After most of a decade I've finally figured out what we are and why what we do works.
Our ideas are being trotted in the highest seats of power (excepting lizard kings and nephelim) and still rising.
Yet we've barely mustered so much as a successful tea party. Nor is it our best, most elaborate, well thought out ideas that have emerged, rather just the thrust of our shitposts.
A mudslide cannot occur without a spec of dirt, but that spec of dirt does nothing. Yet it crushes villages.
It doesn't matter what you do in a riot, besides show up. Sure some notable legends might light a car on fire or climb a radio tower, but if they didn't it would still be a riot. And the guy simply screaming and running is as much a part of the riot.
If a guy in the riot said, hey, line up and make orderly ranks so that we can break stuff more efficiently he'd be ignored or mocked.
Some people accuse shitposters of being do-nothings. Others say doing pushups in the park is really doing nothing. Both are correct.
You could say that JD Vance is really the only successful ourguy (just pretend he's ourguy if you disagree) because he's the only one who entered politics and won. But he wouldn't think the things he does if he weren't from the riot. He's just the guy who hit the cop with the trashcan. Notable, but ultimately, unnecessary.
Some would say we're subservient to a zeitgeist. Others might say this is a natural reaction to incentives/disincentives. Others would say we, collectively, steer that zeitgeist. I don't know.
What I do know is that it's largely irrelevant what you do, aside from show up and yell.