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All eyes on Rome
The Papacy is the Antichrist
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The Pope and his Talmud

The brilliant English Puritan preacher and historian John Foxe, renowned for his work, commonly known as Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, chronicles the innumerable atrocities committed by Rome, the Mother of Harlots, against true Christians, of whom today are recognized as the Baptists. Few realize that what is being sold today as Foxe’s Book of Martyrs only contains approximately 4% of the original work that Mr. Foxe authored. The original version was titled The Actes and Monuments and contains 8 volumes in its unabridged edition.

John Foxe four centuries ago, knew something that many in the alternative media today are completely unaware of. Those who hold to the Biblically and historically erroneous “Jew World Order” theory love to rail on the Jews for their Babylonian Talmud. What they do not even bother to consider is that the Pope and his Jesuits have been very active in the promulgation of the Talmud. Foxe writes:

“If thefe¹ Articles (fundamentals of the faith) be made Herefies, which refer the benefit of our inheritance of life and falvation to Gods gift, and not to our labours; to grace, and not to merits; to faith, and not to the law of works; then let us fhut up clean the New Teftament, and away with Gods Word, and fet up a new Divinity of the Popes making ; yea, let us leave Chrift with his heretical Gofpel, and in his ftead fet up the Bifhop of Rome with his Talmud, and become the Difciples of his Decretals.”
-The Actes and Monuments of Martyrs by John Foxe page 507, parenthesis added.

¹In Early Modern English “f” and “s” were sometimes used interchangeably.

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Mussolini and Hitler, Masonic Pawns for the Pope

Mussolini was a Freemason according to the 33rd degree Freemason Bertrand M. Tipple in his work Alien Rome. This is substantiated by Architects of Deception: The Concealed History of Freemasons by Jüri Lina, The Ruling Elite: Death, Destruction, and Domination by Deanna Spingola, and Codex Magica by Texe Marrs.

Franz Bardon, a Czech Occultist, alias Frabato the Magician, was an influential Occultist of the 20th century. Bardon, an acquaintance of Hitler, authored several unpublished works. After his death his secretary published one of his manuscripts that being an autobiography entitled Frabato the Magician. According to the preface, Adolf Hitler was a member of Der Freimaurerischer Orden der Goldene Centurie (The Masonic Order of the Golden Century) in Dresden, commonly known as Lodge 99. This is vindicated by Architects of Deception and by photographic evidence of Hitler repeatedly using Masonic hand gestures and handshakes.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕁𝕖𝕤𝕦𝕚𝕥𝕠𝕔𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕪 𝔼𝕩𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕖𝕕
Popish Skull & Bones and its Black Equivalent, the Boulé Society

We read the following concerning the Skull & Bones initiation ceremony in Alexandra Robbins’ work Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League and the Hidden Paths of Power,

“In the Inner Temple... a senior dressed as the Pope sits in the chair to the left of the fireplace with one foot, covered in a white slipper monogrammed
'SBT,’ perched on a stone skull... The initiate bends to kiss the Pope's slippered toe on the skull.”
-Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League and the Hidden Paths of Power by Alexandra Robbins pages 119-120.

No wonder why the infamous Skull & Bonesman George W. Bush said that he saw God in the eyes of the Pope in an interview with Raymond Arroyo on April 11th, 2008.

Skull & Bones membership is strictly relegated to whites, similar to Scottish Rite Freemasonry, and like the lodge, there is also a black equivalent. The black secret society which is the match meet of Skull & Bones is the Boulé Society. This fact is openly denied but is undoubtedly confirmed by the Boulé Society’s official historian. Charles H. Wesley states the following regarding Dr. Henry McKee Minton, the main founder of the Boulé Society,

Minton wanted to create an organization which would partake, in his own words, of ‘the tenets of Skull and Bones at Yale and Phi Beta Kappa.’”
-The History of Sigma Pi Phi¹ by Charles H. Wesley page 28.

One of the most famous members of the Society was the Pope’s token negro, Michael King, falsely known as “Martin Luther King Jr.”

¹The formal name for the Boulé Society

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Churchill, FDR and Stalin | Masonic Foot Soldiers for the Pope

It is indisputable that Churchill and FDR were Freemasons. Churchill was initiated into England’s Studholme Mason Lodge No. 1591. While FDR joined the Holland Lodge, No. 8 in New York City, later becoming a 32nd Degree Shriner Freemason. On the other hand, concerning Stalin, it is a well kept secret that he was also a man of “the Craft.” Jim Shaw the born again, former 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason and author of The Deadly Deception told William T. Still (author of New World Order the Ancient Plan of Secret Societies) in a interview that each member of “Thee Big Three” were Freemasons. This is substantiated by Texe Marrs in his Codex Magica: Secret Signs, Mysterious Symbols, and Hidden Codes of the Illuminati, as well as John Daniel’s book Scarlet and the Beast: A History of the War Between English and French Freemasonry. Bill Cooper, author of Behold a Pale Horse also concurred in an interview with William Morgan.

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“Vicar of Christ” and “Antichrist” are Synonymous Terms!

James Aitken Wylie in his 1888 work The Papacy is the Antichrist: A Demonstration states the following:

The first, ‘Antichrist,’ is a Greek word, the second, ‘Vicar,’ is an English word; but the two are in reality one, for both words have the same meaning. Antichrist translated into English is Vice-Christ, or Vicar of Christ; and Vicar of Christ, rendered into Greek is Antichrist - Antichristos. If we can establish thisand the ordinary use of the word by those to whom the Greek was a vernacular, is decisive on the point –we shall have no difficulty in showing that this is the meaning of the word ‘Antichrist,’ –even a Vice-Christ. And if so, then every time the Pope claims to be the Vicar of Christ, he pleads at the bar of the world that he is the ‘Antichrist.’”
-The Papacy is the Antichrist: A Demonstration by James Aitken Wylie, Chapter One.

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Jesuit Priest John LaFarge Jr. was the “Father” of the Civil Rights Movement

In this excerpt from the documentary Occupied by Rome, Drake Shelton elucidates how the Jesuits inspired the Civil Rights Movement for the purpose of weakening the majority White Protestant and Baptist nation of America with the cultural genocide known as “interracialism.”

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Jesuit Marxism by John Daniel (Part Two)

In his book, "Ecclesiastical Megalomania," author John W. Robbins notes the following:
"One of the Roman Church-State's most influential statements on economic matters is the 1891 encyclical Rerum Novarum, On the the Condition of the working Classes. In this encyclical the Roman Church-State allied herself with the proletariat, which in Marxism is the great and final enemy of the capitalist order. The encyclical's Marxism is so blatant that one Roman Catholic writer declared that 'much of encyclical (Rerum Novarum) appeared only to repeat in more orthodox language what Marx had said ten years before'.... Indeed, there are paragraphs, if not pages,
in The Communist Manifesto that might have been written by the pope..."
Then, incredibly, after about a hundred years of various Papal diatribes against Communism in all its forms, the Sunday Times of London reported that:
"Karl Marx, who famously described religion as 'the opium of the people', has joined Galileo, Charles Darwin and Oscar Wilde on growing list of historical figures to have undergone an unlikely reappraisal by the Roman Catholic Church."
The article goes on to quote Georg Sans, a professor at the Vatican's Gregorian University, who, with the utmost subtlety, speaks about Marxism in a way that seems carefully designed to undermine capitalism and promote the communist principles that Rome has always aligned herself with. Any study of the Papal influence in world governments–will prove that Capitalism, which is the promotion of free enterprise, is the very antithesis of official Roman Catholic dogma. Because of these things, we cannot help but consider the possibility that the real purpose of the McCarthy era was to manipulated the American mentality with Hegelian tactics, intended in take the anti-Communist fury to such an extreme that it would become offensive to the American people. McCarthy's methods were so unreasonable that the idea of condemning someone for being a Communist was collectively shunned. If we consider the growing influence of Communism today, we can only wonder if McCarthyism had been part of the Jesuits greater plan all along: condition the people to despise anti-Communist "witch-hunting," then use their desire for toleration as an open door to usher in a more moderate version of it (i.e. Socialism) later on. Such tactics would be impossible to believe, except for the fact that we find Rome on both sides of the issue.


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Jesuit Marxism by John Daniel (Part One)

To understand the Hegalian character of Jesuitical deception, (Hegalian dialectic, a very old Jesuit principle.) we must consider that the doctrines of Communism were designed by the Jesuits through what were known as their Reductions in Paraguay in the 17th and 18th centuries, which were a series of communes in which Jesuit priest exercised authority over the natives there. In that environment, the Jesuit Order maintained control over a group of South American Guarani Indians, who they educated and trained to work on their behalf, generating goods that were later sold in the markets of Europe. From a 1933 book titled, "The Revolutionary Movement" by J. Findlater, we read the following:
"...the Jesuits had established twenty strong Mission centres, called Reductions, with many thousands of the Guaranis enrolled as their members....The Jesuits aimed to set up there a completely communistic system, in the sense that no individual rights were recognized and there was no private property. Everything belonged to the State, and was supposed to be shared in common. But in reality much the greater part of the proceeds of goods sold was always remitted to the Camarilla (Jesuit superiors) in Europe; and the Guaranis got only the bare necessities of life in return for their toil and sweat."
The Jesuit leaders provided the necessary food, clothing, and health care the Indians needed, while using them as "worker bees" to generate income for the order. Just as the Soviet Union would do in the 20th century, the Jesuits maintained strict control over the activities of their subjects:
"...neither would they allow any Guarani to learn Spanish, nor would they tolerate and intercourse between the Guaranis and the peoples of the surrounding Spanish Colonies–a prohibition maintained at the sword's point."
They perfected their system of totalitarian control, all the while telling the world that their oppression over other people was, in fact, "Utopia," a deluded fantasy maintained by some Catholic historians to this day.  Perhaps worst of all is that the Jesuit did not present any form of the Gospel or what might be called the Christian faith to these poor Indians.
"There is no evidence that any effort was ever made by the Jesuits to impart the truths, properly so called, of the Christian religion....When the Jesuits were expelled, the Guaranis, having had no moral or religious training to fit them to continue in the Christian Faith, in a few years....became as if no religious teachers had ever lived and worked among them...."
The ideas the Jesuits developed in Paraguay over a period of 158 years, were then communicated to Karl Marx in the nineteenth century:
"For five years Karl Marx went to the Jesuit school in Trier, which during the Prussian period was known as the Friederich-Wilhem Gymnasium."
Along with Karl Marx, other leading Communists like Joseph Stalin and Fidel Castro were also trained by the Jesuits. In fact, the former Jesuit General, Pedro Arrupe (1965-1983) once boasted:
"And what makes you think we are not proud of Fidel Castro?" While it is true that the Popes are known for condemning Communism, this on their part seems to be more political manipulation than anything else, since Rome has repeatedly supported the principles of Communist thought. "The Communist Manifesto" was first published in 1848, and within less than fifty years we find the Vatican publishing declarations in agreement with it.


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The Jesuits & McCarthyism by John Daniel

One of the darkest periods in America's history was the McCarthy era in which a modern day Inquisition was set up to search out Communists, who were effectively known as the political "heretics" of the time. What few people today know, however, is that Senator Joseph McCarthy was directly influenced by the Jesuit Order to begin his political movement that would operate with all the unreasonable zealousness that Rome's historic Inquisition was known for… Joe McCarthy himself was educated by the Jesuits at Marquette University.  It is said that his Jesuit was a mentor named Edmund A. Walsh, S.J, a man known as an "anti-Communist" whose influence seems to have woefully infected his famous pupil. By the time McCarthy's career as the American Inquisitor was over, he would be reduced to bitterness, humiliation and alcoholism. Patrick McNamara is an Archivist at the diocese of Brooklyn and teaches history at St. Francis College, St. Joseph's Seminary, and the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception. This book (A Catholic Cold War) is the first biography in 42 years of the priest and educator whom historians have called the most important anti-communist in the country. Edmund A. Walsh, as dean of Georgetown College and founder in 1919 of its School of Foreign Service, is one of the most influential Catholic figures of the 20th century. Soon after the birth of the Bolshevik state, he directed the Papal Relief Mission in the Soviet Union, starting a lifelong immersion in Soviet and Communist affairs. He also established a Jesuit college in Baghdad, and served as a consultant to the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal. A pioneer in the new science of geopolitics,(another way to say social engineering) Walsh became one of Truman's most trusted advisers on Soviet strategy.  He wrote four books, dozens of articles, and gave thousands of speeches on the moral and political threat of Soviet Communism in America. Although he died in 1956, Walsh left an indelible imprint on the ideology and practical politics of Cold War Washington, moving easily outside the traditional boundaries of American Catholic life and becoming, in the words of one historian, practically an institution by himself. Few priests, indeed few Catholics, played so large a role in shaping American foreign policy in the 20th centuryMcCarthyism is said to have been born in Washington D.C. on January 7, 1950: "That night, a meeting took place at the Colony restaurant, a four-star establishment in downtown Washington. Attending were four men: Georgetown University politics professor Charles Kraus, attorney William A. Roberts, Fr. Edmund A. Walsh, a Jesuit and the head of Georgetown's School of Foreign Service, and Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy.  Of the four men, of course, the most notorious is Senator McCarthy....But perhaps the more important man to history on the night of January 7 was Edmund Walsh, the Georgetown Jesuit."
"On February 9, 1950, a little more than a month later, McCarthy made his infamous speech in Wheeling, West Virginia, announcing he had a list of the names of 205 Communists in the State Department.  Many in the media, even the Catholic media, had no doubt that Walsh had been the spur that propelled McCarthy.  The Catholic magazine the Churchman wrote in 1951 that McCarthy 'only fires the guns that are made for him by Father Edmund Walsh, SJ.' The Christian Century referred to Walsh as McCarthy's advisor. In 1953 leftist journalist I.F. Stone claimed that McCarthy 'has had the guidance of Father Walsh.”
It can be said that American Catholics have had some of the strongest voices in opposition to Communist influence in this country and around the world. It is likely that most of them are very sincere in their views. But how many of them are aware of Rome's ties to Marxism, ties that go back to the 19th century within decades of the first release of The Communist Manifesto? They would rightly ask: why would Rome condemn something on one hand, only to support it on the other?


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Популярні публікації Beast Watch

Vatican Chief of Intelligence Confesses: “I am a Mason and so is Pope Francis.”

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕁𝕖𝕤𝕦𝕚𝕥𝕠𝕔𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕪 𝔼𝕩𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕖𝕕
Mussolini and Hitler, Masonic Pawns for the Pope

Mussolini was a Freemason according to the 33rd degree Freemason Bertrand M. Tipple in his work Alien Rome. This is substantiated by Architects of Deception: The Concealed History of Freemasons by Jüri Lina, The Ruling Elite: Death, Destruction, and Domination by Deanna Spingola, and Codex Magica by Texe Marrs.

Franz Bardon, a Czech Occultist, alias Frabato the Magician, was an influential Occultist of the 20th century. Bardon, an acquaintance of Hitler, authored several unpublished works. After his death his secretary published one of his manuscripts that being an autobiography entitled Frabato the Magician. According to the preface, Adolf Hitler was a member of Der Freimaurerischer Orden der Goldene Centurie (The Masonic Order of the Golden Century) in Dresden, commonly known as Lodge 99. This is vindicated by Architects of Deception and by photographic evidence of Hitler repeatedly using Masonic hand gestures and handshakes.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕁𝕖𝕤𝕦𝕚𝕥𝕠𝕔𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕪 𝔼𝕩𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕖𝕕
Jesuit Priest John LaFarge Jr. was the “Father” of the Civil Rights Movement

In this excerpt from the documentary Occupied by Rome, Drake Shelton elucidates how the Jesuits inspired the Civil Rights Movement for the purpose of weakening the majority White Protestant and Baptist nation of America with the cultural genocide known as “interracialism.”

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕁𝕖𝕤𝕦𝕚𝕥𝕠𝕔𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕪 𝔼𝕩𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕖𝕕
Churchill, FDR and Stalin | Masonic Foot Soldiers for the Pope

It is indisputable that Churchill and FDR were Freemasons. Churchill was initiated into England’s Studholme Mason Lodge No. 1591. While FDR joined the Holland Lodge, No. 8 in New York City, later becoming a 32nd Degree Shriner Freemason. On the other hand, concerning Stalin, it is a well kept secret that he was also a man of “the Craft.” Jim Shaw the born again, former 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason and author of The Deadly Deception told William T. Still (author of New World Order the Ancient Plan of Secret Societies) in a interview that each member of “Thee Big Three” were Freemasons. This is substantiated by Texe Marrs in his Codex Magica: Secret Signs, Mysterious Symbols, and Hidden Codes of the Illuminati, as well as John Daniel’s book Scarlet and the Beast: A History of the War Between English and French Freemasonry. Bill Cooper, author of Behold a Pale Horse also concurred in an interview with William Morgan.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕁𝕖𝕤𝕦𝕚𝕥𝕠𝕔𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕪 𝔼𝕩𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕖𝕕
The Pope and his Talmud

The brilliant English Puritan preacher and historian John Foxe, renowned for his work, commonly known as Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, chronicles the innumerable atrocities committed by Rome, the Mother of Harlots, against true Christians, of whom today are recognized as the Baptists. Few realize that what is being sold today as Foxe’s Book of Martyrs only contains approximately 4% of the original work that Mr. Foxe authored. The original version was titled The Actes and Monuments and contains 8 volumes in its unabridged edition.

John Foxe four centuries ago, knew something that many in the alternative media today are completely unaware of. Those who hold to the Biblically and historically erroneous “Jew World Order” theory love to rail on the Jews for their Babylonian Talmud. What they do not even bother to consider is that the Pope and his Jesuits have been very active in the promulgation of the Talmud. Foxe writes:

“If thefe¹ Articles (fundamentals of the faith) be made Herefies, which refer the benefit of our inheritance of life and falvation to Gods gift, and not to our labours; to grace, and not to merits; to faith, and not to the law of works; then let us fhut up clean the New Teftament, and away with Gods Word, and fet up a new Divinity of the Popes making ; yea, let us leave Chrift with his heretical Gofpel, and in his ftead fet up the Bifhop of Rome with his Talmud, and become the Difciples of his Decretals.”
-The Actes and Monuments of Martyrs by John Foxe page 507, parenthesis added.

¹In Early Modern English “f” and “s” were sometimes used interchangeably.

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Dr. Bryan Ardis (DC) asserts that the Jesuits are orchestrating the Covid Narrative and are precipitating the Hispano-Catholic Invasion of America.

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The Collaboration Between Fascism and Communism

Jesuit Stalin and Jesuit-Advised Catholic Hitler were covertly working together throughout the duration of WWII, also known as the second part of the Pope’s Second Thirty Years War. The liaison between Stalin and Hitler was Jesuit coadjutor Martin Bormann. Both of these 20th Century Catholic Crusades (Fascism and Communism) were cultivated from the same seeds of Jesuitism. This excerpt from the documentary The Soviet Story illustrates many of the parallels between “the motherland” and “the fatherland.”

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“Vicar of Christ” and “Antichrist” are Synonymous Terms!

James Aitken Wylie in his 1888 work The Papacy is the Antichrist: A Demonstration states the following:

The first, ‘Antichrist,’ is a Greek word, the second, ‘Vicar,’ is an English word; but the two are in reality one, for both words have the same meaning. Antichrist translated into English is Vice-Christ, or Vicar of Christ; and Vicar of Christ, rendered into Greek is Antichrist - Antichristos. If we can establish thisand the ordinary use of the word by those to whom the Greek was a vernacular, is decisive on the point –we shall have no difficulty in showing that this is the meaning of the word ‘Antichrist,’ –even a Vice-Christ. And if so, then every time the Pope claims to be the Vicar of Christ, he pleads at the bar of the world that he is the ‘Antichrist.’”
-The Papacy is the Antichrist: A Demonstration by James Aitken Wylie, Chapter One.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕁𝕖𝕤𝕦𝕚𝕥𝕠𝕔𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕪 𝔼𝕩𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕖𝕕
Jesuit Marxism by John Daniel (Part One)

To understand the Hegalian character of Jesuitical deception, (Hegalian dialectic, a very old Jesuit principle.) we must consider that the doctrines of Communism were designed by the Jesuits through what were known as their Reductions in Paraguay in the 17th and 18th centuries, which were a series of communes in which Jesuit priest exercised authority over the natives there. In that environment, the Jesuit Order maintained control over a group of South American Guarani Indians, who they educated and trained to work on their behalf, generating goods that were later sold in the markets of Europe. From a 1933 book titled, "The Revolutionary Movement" by J. Findlater, we read the following:
"...the Jesuits had established twenty strong Mission centres, called Reductions, with many thousands of the Guaranis enrolled as their members....The Jesuits aimed to set up there a completely communistic system, in the sense that no individual rights were recognized and there was no private property. Everything belonged to the State, and was supposed to be shared in common. But in reality much the greater part of the proceeds of goods sold was always remitted to the Camarilla (Jesuit superiors) in Europe; and the Guaranis got only the bare necessities of life in return for their toil and sweat."
The Jesuit leaders provided the necessary food, clothing, and health care the Indians needed, while using them as "worker bees" to generate income for the order. Just as the Soviet Union would do in the 20th century, the Jesuits maintained strict control over the activities of their subjects:
"...neither would they allow any Guarani to learn Spanish, nor would they tolerate and intercourse between the Guaranis and the peoples of the surrounding Spanish Colonies–a prohibition maintained at the sword's point."
They perfected their system of totalitarian control, all the while telling the world that their oppression over other people was, in fact, "Utopia," a deluded fantasy maintained by some Catholic historians to this day.  Perhaps worst of all is that the Jesuit did not present any form of the Gospel or what might be called the Christian faith to these poor Indians.
"There is no evidence that any effort was ever made by the Jesuits to impart the truths, properly so called, of the Christian religion....When the Jesuits were expelled, the Guaranis, having had no moral or religious training to fit them to continue in the Christian Faith, in a few years....became as if no religious teachers had ever lived and worked among them...."
The ideas the Jesuits developed in Paraguay over a period of 158 years, were then communicated to Karl Marx in the nineteenth century:
"For five years Karl Marx went to the Jesuit school in Trier, which during the Prussian period was known as the Friederich-Wilhem Gymnasium."
Along with Karl Marx, other leading Communists like Joseph Stalin and Fidel Castro were also trained by the Jesuits. In fact, the former Jesuit General, Pedro Arrupe (1965-1983) once boasted:
"And what makes you think we are not proud of Fidel Castro?" While it is true that the Popes are known for condemning Communism, this on their part seems to be more political manipulation than anything else, since Rome has repeatedly supported the principles of Communist thought. "The Communist Manifesto" was first published in 1848, and within less than fifty years we find the Vatican publishing declarations in agreement with it.


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Jesuit Marxism by John Daniel (Part Two)

In his book, "Ecclesiastical Megalomania," author John W. Robbins notes the following:
"One of the Roman Church-State's most influential statements on economic matters is the 1891 encyclical Rerum Novarum, On the the Condition of the working Classes. In this encyclical the Roman Church-State allied herself with the proletariat, which in Marxism is the great and final enemy of the capitalist order. The encyclical's Marxism is so blatant that one Roman Catholic writer declared that 'much of encyclical (Rerum Novarum) appeared only to repeat in more orthodox language what Marx had said ten years before'.... Indeed, there are paragraphs, if not pages,
in The Communist Manifesto that might have been written by the pope..."
Then, incredibly, after about a hundred years of various Papal diatribes against Communism in all its forms, the Sunday Times of London reported that:
"Karl Marx, who famously described religion as 'the opium of the people', has joined Galileo, Charles Darwin and Oscar Wilde on growing list of historical figures to have undergone an unlikely reappraisal by the Roman Catholic Church."
The article goes on to quote Georg Sans, a professor at the Vatican's Gregorian University, who, with the utmost subtlety, speaks about Marxism in a way that seems carefully designed to undermine capitalism and promote the communist principles that Rome has always aligned herself with. Any study of the Papal influence in world governments–will prove that Capitalism, which is the promotion of free enterprise, is the very antithesis of official Roman Catholic dogma. Because of these things, we cannot help but consider the possibility that the real purpose of the McCarthy era was to manipulated the American mentality with Hegelian tactics, intended in take the anti-Communist fury to such an extreme that it would become offensive to the American people. McCarthy's methods were so unreasonable that the idea of condemning someone for being a Communist was collectively shunned. If we consider the growing influence of Communism today, we can only wonder if McCarthyism had been part of the Jesuits greater plan all along: condition the people to despise anti-Communist "witch-hunting," then use their desire for toleration as an open door to usher in a more moderate version of it (i.e. Socialism) later on. Such tactics would be impossible to believe, except for the fact that we find Rome on both sides of the issue.


𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕁𝕖𝕤𝕦𝕚𝕥𝕠𝕔𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕪 𝔼𝕩𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕖𝕕
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