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National Socialist World
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National Socialist World
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Kieth Woods:

"OMG guise it isn't 1933... it's 1848. Nationawism for everyone!"
Prussian Socialism 42: German History and the Future of Western Civilization Discussion feat William

Historian Leopold von Ranke argued that post-Roman Western Civilization is the amalgamation of Latin and Germanic cultures. It has given birth to six key nations: France, Spain and Italy; Scandinavia, England and Germany.

Join Greg Conte and William as we discuss Ranke's idea and its implications:

The political importance of Germany as the amalgamation of all foregoing European culture.
The Drang nach Osten vs settlement of the Americas.
The cultural future of Europe and America, what it is and what it must be.
Why AI is garbage and tech-CEOs are all retards.
Jewish biological evil.
And National Socialism as the final, perfect western political ideology.

And so much more!

Don't forget to buy Greg's all-NS German-language textbook "Sieg Heil: German for Beginners" published by Invisible Empire.

Available now!

Mentioned in the episode and worth a re-listen:

Last year's Halloween episode: Dante's Inferno


2022's Halloween episode: Blood-Sucking Jewish Vampires

Prussian Socialism 42: German History and the Future of Western Civilization Discussion feat William
Jewish lackey "Marxist Dog-girl" was hanging around the courthouse sneaking photos of me while I explained to this brown gentleman that the Augustus Invictus trial was a farce
On the Question of Islamic-Jewish relations, check out this translation from the Occidental Observer:

Johann von Leers was quite the scholar. Perhaps a bit eccentric... Nevertheless a committed National Socialist and antisemite.

He argues that Europeans might do well to learn from the Muslims in how to deal with invasive and manipulative Jews.
Typical divide-and-conquer bullshit. Jew-puppet JD Vance and the bourgeois media are attacking the Germans over the technicalities of their legal system.

"No free speech wah wah wah".

German speech laws work fine when there is a moral, native national-leadership. They didn't have "free speech" under Hitler or during the Kaiserreich either.

"Free speech" is a peculiarity of American law because of an 18th century lawyer-argument. It isn't central to our culture, and it shouldn't be central to your identity.

The important fact is that the Germans aren't free because they're a bitch-state of international Jewish finance. Just like us, Britain, France and every other White Western country.

ZOG is pushing jingoistic petit nationalism right now because it's useful to them. "Annex Canada" "Europoors don't have 1776" "War with Greenland" it's all horseshit distractions.

The Jews are in power, they need to be held accountable.
How to win a show-trial.

Our movement has been on the defensive in many politically motivated civil and criminal trials. We rarely win or even tie. This is because we have not figured out how to fight the manipulative tactics of Jewish and careerist-libshit lawyers.

Too much thought has gone into legal-technical tricks and not enough thought into molding the entire process to our advantage. We have not observed our enemies' methods and learned from them.

If you have the misfortune to end up on trial, here is what you need to do:

1) Feelings not thoughts. Do not argue logically. Just argue. In a ZOG Show-Trial, the prosecution will lean on emotion. Any facts or logic will be sprinkled in only to back up the emotion. Their thesis is very simple: "The defendant is bad. Very bad."

You cannot refute this by just arguing that you didn't do the crime. That's immaterial. You have to prove that they, the prosecution (and by extension the state), are bad.

This is very hard in a world where Jewish-leftist-bourgeois prosecutors can play to jurors' childlike understanding of morality. "The defendant is racist. Look at that poor black boy. He's blubbering. The defendant made that happen". Being more mature and rational people, we have a higher, more complex and adult understanding of morality. Which makes our position far harder to explain.

You will lose if you rely on logic. The overall tone of your defense has to be something between moral indignation and total outrage. You need to make the jurors feel that you have more conviction than the prosecutor, and therefore that you are in the right.

2) Tell a story. The prosecution has a narrative. You need one to counter theirs.

When the jury deliberates, a few libshit harpies will push all-out for your conviction. They will wear down all "conservative" hold-outs, because arguing negatively ("that didn't happen") is far harder than arguing positively. Only on rare instances will there be someone with extremely high moral character and a logical turn-of-mind who can resist this onslaught. You need to give the jurors who sympathize with you a positive story to throw back in the faces of the harpies.

3) Make them threaten you with contempt of court.

If the corrupt judge never says "I'll hold you in contempt" or "strike that remark from the record", you are not pushing hard enough. The prosecution's strategy is "find, fix, fuck". The "find" phase leads to your arrest. The "fix" phase is the pre-trial motions. They want to set up a trial wherein you cannot build a counter-narrative or mention such damning facts as the prosecutor's Antifa activity or campaign bribes. The jury needs to hear that for you to have a chance. If they don't... you'll get "fucked".

4) Break the atmosphere.

A show-trial relies on the appearance of dignity to lull the jurors into voting "guilty". If at the trial everything is calm and you feel like you're at church... you are right where they want you. You need to say something funny or outrageous to break the hypnosis. Better to look like a jackass than a quiet penitent.
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Augustus Invictus avatar
Augustus Invictus
Losing at trial is the first step toward taking a case to the United States Supreme Court and setting nationwide precedent.

Here, at this courthouse, where Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, & James Monroe all practiced law, is where it starts.

Making history, one day at a time.
Video from back when Panamanian leaders had some self-respect...

It would be much more just if the Judeo-US Empire came right out and said "yeah, we own you".

Instead, they put on this whole pretense of letting Latin America and Europe and wherever else run themselves.

Jews want all of the profit, none of the responsibility.
Really great discussion with Chris Cantwell. Very productive.

How to fight a show-trial
How to reform the legal system
What YOU can do to help our race

I encourage all of you to listen
This article is from the James Fields trial 6 years ago. It accurately describes the atmosphere of a trial in judge Richard Moore's courtroom. He heard both cases.

Only difference is, unlike in the Fields trial, this time there was a real defense.

We're still waiting on a verdict.
US counterinsurgency field manual 2014. LOL.

You can read the whole thing as an FBI strategy handbook if you just make a few word-substitutions:

For "insurgent" read "pro-White"
For "US forces" read "glowies"
For "host-nation" read "state and local authorities"

The government calls you a "DMV" "domestic violent (sic) extremist" in their internal paperwork. It stands to reason that they apply all of this doctrine to you
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Christopher Cantwell avatar
Christopher Cantwell
Augustus Invictus was found guilty today in a kangaroo court in Albemarle County.

I'll likely talk about that and little else.
Iranian Missiles Slam Zionist Military Infrastructure. Humane, Ultra-Precise Strikes Cause No Civilian Casualties. Jews Cope and Seethe
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