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SanatanaDharma avatar
Dieses kurze Büchlein ist eine kurze Einführung in die alte religiöse Tradition, die als Sanātana Dharma oder „Der ewige natürliche Weg“ bekannt ist. Sanātana Dharma ist auch als vedische Tradition oder alternativ als „Hinduismus“ bekannt. Sanātana Dharma ist der Ursprung von Yoga, Meditation, Naturheilkunde, Kampfkunst und spiritueller Kultur. „Willkommen auf dem Weg von Sanātana Dharma“ ist als äußerst erschwingliches und sehr leicht verständliches Büchlein konzipiert, das leicht an aufrichtige Personen verteilt werden kann, die mehr über unsere religiöse Tradition erfahren möchten. Es behandelt die Geschichte, Philosophie, Theologie und Praktiken von Sanātana Dharma auf eine leicht verständliche Weise. Wenn Sie jemanden kennen, den Sie in die Religion von Sanātana Dharma einführen möchten, dann ist für ihn dieses Büchlein der einfachste Einstieg.

Let us leave aside every other pursuit for now, and with seriousness, inquire into the Highest Truth, knowing which all is known. Up until now, for numberless lifetimes, we have wandered in search of one material goal after the next, ignorant of the fact that everything in this world is merely perishable. Let us now, in this human life, turn towards our actual self, the eternal ātmān, and towards Brahman, Narayana, from whom proceeds everything, knowing whom all goals are attained.

athato brahmajignyasa (Brahma-sutra, 1.1.1)

"Now then, let us inquire into the Highest Truth."
I wish to humbly thank everyone who supports, shares, or even simply reads these posts. I am greatly blessed to be able to discuss the spotless teachings of our great Acharyas. Whatever wisdom is found in these posts, it is just a repetition of what they have taught, and my humble self is only a small instrument. And whatever falsehood or mistake there is, I'm sure there are many, I humbly ask that you kindly forgive.

Jaya Sri Guru
Sanātana Dharma Jayate
"It is mental concoction that "Kṛṣṇa is Indian" or "Kṛṣṇa is worshiped by the Hindus; therefore He is one of the Hindu gods." He never said that "I am Hindu god; I am Indian." Just like the sun. If you say, "It is American sun," is it possible, American?" -A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Vaidika Sanātana Dharma is the Eternal Path that stands above man made constructs, which leads to realisation of the Self and of the Supreme. It was never found at any point in history, nor will it ever perish. It is changeless, perfect and joyfully trodden.
Everyone has surrendered to God to a different degree, and they have knowledge of Him only to that degree.

"All of them, as they surrender unto Me, I reward accordingly. Everyone follows My path in all respects, O son of Prtha." (Bhagavad-Gita, 4.11)
Is there one God or are there many Gods?

While there are multiple divine beings, the notion that there are multiple supreme beings is philosophically invalid. The Highest by definition can only be One, and that's simply a self-evident statement.

We can call newly cooked food "hot" or a candle flame might be "bright", but the very same attributes are not only possessed by the sun, the sun is the ultimate source of all heat and light on this earth. Moreover, objects that possess such properties are innumerable in number, but the sun is one. The being who has in Him every perfect attribute to the infinite degree is likewise one. Many divinities exist who embody virtues, hence they may be called gods or devas, but there is also an Ultimate Controller who possesses infinite auspicious attributes, is flawless, all-pervasive, and the only master. He is the innerself residing within in all beings, sentient or insentient. This Supreme Deity is variously called the One, the Absolute, God, Brahman, Ishvara. He is Sriman Narayana. Only by resorting to Him, who is the Supreme Truth, can one become free from all illusion and attain liberation.

"He is the innerself of all creatures, free from all imperfections, the Divine, the sole God, Narayana." (Subala Upanishad, 7)
"All glories to Lord Nārāyaṇa! Without remembrance of His lotus feet, recitation of scripture is merely crying in the wilderness, regular observance of severe vows enjoined in the Vedas is no more than a way to lose weight, execution of prescribed pious duties is like pouring oblations onto ashes, and bathing at various holy sites is no better than an elephant's bath." (Mukunda Mala Stotra, 27)
kāvyatva kanchukita-paramārtha

"Valmiki Ramayana is the highest philosophy attired in the mode of poetry." ~Sudarśana-sūri

Sri Ramayana is not a mere epic, neither is it an exaggerated mythical story about merely a great man, nor is it even a story about merely a great deity. It is directly a Vedantic text that deals with the Supreme Absolute (Brahman) who is Rama Himself. Just by meditating upon the Divine Rama, one is easily rid of all illusion. He is directly Narayana Himself. Rama is the Supreme Being who is the innersoul of all beings, who controls all, who is beyond all illusion, who is flawless and the possessor of infinite auspicious attributes. Ramayana directly deals with the auspicious qualities and Divine activities of that Supreme Person which are done out of sport (lila) only. Out of his great mercy for us, Valmiki Maharishi has revealed this Divine text which is worshipped and heartily heard by all genuine seekers of Absolute Truth.
To become the divine flute played by Brahman, the bamboo stalk had to endure being emptied, holes were made in it, and then he became the most cherished object adorning the lips of Govinda. The same way, if we desire to be close to the Absolute Truth, we must be willing to completely empty ourselves of all worldly desires, egotism, illusion and surrender ourselves completely to Him.
The tendency of all beings in this world is ahamkara/mamakara (egotism, seeing oneself as the owner). The opposite of this illusory tendency is nyasa, surrendering completely to the Supreme Person, Hari, and giving one's existence to exclusive devotion unto the Lord (bhakti).

Upon placing the Highest Truth in one's heart and dedicating one's existence to His sole worship, all one's false egotism, anger, lust, greed, fear, illusion ceases, and one becomes completely established in knowledge, fearlessness and pure bliss. It is only upon turning to our real nature of servitude to the Supreme Person that we can achieve our ultimate good.
The Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna, has boundless Knowledge and Bliss as His intrinsic nature. He is flawless, full of simplicity, beauty, renunciation and all other good qualities. He is the Absolute Truth, meditating upon Whom one crosses beyond all illusion. He is the final goal.
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