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Society of the Sacred Blood
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SOTSB rosary chat
Індекс цитування15.02.202502:23
Охоплення 1 допису07.02.202523:59
Охоп рекл. допису25.02.202523:59
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Anti-Communist Combat HQ

Imagine if I started a Catholic movement which made a part of its praxis the denial of biological differences between men and women. I would cite Galatians 3:8 every time someone brought it up as a problem and remove them from the group.
Naturally I would attack any Catholic movement that rejected the erasure of gender distinctions. I could be orthodox in every other way, I could even go to the Latin Mass and pay lip service to the faith but as long as I operated on principles of jewish gender egalitarianism I would be doing nothing more than aiding the subversive elements in the world. I would be going to mass one day while waging war on God’s natural order every other day.
Every Catholic movement I’ve come across does this with race. They are all anti-racist. It’s better to be a good Catholic in a nationalist group than it is to appease your spiritual misgivings by giving your time and energy to anti-racist Catholic groups which have adopted jewish race denialism.
I was recently shown some evidence that the subversive antiWhite New Columbia movement likes to go around taking down stickers put up by Active Clubs and Patriot Front. This is not surprising. If there is a reason to join a group or fraternity it is to fight for your people. I’m sorry to say there is no Catholic group doing that but there are many pious and good Catholics in Active Clubs and in Patriot Front all over the country.
Naturally I would attack any Catholic movement that rejected the erasure of gender distinctions. I could be orthodox in every other way, I could even go to the Latin Mass and pay lip service to the faith but as long as I operated on principles of jewish gender egalitarianism I would be doing nothing more than aiding the subversive elements in the world. I would be going to mass one day while waging war on God’s natural order every other day.
Every Catholic movement I’ve come across does this with race. They are all anti-racist. It’s better to be a good Catholic in a nationalist group than it is to appease your spiritual misgivings by giving your time and energy to anti-racist Catholic groups which have adopted jewish race denialism.
I was recently shown some evidence that the subversive antiWhite New Columbia movement likes to go around taking down stickers put up by Active Clubs and Patriot Front. This is not surprising. If there is a reason to join a group or fraternity it is to fight for your people. I’m sorry to say there is no Catholic group doing that but there are many pious and good Catholics in Active Clubs and in Patriot Front all over the country.
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The Marauder Project

If you value playing with your children, or exercise, or cooking healthy food, or walking your dog, or late night conversations with your wife, or going to church, over the dollar, well then you just don't know the meaning of hard work. Unless you're willing to sacrifice family time, food choices, exercise, any form of relationship or leisure or hobby, then you aren't meritorious.
This is the boomer mindset.
This is what "worshipping mammon" looks like.
It is directly related to producing our current state of society. A nation of destroyed families, a nation of atheists and pseudo-christians, a nation where the average person is morbidly obese, a nation that can only judge "success" based on the GDP.
Reject this mindset. It is hollow and rotten and will lead you and your children to hell.
This is the boomer mindset.
This is what "worshipping mammon" looks like.
It is directly related to producing our current state of society. A nation of destroyed families, a nation of atheists and pseudo-christians, a nation where the average person is morbidly obese, a nation that can only judge "success" based on the GDP.
Reject this mindset. It is hollow and rotten and will lead you and your children to hell.
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Judge Frog’s S’more Cult

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Ms Bekker says that accusing Israel of genocide is equivalent to the historical accusations of jews murdering Christian children.
I agree.
Israel is clearly committing a genocide, so what does that tell us about Simon of Trent?
I agree.
Israel is clearly committing a genocide, so what does that tell us about Simon of Trent?
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The Fundamental Principle

No more imported priests
No more imported third worlders
No more homosexuals
As soon as Rome starts to really feel the pressure they will open up Latin Mass across the world.
No more imported priests
No more imported third worlders
No more homosexuals
As soon as Rome starts to really feel the pressure they will open up Latin Mass across the world.
What a beautiful Catholic procession. We should strive to make such an example to elevate men’s minds above the temporal concerns of this carnal life and remind them that there are higher things to live and die for.
The man whose heart is firmly devoted to eternal things will more readily sacrifice for his people, recognizing that what he does for the love of his fellow man will be rewarded in heaven.
The man whose heart is firmly devoted to eternal things will more readily sacrifice for his people, recognizing that what he does for the love of his fellow man will be rewarded in heaven.
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The Daily Decade

We all fight a spiritual battle every day, in even the most mundane of our tasks. Beware when things go too well! "God chastiseth whom he loveth". Obstacles and challenges are a sign He is pleased, and is testing you more. We should always strive to meet all the tests and the obstacles, and pray fervently for challenges to meet and better ourselves.
"Obstacles do not exist to bring us to surrender, but to be overcome."
"Obstacles do not exist to bring us to surrender, but to be overcome."

In 1971 Queen Isabella was given the title servant of God.
In 1991 her cause for sainthood was stopped because of her expulsion of the jews. What the post conciliar church condemns God glorifies.
Hail Queen Isabella for her role in pushing out the moors and jews from Spain. May she one day receive the honor she is owed.
In 1991 her cause for sainthood was stopped because of her expulsion of the jews. What the post conciliar church condemns God glorifies.
Hail Queen Isabella for her role in pushing out the moors and jews from Spain. May she one day receive the honor she is owed.
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Anti-Communist Combat HQ

“Leviticus 19:34 If a stranger dwell in your land, and abide among you, do not upbraid him : but let him be among you as one of the same country: and you shall love him as yourselves: for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. I am the Lord your God.”
Another passage deliberately misunderstood by anti-nationalist Christians and anti-Christian nationalists alike.
1. In biblical times before modern transportation a stranger or neighbor was someone from the next tribe over. Someone likely to have a pretty close genetic relation to you. We can look back at European history at a time before all the people who are today Germans thought of themselves as a single people, same with the tribes of Italy and so on and so forth.
Because of their proximity assimilation was possible as it is for Europeans. This is much different than dropping off a subsaharan African in the Netherlands.
2. Note the singular “a stranger”. That a lone foreigner may come to dwell in your community for some unusual but not malicious reason is not a cause for serious concern. Thousands of hostile foreigners made up mostly of fighting age males is not the same thing as what is being implied in this passage.
3. “Let him be among you as one of the same country” this assumes of course that the stranger can comport himself as “one of the same country”. Unassimilable non-Whites cannot. Once upon a time we pretended they could in order not to startle Whites noticing the invasion but now it is so clear that they can’t that they call you a racist if you even imply that they should.
4. “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's”
The law of the land is always to be respected. This assumes that the stranger among you is there legally. America is a republic, it was founded For the people. Those laws which are passed through corruption without the consent of the people or which are passed by deceiving the people cannot be considered legitimate.
This was how Hart Cellar was passed, with an explicit promise that it would not change demographics significantly.
So the passage does not apply to foreigners who are here illegally or whose presence destroys the homogeneity which Hart Cellar promised to preserve.
Another passage deliberately misunderstood by anti-nationalist Christians and anti-Christian nationalists alike.
1. In biblical times before modern transportation a stranger or neighbor was someone from the next tribe over. Someone likely to have a pretty close genetic relation to you. We can look back at European history at a time before all the people who are today Germans thought of themselves as a single people, same with the tribes of Italy and so on and so forth.
Because of their proximity assimilation was possible as it is for Europeans. This is much different than dropping off a subsaharan African in the Netherlands.
2. Note the singular “a stranger”. That a lone foreigner may come to dwell in your community for some unusual but not malicious reason is not a cause for serious concern. Thousands of hostile foreigners made up mostly of fighting age males is not the same thing as what is being implied in this passage.
3. “Let him be among you as one of the same country” this assumes of course that the stranger can comport himself as “one of the same country”. Unassimilable non-Whites cannot. Once upon a time we pretended they could in order not to startle Whites noticing the invasion but now it is so clear that they can’t that they call you a racist if you even imply that they should.
4. “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's”
The law of the land is always to be respected. This assumes that the stranger among you is there legally. America is a republic, it was founded For the people. Those laws which are passed through corruption without the consent of the people or which are passed by deceiving the people cannot be considered legitimate.
This was how Hart Cellar was passed, with an explicit promise that it would not change demographics significantly.
So the passage does not apply to foreigners who are here illegally or whose presence destroys the homogeneity which Hart Cellar promised to preserve.
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Sensible Catholicism

During the Penal times in Ireland, when it was illegal to be Catholic, the faithful clung to their Rosaries and refused to cave. On failing to subdue them in the 17th century, Oliver Cromwell wrote to his superiors, “All is not well with Ireland yet. You gave us the money, you gave us the guns. But let me tell you that every house in Ireland is a house of prayer, and when I bring these fanatical Irish before the muzzles of my guns, they hold up in their hands a string of beads, and they never surrender.” It was the power of the Holy Rosary that kept Ireland Catholic in spite of centuries of persecution.
Before civil rights and before Europe and America imported Chinese, Arabs, mestizos and nonwhites from all over the world there was just jews and Europeans and the beginning of all of this wasn’t just about race in general, it was when the French Revolution declared that jews were equals and the same as Europeans, against a millennia of strongly held belief and tradition that they were not.
Racial egalitarianism, feminism, and all the rest are jewish social movements. I find it hard to believe that a man as articulate as Taylor would be ignorant of Kevin Macdonald’s work.
The origin of the problem is the jew/White distinction. It is the cornerstone. If you destroy that the rest collapses with it. If you preserve it you preserve everything that followed after.
Racial egalitarianism, feminism, and all the rest are jewish social movements. I find it hard to believe that a man as articulate as Taylor would be ignorant of Kevin Macdonald’s work.
The origin of the problem is the jew/White distinction. It is the cornerstone. If you destroy that the rest collapses with it. If you preserve it you preserve everything that followed after.
Ideology is most often the intellectual rationalization of a congenital biological impulse. A man wants to love and be loved by a woman and live in peace with his neighbors, he becomes a Christian.
Another man wants to harm and dominate others, lusts after children and enjoys inflicting pain and terror, he becomes a muslim.
The fact that some groups adopt certain religions and how they manage to express their stated beliefs is proof that God authored these tendencies in groups as a whole and that exceptions prove the rule they don’t invalidate it. Environment may have a subtle effect in some, no true effect in others but only the grace of God performing a miracle could truly convert one of the Arab kind.
Public policy cannot be written in the hopes of God performing a miracle millions of times in the hearts of these people. To do so is to presume on God’s grace.
No alliance can be made with semites.
Another man wants to harm and dominate others, lusts after children and enjoys inflicting pain and terror, he becomes a muslim.
The fact that some groups adopt certain religions and how they manage to express their stated beliefs is proof that God authored these tendencies in groups as a whole and that exceptions prove the rule they don’t invalidate it. Environment may have a subtle effect in some, no true effect in others but only the grace of God performing a miracle could truly convert one of the Arab kind.
Public policy cannot be written in the hopes of God performing a miracle millions of times in the hearts of these people. To do so is to presume on God’s grace.
No alliance can be made with semites.

The rosary chat is for wholesome conversation and the prayer of the rosary. Every Wednesday at 9pm pacific time for sure and other days when available at the same time.
Rosary in about 12 minutes
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