The world's history is cyclical. These are the signs of our era(Kali Yuga, Iron Age, the period of decline when Dharma is distorted) predicted many millennia ago. The following are quotes from the ancient Puranas (Srimad-Bhagavatam, Brahmanda, Vayu, Naroda and Shiva):
✹ People will die at any age: as children, young men, old men, or even in the womb.
✹ People reject spiritual truth and engage in gambling and stealing. Everyone is addicted to sex and mind-damaging drinks.
✹ People will become impious, irritable, and limited. They will stop honoring Vedic literature for authority. Their whole life will be spent in the pursuit of sinful pleasure. Some areas will be abundant, and others will starve.
✹ Women will be unchaste, no longer interested in religion; they will love wine and meat. People will easily fall into anger and commit cruel acts. People will not hesitate to kill children in the womb.
✹ Rulers will be deceitful and vicious; they will take property from their subjects, and their laws will be as easy to establish as to repeal. Their piety will be negligible, and their desires will be insatiable.
✹ Thieves will become kings, and kings will be no better than thieves. They will no longer be protectors and advocates for the nations but will be their first enemies, plunderers of their property.
✹ Pseudoscience will flourish. Clan murders and family murders will appear. Helpless and defenseless people will be seen as easy targets for robbery.
✹ 10-12 year old girls will become pregnant. Society will approve of sexual intercourse; it will be considered a basic necessity of life.
✹ Weakness, delusion, rejection, unhappiness, and various activities done in ignorance will spread. The saints will be removed from society and remain in oblivion and obscurity until the world's end.
✹ People will begin to appropriate other people's property and wives for their own gain and harm each other. They will be godless, mistaking the body for the living being itself. Thus, considering the body as the true essence and the pleasures of that body as the goal of life, they will become slaves of lust.
✹ If people do not possess great wealth, they will become vain and deceive each other with false esteem through ostentation. They will engage in self-glorification and try to elevate themselves by belittling others.
✹ All classes of people will cease to fulfill their duties and will wallow in evil. Merchants, in order to get more money, will trade dishonestly and will not stop at any kind of deceit.
✹ Women will be inclined to engage in bad behavior; they will despise their husbands and will fearlessly indulge in sin. Flirting and falling under the power of their desires, men and women will engage in illicit liaisons with lovers and mistresses.
✹ Mutual consent will be sufficient for marriage. The union of the sexes will be based on passion alone, and the woman will become a mere object of pleasure. The laws of marriage and the rules of behavior of husband and wife will be devalued. Marriage will not be taken seriously, and it will not be difficult for husband and wife to separate and go their separate ways whenever they want, for whatever reason they want.
✹ Anyone who has no money will be considered godless. Hypocrisy will become a virtue. People will marry simply based on a verbal agreement.
✹ Outward symbols and attributes determine one's spiritual status. Likewise, changing these attributes will simply change one's spiritual rank.
✹ It would be considered the height of indecency for a man not to receive a large salary. The sign of outstanding scholarship is simply the ability to juggle words skillfully.
✹ The purpose of life will be simply to fill one's stomach with food, and he who behaves with the greatest impudence will be considered right. Taking a bath will be considered quite sufficient to look decent in society.
✹ People who are blinded by an insane lust for pleasure reject devotion to God, spiritual enlightenment, detachment from sensual pleasures, and other principles of religion.