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Cruel History

They took your footprint (sole) at birth to claim your soul before you stepped on soil, depriving your birth right as a living soul to a dead entity.
We are all considered "legally dead"at birth because our pair-rents unknowingly signed us (placed sigils) to the government as a Corporation. When we're born the government created this corporation in our name written in all CAPS, replacing it with the living spiritual flesh & blood you, so they can do business with us.
This is why 99% of the time anything from a corporation (corpse-ration) has your name written in all caps, your bills, ID, birth certificate-it's your strawman.
Join us: t.me/cruel_history
They took your footprint (sole) at birth to claim your soul before you stepped on soil, depriving your birth right as a living soul to a dead entity.
We are all considered "legally dead"at birth because our pair-rents unknowingly signed us (placed sigils) to the government as a Corporation. When we're born the government created this corporation in our name written in all CAPS, replacing it with the living spiritual flesh & blood you, so they can do business with us.
This is why 99% of the time anything from a corporation (corpse-ration) has your name written in all caps, your bills, ID, birth certificate-it's your strawman.
Join us: t.me/cruel_history
I'm not sure how anyone could hurt a child. It is pure evil.
We need God to act.
We need God to act.
Drops 60 and 61 coincide with drops 460 and 461
There is a clear distinction between 458, 459, 460 and 461 in the drops. I believe it has something to do with the comm "this is not another 4-year election".
460 was the first drop to post after 10 days of darkness (Q went dark on 12/25/2017 with drop 459) on 01/04/2018
1/04 = 10 and 4
10 days of darkness....4th day of the year
We've talked extensively about this. In 2018, 4/01 (mirror 1/04) was Easter day. 12/25/2017 was Christmas day. All of this coincides with the calendrical changes/differences (Gregorian vs the 13 month calendar)
I believe 60 and 460 represent the change of something...drop 461 represents the start of the "show" (which is why it talks about actors).
460 = 230+230
458 = 229+229
230 was the first drop on 8 chan
229 was the last drop on 4 chan
8 vs 4 = difference of 4 ("4-year election"??)
2/29 is leap day on the Gregorian, which happens 1 day every 4 years (1/04 reference again)
There is a clear distinction between 458, 459, 460 and 461 in the drops. I believe it has something to do with the comm "this is not another 4-year election".
460 was the first drop to post after 10 days of darkness (Q went dark on 12/25/2017 with drop 459) on 01/04/2018
1/04 = 10 and 4
10 days of darkness....4th day of the year
We've talked extensively about this. In 2018, 4/01 (mirror 1/04) was Easter day. 12/25/2017 was Christmas day. All of this coincides with the calendrical changes/differences (Gregorian vs the 13 month calendar)
I believe 60 and 460 represent the change of something...drop 461 represents the start of the "show" (which is why it talks about actors).
460 = 230+230
458 = 229+229
230 was the first drop on 8 chan
229 was the last drop on 4 chan
8 vs 4 = difference of 4 ("4-year election"??)
2/29 is leap day on the Gregorian, which happens 1 day every 4 years (1/04 reference again)
What does this remind you of?
I'm not saying all of this to make anyone doubt any sort of plan...I believe, because of my own experiences, research and decodes, that there is a plan...but I'm saying that I disagree/cannot support something that hurts another human being. I would make a terrible soldier because I could never do it. But I also know that God understands wars and the necessity of suffering. It's not what He wants for us, but it is a consequence of free will and people's choices.
Unless there is visible action taking place...visible justice, then all we have to go off of is faith of what is unseen.
I understand that is the PSYOP, but do the ends justify the means?
I could get into some pretty deep philosophical arguments on what constitutes justifiable actions (whether the hidden military interventions are doing more harm than good, etc), but I do not get to see the bigger picture. We all have to live by faith.
That does not mean that I agree with a plan that harms anyone, especially children, in any way.
That is why I have not been posting as much.
I understand that is the PSYOP, but do the ends justify the means?
I could get into some pretty deep philosophical arguments on what constitutes justifiable actions (whether the hidden military interventions are doing more harm than good, etc), but I do not get to see the bigger picture. We all have to live by faith.
That does not mean that I agree with a plan that harms anyone, especially children, in any way.
That is why I have not been posting as much.
Let's talk about the J6ers for a second...
How many of them were "pardoned", released and yet are still in a form of prison?
The pardon implies that they were guilty to begin with, correct?
How many of them have lost their children? Lost their homes, their reputations, their families, their ability to support themselves? Have those who put them in prison been arrested?
Do you think that is real justice?
How many of them were "pardoned", released and yet are still in a form of prison?
The pardon implies that they were guilty to begin with, correct?
How many of them have lost their children? Lost their homes, their reputations, their families, their ability to support themselves? Have those who put them in prison been arrested?
Do you think that is real justice?

I miss my sweet boy 🙏😭
461 = "For 61" (like saying "this is FOR drop 61)
Remember drop 61 was the first drop signed by Q.
The first 60 drops did not have the "Q" signature
Remember drop 61 was the first drop signed by Q.
The first 60 drops did not have the "Q" signature
As long as this fake system is in place publicly, children continue to be harmed.
Why is no one talking about what is real and actually happening? Very few are actually talking about it.

Curtain Pulled To Expose
Capitalization can maybe be a comm for the Act of 1871 Corporation "government" in the drops.
Drop 461
Read that drop.
ACT OF 1871
Read that drop.
ACT OF 1871
Did you guys see the thing about Biden and Hollywood?
And I never did say that nothing was being done ...I did say that people are more focused on Trump and all the fake carp than they are on what is real (children being taken, and so much more). And so far, no visible action has taken place to actually physically save any children (unless it is done in the dark, but take a look at all of the people who have proven to us, including my own proof of my own son, that the children are still being harmed and it's all being allowed and even set up that way)
Why are all these channels on Telegram more focused on Trump than the children?
Good morning, everyone ❤️
Why did Q capitalize GOOD and GREAT?

I know you’re dealing with a lot with not being with your son and I’m so sorry but how do you know nothing is being done to save the children? It will I’m assuming be the military doing operations all over the world. My son is a Marine and has been deployed all over the place for the last few years. He has been in for 14 yrs and nothing normal about what his schedule has been the last 3yrs. Of course he just says training with other militaries but who knows. Hang in there. Praying for everyone at this point🙏🏼
When will the children be saved?????? WHY are people more focused on fake politics (like Trump) than they are on the children?
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