Practitioner's Diary section
Nikolai's experience:
It was the end of a rather heavy working day (sitting in lotus, listening to lectures, and processing monotonous text messages). The state was quite tired, and my legs were already sore. The body was sore from yesterday's workout. There was some tension in the mind.
At first, while listening to the lecture, Kundalini started to move. Then, the energy started to rise, and for some time, it was strongly resting on the top of my head, creating pressure there from the inside. And then, in a moment, my consciousness became very clear. The tiredness was completely gone, all the tension was gone, and the pain in my legs began to feel differently, just like a strong burning sensation.
I wrapped myself deeply in the lotus. It felt very pleasant in the whole body, but not as intense as the state of Ecstasy in meditation, but as if every cell was filled with something blissful from inside. Sitting with my eyes closed was most pleasant, but I had to return to my work periodically. It was possible to talk, but I didn't want to at all. The work went on quite clearly, with occasional Anapanasati with eyes closed. It lasted about 1.5 hours; by evening practice, it was as if the state became less vivid, but maybe I just got used to it. I practiced and went to bed.
I woke up about four hours later. In my dream, I participated in a seminar conducted by some guru. At the end of the seminar, he conducted an unusual initiation for us, dripping a few drops of water on the back of our heads.
When I woke up, my whole body buzzed with energy, and I didn't want to sleep. I did 12 cycles of Mahabandha and started the World of Forms meditation. There was a dark space during the night practice, but sometimes, small silvery-white sparks appeared briefly. Then, after some time, I lay down in Shavasana and fell asleep again.
When I woke up in the morning, I was already in a normal state. I felt a very strong contrast with the state of the evening and night. Again, the pain returned in all muscles from the training.
Vadim's comment:
This is a typical Kundalini yoga experience. That is, very quickly, you can change the state of consciousness, the state of the physical body, due to the rise of energy. So you have Kundalini awakened, and you have some experience in practice. You have folded the lotus, dirty state, everything is painful, everything is muddy, then at some moment, Kundalini breaks through the clog, you find yourself higher, and that's it. This is the Enlightenment of Kundalini yoga.
And, accordingly, if the consciousness has risen, it turns to higher data. That's why you had such a dream. It is due to the rise of energy. Studying the teachings clears the channels, as we know. There are two kinds of true data. Data that is opposite to worldly desires, that is, we are purified by it, and data that simply surpasses worldly desires - we are also purified. And we repeat both types of information many times so that the energy can pass through. That is, on the one hand, the correct study of the teachings and, on the other hand, the correct technique when the energy is awakened. Accordingly, this is the result of practice.
There is a fixed idea that practice is when I sit alone in a pure state, nobody touches me, and I have Nectar flowing. That's the practice. But when I go out into the city and talk to people, everything becomes bad at once. This is not practice at all. People are bad. Everything is bad. This is an ignorant approach.
I mean, maybe in the beginning, it's acceptable. But then we must realize that the contaminations we receive and those from our consciousness are all illusions. And we become convinced of it. So it was bad, and immediately, it became good, so to speak. We realize that both bad and good are illusions. This will be the maturity of the soul.
But you can experience it through the rise of energy and correct mental practice. Just thinking about it in this way is meaningless.