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The Midwest Network avatar
The Midwest Network
The Midwest Network avatar
The Midwest Network
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The Western Chauvinist (Main) avatar
The Western Chauvinist (Main)
Members of Wisconsin Active Club (T.me/wiactive) and Windy City Active Club (T.me/WindyCityAC) met to train in the snow.

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Great Plains Active Club avatar
Great Plains Active Club
Happy Thanksgiving!

Praise to our ancestors who conquered this land, we will continue the work necessary to reclaim what was once ours. Whether years, decades, centuries, we will continue building out the infrastructure to house, feed, or otherwise best utilize our people until the day we can fully call this land our home again.

Action Today, Victory Tomorrow

Who We Are / Join one of Our Clubs

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Folkish Awakening avatar
Folkish Awakening
Earlier this month Pagans and Christians came together in Ohio to help one of our own. Many didn’t know one another but came anyway on short notice. There is still hope to work together. It’s time to put Race first.

Thankyou to:



Give both of those a follow
While the Midwest Network is not officially affiliated with any outward facing political movement, we support the efforts of anyone willing to stand up against jewish power in the name of White sovereignty. We had the honor of hosting Greg Conte at this year's Oktoberfest gathering, where he was a guest speaker this year. He gave a fantastic speech outlining the need for our people to become active participants in our people's future. This was a call for men to get serious and remember the struggle of which we are all a part of. Obviously community building is our focus, but we actively encourage all able bodied men to get involved in any way they can to fight for our people and our children's future.

You can find Greg's channels here:


Get vetted. Get involved, join the Midwest Network.
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Great Plains Active Club avatar
Great Plains Active Club
2024 Recap of the Club's main videos

All of this was and continues to be possible through the dedication of our men from the inception of the Club.

- GPAC State Clubs Announcement
- Iowa
- Nebraska
- North Dakota
- South Dakota
- Minnesota

- GPAC Thanksgiving
- End of WBS
- AC's Law and Order Vid
- Anniversary Video

We aren't going anywhere, join us for this coming year.

Who We Are / Join one of Our Clubs

Members of the Midwest Network and the Ohio Active Club gathered together to acknowledge the Feast of the Einherjar, an occasion where our ancestors would remember the bravest warriors of our people. Our people of different faiths and different communities met and broke bread in remembrance of the struggles of our ancestors that gave us the lands and lives that we now have.

If you want to be a part of reforging the bonds that our people once had, reach out to us.

The Midwest Network

The Ohio Active Club
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The Ohio Active Club (II) avatar
The Ohio Active Club (II)
Members of the OAC and Midwest Network came together in Columbus to help a family in need move.


Contact the Midwest Newtork-

Hail Oktoberfest!

The Midwest Network invites you to our second-annual Heartland Oktoberfest, held this coming Labor Day Weekend! Each year we gather together to celebrate our European traditions and commemorate our values: Faith, Folk, and Family. We welcome you in taking part in an event that promotes White brotherhood, family traditions, and community of love.

Our theme this year is "The Joy of Family". Our Nation (and indeed the World) suffers from a plague of broken families--with record rates of divorce, childlessness, and elder abandonment, each progressive generation of families have grown up smaller and fewer in number.

This year, we celebrate those who have taken the leap of faith and found joy in their marriage and children. We believe that children are "As arrows in the hand of a mighty Warrior...happy is he who has a quiver full of them". Our children are not merely a blessing and a comfort to ourselves, but living arrows, fired forward through space and time to find their mark in the distant future. We cherish, protect, nurture, and instruct our youth so that when we are old and gone, they shall continue in the path set for them and shall not depart--and so that their children, too, may forge the path of our people's mighty Destiny ever onward!

So come join us again this year for live music, food, fellowship, games, and a Gluhwein toast, as we celebrate families both large and small across the Midwest. Don't forget and don't forget your dirndls and lederhosen!

Sponsored by the Midwest Network: If you are looking to join a network of like-minded folk, now is the time.

Contact: Midwestnetwork@protonmail.com today to get involved
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If you're a Nationalist and you still haven't joined an IRL group, that should be your resolution for 2025.

Commit to giving 1% of your waking hours, about 4 hours a month, to IRL nationalism.
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The Western Chauvinist (Main) avatar
The Western Chauvinist (Main)
Subscribe to our backup channel The Western Chauvinist 12. It will remain inactive for now. We will start posting there if and when this channel is banned.

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The Western Chauvinist (Main) avatar
The Western Chauvinist (Main)
If you're not organizing with Our People now, you're not gonna make it.

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Patriot Front Sightings avatar
Patriot Front Sightings
@PatriotFrontUpdates » Jake Shields interviewed Thomas Rousseau on the Fight Back Podcast. The discussion is available on multiple platforms, it premiers on YouTube in 15 minutes.

🏹 YouTube
🏹 Rumble
🏹 Spotify
🏹 Find Jake Shields on X.
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Wisconsin Active Club avatar
Wisconsin Active Club
This weekend, we joined the Windy City Active Club (@WindyCityAC) in an afternoon of physical exercise and self defense training.

Nationalists are organizing in your area. Get vetted and become part of the solution today.

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NatVet avatar

If the enemy were confident we would stay online forever, they would have nothing to fear; the time is now - TRIBE UP

In conjunction with a trusted selection of Local Nationalist Groups, Active Clubs, and The MidWest Network we are launching a bot which will help those in the USA get in touch with a local vetter for IRL networks - simply click on the link below and input your state via the command:

"/vet [STATE]"
For Example: "/vet TX" for Texas - Use state abbreviations

A representative will reach out and will be able to confirm their affiliation with us via the bot.


Our main objective is to build resilient White communities that improve the lives of those in them via mutual aid, business formation, and trustworthy friends in a failing world. It is not enough to be awake to our ideas, you must organize with others and work to build a future.

The ethnostate state already exists, it is simply a matter of expansion - JOIN TODAY

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