Metaphysical attainment, consisting essentially in the identification by means of knowledge, everything that is not knowledge in itself has the value of only ancillary means; Yoga also takes as its starting point and fundamental means what is called ekâgrya, that is, "concentration." This concentration itself is, as Max Miller confesses (1), something totally foreign to the Western mind, accustomed to throwing all its attention upon external things and to dispersing itself in their indefinitely changing multiplicity; it has itself become almost impossible, and yet it is the first and most important of all the conditions of an effective attainment.
~ René Guénon (Introduction to the Study of Hindu Doctrines)
☯️ Follow the M-KVLT, and turn the sign of the microcosm ☯️
Darshanas are the six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy that provide distinct perspectives (Sanskrit: darśana, meaning "view" or "insight") on understanding reality, the self, and liberation (moksha). They accept the authority of the Vedas and focus on different aspects of philosophy, metaphysics, and practice. Here are the six darshanas with examples:
Nyaya: Founded by Gautama, emphasizes logic, epistemology, and debate. It systematizes reasoning to discern truth and refute ignorance.
Vaisheshika: Propounded by Kanada, focuses on atomism and the physical universe. It categorizes reality into substances, qualities, and actions, proposing atomic theory for matter.
Samkhya: Attributed to Kapila, it is dualistic, distinguishing between purusha (consciousness) and prakriti (matter). It enumerates 25 elements of existence to explain creation.
Yoga: Systematized by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras, it outlines an eightfold path (Ashtanga Yoga) for spiritual discipline, meditation, and union with the divine.
Mimamsa: Founded by Jaimini, centers on Vedic rituals and hermeneutics. It stresses dharma (duty) and the correct interpretation of Vedic injunctions for ethical living.
Vedanta: Explores the Upanishads' teachings, focusing on Brahman (ultimate reality) and the self's (atman) relation to it. Sub-schools include Advaita (non-dualism, by Shankara) and Vishishtadvaita (qualified non-dualism, by Ramanuja).
☯️ Follow the M-KVLT, and turn the sign of the microcosm ☯️
Nyaya: Founded by Gautama, emphasizes logic, epistemology, and debate. It systematizes reasoning to discern truth and refute ignorance.
Vaisheshika: Propounded by Kanada, focuses on atomism and the physical universe. It categorizes reality into substances, qualities, and actions, proposing atomic theory for matter.
Samkhya: Attributed to Kapila, it is dualistic, distinguishing between purusha (consciousness) and prakriti (matter). It enumerates 25 elements of existence to explain creation.
Yoga: Systematized by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras, it outlines an eightfold path (Ashtanga Yoga) for spiritual discipline, meditation, and union with the divine.
Mimamsa: Founded by Jaimini, centers on Vedic rituals and hermeneutics. It stresses dharma (duty) and the correct interpretation of Vedic injunctions for ethical living.
Vedanta: Explores the Upanishads' teachings, focusing on Brahman (ultimate reality) and the self's (atman) relation to it. Sub-schools include Advaita (non-dualism, by Shankara) and Vishishtadvaita (qualified non-dualism, by Ramanuja).
☯️ Follow the M-KVLT, and turn the sign of the microcosm ☯️
Some caveats about Samkhya darshana: it is not dualistic at all. And the tattwa "Prakriti" is not matter itself, because the Hindus did not even have a notion about matter as we have in the West. Prakriti is more connected to the universal substance.

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Hexis Aristokratika

"Eu não acho que os filhos de hoje são mimados, preguiçosos ou desrespeitosos no coração. Eu acredito que suas almas estão apenas doendo. Eles estão sendo servidos com comida falsa, meias verdades e diluídas tradições. Nada é sagrado e eles estão cercados por pessoas que continuamente os subestimam. Eles estão entediados! E assim como nós, eles possuem o desejo de algo real."
~ Brooke Hampton
~ Brooke Hampton
Reflections on Shaivism and its dualistic essence coming soon...

Ritual self-flagellation in Kabul, Afghanistan, to mark the sixth day of Moharram, a Shia festival to commemorate the death of Imam Hussein.
The men and boys, who lacerate their backs with metal blades attached to chains, often have to be forcibly wrestled out of the crowd by dedicated marshalls, because they enter a spiritual trance and risk doing themselves irrepairable damage.
Photo by Jerome Starkey
The men and boys, who lacerate their backs with metal blades attached to chains, often have to be forcibly wrestled out of the crowd by dedicated marshalls, because they enter a spiritual trance and risk doing themselves irrepairable damage.
Photo by Jerome Starkey
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