does your brain feel squizzly, crumbly, or full of yarn?
// недавно присылала эту картинку студентам, чтобы они из этих описаний состояний ума выбрали тот, который совпадает с их состоянием на паре. знаю что вы такую хтонь любите, так что давайте разберем))
🐍 squizzly: you’ve got a lot going on, and your thoughts feel disorganized. "squizzly" means many things, but here's it's kinda synonymous to "slippery" or "bendy"
🍞 crumbly: you can see the tasks, but everything keeps falling apart before you finish. "crumbly" describes something that breaks into small pieces, like crumbs of food, representing how tasks seem to fall apart in your mind
👩💻 full of yarn: your mind is full of tangled ideas, and it’s hard to untangle them. yarn is the thread used for knitting, it's symbolizing how thoughts can get knotted and hard to manage
☕️ on rails: you’re locked into one task, moving straight ahead without any distractions. "on rails" refers to how a train moves on tracks in one direction, representing high focus and concentration
🐸 squirrel!: every little thing pulls your attention away, and it’s hard to stay focused. in many American movies featuring dogs, that's the word that distracts the dog from whatever it's doing. if you watched "Up", you probably know what it feels like for Dug