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⬛️ Achtung!

Now Available on the Digital Library: The German Woman and National Socialism by Guida Diehl

Guida Diehl’s The German Woman and National Socialism is a foundational work exploring the vital role of women in shaping the national community, revitalizing cultural values, and ensuring the strength of the Volk. This book offers a compelling historical and ideological perspective on the German woman’s responsibilities, challenges, and contributions throughout history.

Table of Contents:

📖 Preface
📖 Chapter 1 | A Motherless People
📖 Chapter 2 | The Woman in Early Germanic Times
📖 Chapter 3 | The German Woman under Synagogue Law
📖 Chapter 4 | The German Woman in the Middle Ages
📖 Chapter 5 | The Longing for Freedom of the German Woman
📖 Chapter 6 | The Distinct Nature of Man & Woman & Its Importance for Family & Nation
📖 Chapter 7 | The Role & Position of Women in a National Community

143 Pages

📕 Hardcover print coming soon!

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Chapter 1. National Socialism

Part 1: National Socialism as a Party
The era of political parties is over! The German united front has been formed. If National Socialism still retains its full organization, it is for reasons of connecting with the people as a movement. For anyone who truly knows it, it is the profound soul movement of the oppressed German people—those who felt their oppression, disarmament, and humiliation. It is the self-reflection and internal revolt that we had long awaited. However, it had to appear in the political struggle as a party because Parliamentarianism necessitated the formation of parties; otherwise, it would not have had a voice in the parliaments and would not have been able to engage in counteraction. Only as a party could the movement achieve practical successes.

Since its goal was not merely to remain a soul movement but to provide practical help to the fatherland in its time of need, it had to act as a party. Yet, it encompasses much higher and deeper things than what is generally possible within party life. It is nothing less than the necessary uprising of the German soul against its corruption, subjugation, and trampling.

Anyone who cannot feel this anymore has lost their resilience over the long years of servitude and has adapted to the unbearable conditions, as unfortunately many have done. Others may have been seduced by the false doctrines of Marxism and Bolshevism, caring no longer for their people and fatherland because they have succumbed to international delusions.

We must be clear that what broke through here was truly the highest, sacred wrath of the people's soul. A powerful freedom movement was born, containing the last possibility of salvation. This has been proven without a doubt.
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⚡️ Sieg Heil German for Beginners by Gregory Conte

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⬛️ Achtung!

▫️Sieg Heil German for Beginners by Gregory Conte

⬛️Available for Pre-Order Today!

🌐Invisible Empire Publishing
A comrade translated the work with AI into Russian and verified the text! So now VITALIS is available in Russian!

Enjoy ⚡️

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From the very beginning, National Socialist women, having distanced themselves from the old women's movement during the struggle for Germany, have found the greatest and most noble purpose of their womanhood in fulfilling those tasks for the people and the state that the new organic worldview has entrusted to them as a duty toward the community, based on their unique inherent qualities. As a member of the community, a woman, just like a man, is placed in the position of responsibility for the life and survival of our people.

It is not enough for her to be merely a housewife, mother, or professional within the often narrow confines of her personal sphere. She must also actively participate in the major life questions of our people, questions that can only be organically resolved through the utmost fulfillment of duties by both men and women.

This book aims to affirm our womanhood and guide our work as women—always in relation to the entirety of the people—and to serve as a declaration of unconditional, responsible readiness for action in achieving our National Socialist goals. Beyond that, it seeks to be a mediator of the National Socialist experience for all those women who, with sincere intent and open hearts, strive to understand it.

Ellen Semmelroth and Renate v. Stieda

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⬛️In Stock! and Going Fast!⬛️

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⬛️ Achtung! 🟢

🗓Coming Soon!

📗Basic Ideas of National Socialist Economic Policy Edition 2 by Gottfried Feder

📘Basic Ideas of National Socialist Cultural Policy Edition 2 by Wolfgang Schulz

📕Building a Nation by Hermann Göring

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❗️Our site performed an update breaking the ability for U.S shipping to go through. This is now fixed and your orders should go through!

We apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Also, regarding shipping in the U.S we are working on ways to reduce the shipping price using a service that will auto negotiate shipping with U.S based carrier services.

Thank you all for your continued support!

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Part 12. The Third Reich

What should the new state that emerges from this struggle look like? The current state is merely a framework of individuals existing side by side for economic and cultural purposes. It is not a body born out of the national identity, nor does it serve as a necessary entity for a racially and nationally healthy people.

The present state’s structure is not based on any fundamental idea. However, the new national state must aim to elevate the national identity in its racially purest form, create a community of people that corresponds to this unique national identity, and lead it to a position of power in the global order. This ensures that the nation wields the influence granted to it by its unique characteristics and its divine mission.

From this fundamental idea, the following demands arise:

1. Racial Purity

The natural foundation of the people in its racial-national composition must receive the utmost care and attention. Any further racial mixing with foreign races, especially Judaization, must be strictly prevented.

This demand held particular significance for Hitler, as he had witnessed firsthand the continual mixing of Slavic and Jewish elements with German identity in Austria, observing the resulting “bastardization.”

For the German Reich, this principle would primarily mean excluding Mongolian, Negro, and Jewish elements from German marriages and promoting the health of families to raise a vigorous new generation. Great emphasis must be placed on ensuring the health of the coming generations by:

▫️Declaring those with hereditary illnesses unfit for reproduction.
▫️Strongly supporting childbirth in healthy families.

The principles of racial breeding, already applied to animals, must also be extended to humans. Individual hardships would be secondary to the nation’s future.


🎙AI Podcast Experiment: Mastering Life by Anton Holzner

We’re testing new AI capabilities with an experimental AI podcast that delves into Mastering Life by Anton Holzner. As the world changes quickly, it's crucial for organizations to adapt and use new tools available to us.

The AI podcast was fed the entire book and given some instructions to follow. The video was crafted with Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects.

We understand some may have reservations about AI, but change is inevitable. Enjoy the interesting AI Podcast.

Stay tuned for more updates! 📡

📖Book used in the AI Podcast Link - Click Here
⬛️Krieck, Ernst. National Political Education. National Socialism, pp. 33-48. 1936.
Translated by Daniel Zakal, 2024.

⬛️Partial Translation for the continuation of the "Basic Ideas of National Socialist Policy" books.

Stay tuned! 📡

⬛️ Achtung!

⚡️ Sieg Heil German for Beginners by Gregory Conte

🚛 To all who pre-ordered your books and other National Socialist items are on the way!

⬛️Stock is almost out but back-ordering is available! More stock coming!

⬛️ Stay tuned 📡
🌐Invisible Empire Publishing

Pre-orders for "White Power" by George Lincoln Rockwell will be available starting August 16th! 🗓

❗️We need 50 pre-orders to secure the funds required for all the necessary supplies and equipment to kickstart our in-house printing. This capability allows us to:

▫️Ensure continuous availability of our books
▫️Become the Print on Demand for your books
▫️Speed up book release schedules
▫️Take full control over print quality and customization, including new options like gold foil and various cover textures.

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Part 11. The Hammering In of the New Worldview

Adolf Hitler's greatness lies not only in his grasp of the fundamental ideas for a new German future and his undertaking of the struggle for the German soul but also in his clear recognition of the practical steps required to bring about the victory of this worldview.

He was not a visionary detached from practical reality, who soared into the intellectual realm but lost touch with the practical ground beneath his feet. Instead, he had an exceptionally clear understanding of how to embed his program into the masses.

Thus, he initially emphasized the importance of a simple and clear formulation of these principles. This was realized in the 25 Points of the National Socialist Program, which were adhered to with unwavering consistency over the years to maintain their simplicity, free from constant revisions or improvements.

This clear program had to be continually presented, explained, and hammered into the masses through written and spoken word, with the goal of inspiring them toward these ideals.

The Social Democrats, for example, had once captured the common people, who were well-disciplined by military service, and hammered them into rigid followers under the leadership of Jewish intellectuals. While the bourgeois parties, with their intellectual sophistication, often fell into disorganization, the simpler masses were fanatically won over by the relentless hammering in of specific political goals. Through the trade union movement, which served the masses practically, the Social Democrats created a pliable instrument through which the political will of their leaders could ultimately be realized.

Similarly, the National Socialist Movement had to aim at winning over the broader masses. The National Socialist Party, therefore, claims the right to assert that it created the national idea for practical purposes and presented it in a comprehensible worldview.

Such a fighting organization, however, is only possible if it succeeds in forming itself as a kind of combat army under the authority of leaders. The path must be cleared for leading individuals, and the endless voting must be replaced by clear intellectual leadership.

The struggle for power must be undertaken with utmost discipline so that the recognized truth can be fully realized in a new state.
⬛️In stock again! Demand is high get yours today!

🌐Invisible Empire Publishing
⬛️ Achtung!

Gregory Conte author of "Sieg Heil: German for Beginners" will be live tonight on the Radical Agenda podcast hosted by Christopher Cantwell. Don't miss out!

Show starts at: 9:30PM EST / 6:30PM PDT

Don’t forget to secure your copy of White Power!

Once we reach 50 orders, we can break free from the constraints of third-party print services!

We hope you'll support this initiative. This effort will not only allow us to print our own books but will also enable National Socialist publishers everywhere to utilize our printing services. No longer will anyone in our community be denied the opportunity to print books based on their cover design or content!

⬛️ Stay tuned 📡

⬛️Achtung! ✉️

❗️Secure Your Copy: Pre-Order "White Power" by George Lincoln Rockwell

Click Here for White Power!

🔸Starting August 16th, 🗓 This isn't just a purchase—it's a strategic investment in the future of our publishing operation.

🔴We need 50 pre-orders to lock down the funding necessary to acquire the critical supplies and equipment that will power our in-house printing. With your backing, we'll be able to:

⬛️Guarantee the constant availability of our titles
⬛️ Removal of costly middlemen.
⬛️Launch our own Print on Demand service tailored to your needs
⬛️Accelerate our release schedules, getting books to you faster
⬛️Take full command of print quality and customization, offering elite options like gold foil and rugged cover textures
⬛️ Become the go to Print Shop for all your printing needs.

📖Your pre-order isn't just about getting a book—it's about fueling our mission. We're counting on your support to drive this forward. Once we hit our goal, it may take up to three months to get the print shop fully operational, but every order brings us one step closer.

⚡️Thank you for standing with us. Your commitment keeps our operation strong and moving ahead.

⬛️Stay tuned for updates as we bring this vision to life.📡

If you already have White Power consider Donating to the effort! - Donation Link

We are excited to announce a new partnership between ⬛️Invisible Empire Publishing LLC and TeamEuropaLLC. Together, we'll grow through an affiliated partnership to help provide better awareness for educational resources and merchandise to our people.

Invisible Empire Publishing LLC offers German-to-English translated books and related merchandise.

TeamEuropaLLC provides and helps empower the critical docuseries Europa The Last Battle and also offers a range of merchandise.
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