperatives and democratic workers' control in factories under an anarcho-syndicalist organization. Ishikawa's anarchist Japan advocated a society where freedom and individuality were completely free under humanistic values.
He advocated a mutualist economy on a co-operative basis, and - unlike his contemporary anarchists - the maintenance of the Japanese Emperor as a symbol of communal affection.
In his work “50 Years” Ishikawa argued that Japan should have a peaceful revolution that would lead to an anarchist society, where private property would be abolished and communes would be created, amalgamated into federations that would be organized into departments of culture and economy. The Emperor remained as the spiritual figure-head which augmented a sense of cooperation and community throughout society.
There would be agricultural cooperatives and democratic workers' control in factories under an anarcho-syndicalist organization. Ishikawa's anarchist Japan advocated a society where freedom and individuality were completely free under humanistic values.
Subscribe also to these Anarchist channels;
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National Anarchist Front
Liberty Rising (AnCap)
Subliminal Supremacy
ᛟ Tribal Nature ᛟ
National Anarchist Front
Why Kyrgyzstan is betting on a gold-backed stablecoin in the digital currency race
Anarchists do not necessarily reject “government.” As anarchist thinker Peter Kropotkin pointed out, there is a distinction between the state and government. Government consists of the institutions of governance which would be making rules, adjudicating disputes, and social self-defense. A state, on the other hand, is a top down bureaucratic apparatus with command over military & police forces, separate from real control by the mass of the people.
~ Tom Wetzel, What is the Difference Between Libertarianism and Anarchism?
~ Tom Wetzel, What is the Difference Between Libertarianism and Anarchism?
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