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Николаевский Ванёк
Николаевский Ванёк
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☀️The Sun Riders☀️ avatar
☀️The Sun Riders☀️
☀️The Sun Riders☀️ avatar
☀️The Sun Riders☀️
I think not treating the Fire of Muspelheim, the Air of Ginnungagap, and the Mist or Ice of Niflheim as divine (Gods) allows materialism to run rampant and infect the wider theories of a certain number of Germanic pagans.
CÚ CHULAINN: The Celtic Vishnu
Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHCJEERaDhc

I am excited to share this video, featuring a new triptych portrait of Cú Chulainn by artist Arnaud Carrasco, specially planned to highlight Cú Chulainn's most important symbolic traits.

You can find more of Arnaud's work here: Arnaudcarrasco.artstation.com


Cú Chulainn is a miraculously preserved instance of the Vishnu type.

As such, his stories provide priceless evidence regarding what the Indo-European Vishnu originally looked like.

This evidence even illuminates centuries-old debates between the Vaishnava and Shaivite sects of Hinduism -- possibly settling them once and for all.

Learn about Cú Chulainn, the unyielding, fame-hungry, dangerous, incarnate war god with a beast's form, who contains within himself the fiery energy that fuels the cosmos.

- O'Gravy, The Sun Riders
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Hammer and Vajra avatar
Hammer and Vajra
Cathbad, Ness, and Fachtna:
The Druid and the Horned Rudra-Serpent (Mythstream)

Who are Cathbad the Druid and Ness the Fianna warrior Woman?

And does the Rudra type have a consistent (horned) serpent form?

Thank you to Arno, Collin and Josephus for coming on to discuss.

- O’Gravy, The Sun Riders

I popped into Gnostic Informant’s livestream for a few minutes last night to explain my theory on the origin of Moses’ narrative

Gnostic is a Taliesin’s Map fan confirmed.



My argument:

If there was a single myth that included

1. An illicit golden sacrifice that gets angrily interrupted by a sage and then destroyed

2. The sage receives codified/numbered transmissions of knowledge and ritual practices from the high god, who speaks to him from a mountain

3.Several of the same plagues as are in Exodus

4.The sage gets into a contest of divine powers with the king and protects himself from the divine wrath by making a symbolic mark over him

5.When giving the knowledge the sage has his head changed into a head that is elsewhere described as horned with light, similar to Moses

6. Parallels to Moses striking the rock and to Miriam becoming leprous

If all of these were found in ONE myth

It would be VERY interesting.

- O’Gravy
Exodus is an epic story.

I’m glad the Vedic people composed (and lived parts of) it.

This is what is shared between the Song of the Sea and its model in the Rig Veda:

Same structure and very similar phrases, in addition to uncannily similar story.

- O’Gravy, The Sun Riders
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Einheri's Channel avatar
Einheri's Channel
Many Germanic reconstructionists in the past few years have integrated the ancient Germanic Luni-Solar calendar into their contemporary religious practice, but there is one simple fact about the ancient Germanic calendar that many get wrong - the months did not begin on new moons, but on full moons.

We can illustrate this based on a couple of sources, namely Bede's De Temporum Ratione. That the ancient Germanic months corresponded to the Lunar cycle is well-established. That the ancient Germanic people recognized two yearly seasons, winter and summer, is also well-known. We learn from Bede that among the ancient English, winter begun on a Full Moon of a month called Winterfilleth:

"Hence, they called the month in which the winter season began 'Winterfilleth,' a name made up from 'winter' and 'full Moon,' because winter began on the Full Moon of that month."

Supposing that the Germanic months begun on New Moons, this would make a season begin in the middle of a month, which would be quite odd. But let see what Bede has to say further:

"The months of Yule derive their name from the day when the Sun turns back [and begins] to increase, because one of [these months] precedes [this day] and the other follows."

We know that Bede isn't referring to the Winter Solstice in this instance, but to a generally recognized belief of the ancient cosmology that the Sun literally moves away from the Earth in winter and closer in summer, resulting in the coldness and warmth of the seasons. But what is more striking here is the fact that while it's usually claimed that Yule Moon is the Full Moon in the middle of the second Yulemonth, Bede says that the first Yulemonth precedes this point and the other follows it, he does not say that Yule takes place in the middle of the second Yulemonth. The only logical explanation here is that Yule takes place between these two months. Keeping in mind that Winter begins on a Full Moon, Midwinter, likewise, taking place three months after its beginning, must take place on a Full Moon. Therefore, this other excerpt suggests that the second Yulemonth begun on a Full Moon, thus the ancient English months begun on a Full Moon.

This logic then further explains the later English attestations of the names of the two Yulemonths - Ǣrra-ġēolamōnaþ [Ere-Yulemonth] and Æfterra-ġēolamōnaþ [After-Yulemonth]. Yule is the Full Moon between these two Yulemonths and the first month precedes Yule, while the second takes place after Yule.
My honest reaction:


Yemo and Mannus is a debunked theory based on strawman linguistics

It was well-intentioned but belongs to the past now

- O’Gravy, The Sun Riders
Check out the Gnostic Informant stream from today.
I had a great chat with Neal and Auld Boy on Soma, Dionysus and much more.

New video:

--- in the Punjab??

Song of the Sea

-- BORROWED from the Rig Veda?


Does this prove the theory that Exodus (at least) was composed at the Library of Alexandria, as Gad Barnea has suggested?

- O’Gravy, the Sun Riders
It amazes me that scholars haven’t noticed that almost all of the Signs/Plagues of Moses can be found in the Indian mythic tradition, and attached to a sage who transmits sacred texts from the high god and protests an illegal golden sacrifice.

Here’s a handy list of the Omens:

Siva Purana (2.2.34). vs. Exodus
Called: “Omens” = “Signs and Wonders”
Source: https://www.wisdomlib.org/hinduism/book/shiva-purana-english/d/doc226054.html

1.Darkness = Darkness
(Related celestial phenomena: The sun also appeared spotted, Stars at noon, Falling stars and meteors)
2.Locusts = Locusts
3.Moths = Gnats/Flies
4.Weather: Rough winds and dust/whirlwinds = Thunder and Hail
5.Illness: Vomiting blood and bone = Pestilence/Boils/Lice
(Also other illness: “They became unsteady and tremulous…They felt miserable…Their eyes resembled fading lotuses…or flowers…with dews trickling from them.”)
6.Jackals/Vultures = Wild animals
7.Showers of blood = River of blood
8.Makes trident sign of Siva in the air, using kusa grass, to be protected from divine onslaught = Makes three-stroke sign with blood on doorpost, using grassy shrub hyssop, to be protected from divine onslaught

Blaze = (No parallel)
Earthquake = (No parallel)
(No parallel) = Frogs

A variant of these omens is also in the Mahabharata (12.284), and a separate feud found in the Mahabharata and Skanda Purana contains 2 other parallels:

Mahabharata and Skanda Purana vs. Exodus

9.River turned to blood by a sage (during a separate feud, Mbh. 9.42; SP = River turned to blood by Moses
10.Killing of all the opponent’s sons via a demon (also during this other feud, Mbh. 1.178) = Killing of all the firstborns of the Egyptians via a destroying angel
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Awenyddau avatar
Lugh a warrior and a deity of exceptional versatility. He is shown with a radiant golden crown symbolizing his solar associations and divine authority. The three faces suggest omniscience and mastery over multiple disciplines, a trait often linked to Lugus in Gaulish representations. He wields Gáe Assail, his legendary spear known for its unfailing accuracy and power. Tied to the butt of the spear is his sling, Tathlum, which is also a weapon of great renown. Around his hip rests Fragarach, the sword of ultimate retribution, which could cut through any defense.

The hound at his side is Failinis, Lugh's loyal companion, known for its incredible strength and unyielding loyalty. His mantle, fastened by a silver brooch, reflects descriptions from the Táin Bó Cúailnge, and he wears a golden torc, a symbol of his kingship and divine authority. The ornate arch and solar imagery in the backdrop further highlight his status as a paramount god in Celtic mythology and a figure of leadership and skill. - Cathal
Special Samhain episode.


Who is Aillen, the Burner, defeated by Fionn on Samhain?

What myth does this battle parallel?

And is Diwali from a shared root with Samhain?

Thank you to Boban Saor for pointing out several of the details in this video and aiding me with the Gaelic.

Happy Samhain to everyone.

- O’Gravy, The Sun Riders
Who is the Celtic Vishnu? (SUMMARY Version)

This is the summarized version of my longer video on Cú Chulainn and Vishnu — for those who are short on time.

Watch: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KkFS7LwNqFU

Thank you again to Arnaud Carrasco for the amazing artwork featured in the video.

Arnaud Carrasco:


Cú Chulainn is a miraculously preserved instance of the Vishnu type, embodying numerous "avatars" of this god type all within himself.

Learn about Cú Chulainn.

- O’Gravy, The Sun Riders
The only point that I didn’t show a match for between Fionn and Odin in my previous video was the never-missing spear of Odin.

But Fionn’s spear is thus. As we see in the Colloquy of the Ancients, it was a spear that “never had a missing throw”:

nír dibraicedh urchar n-imraill dhi

He is Odin.

- O’Gravy, The Sun Riders
Were the Celts Tantrics? The Celtic Kali and Bhairava (Mythstream)

We look at the hags Irnan and Orddu and the fierce hero Goll mac Morna, identifying an archaic tantric pattern that spreads across Europe and must go back to Proto-Indo-European religion.

Thank you to Collin for coming on to discuss.

Watch: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pr4zH8w4uxE

- O’Gravy, The Sun Riders
I uploaded a corrected version of the Hymn to Finn.

The first version had an error caused by the online transcription of the Orphic hymn.

Thanks to Josephus for identifying and fixing the error.


- O’Gravy, The Sun Riders
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