The Daily Poor
Daily reminders to be humble and embrace the life of poverty.
Not a cult [wink].
This channel is Yooper-pilled, youbetcha; if a place is mentioned without a location designated, assume it's in da UP, eh.
Posts written by Prof. Israel Hersh Obadiah Poor
Not a cult [wink].
This channel is Yooper-pilled, youbetcha; if a place is mentioned without a location designated, assume it's in da UP, eh.
Posts written by Prof. Israel Hersh Obadiah Poor
Рейтинг TGlist
Не верифікованийДовіреність
Не надійнийРозташування
Дата створення каналуТрав 04, 2023
Додано до TGlist
Трав 25, 2024Прикріплена група
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