The 8 of 10 phase includes increased visibility of Nibiru, and this is certainly occurring at the present time from Thailand to Italy to the skies over Idaho.
How to explain Nibiru when it becomes broadly obvious that it is looming in the skies overhead? The Zetas have said for years that when the time comes, the issue will be thrown in our laps for Nancy and the Zetas to explain.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 5/31/2024: As noted by many the naked eye visibility of Nibiru has increased over the past few weeks, as has the evidence of Red Dust and Petrol in the skies. This visibility has overtaken the Chemtrail fogging that is intended to blind the common man. All of the frantic attempts by the Nibiru coverup to explain this massive planet in view fail. What now? Since NASA has no explanation that the public would accept, they will fall silent. Russia is prepared to explain and will thus retain the respect it deserves, as will the astronomers in the Prongs group.
It will be the Internet that will spread awareness of Nibiru, until a threshold is reached wherein the public is connecting the dots, seeing connections to the erratic and fierce weather and the increase in Earthquakes and disasters such as landslides and bridge failures. Meanwhile, due to the popularity of ZetaTalk worldwide, the need to protect Nancy's home from those seeking answers will become an imperative. The Junta is prepared to do this.
We have said for years that when this time comes - the public demanding an explanation - that this question will be thrown into our laps for Nancy and the Zetas to explain. Special broadcasts have been prepared explaining the periodic Nibiru passage and its effect on the Earth. Martial law will have by that time been invoked so that new rules will be in effect. Growing and distributing food will be a priority, as will medical care and essential workers going to and from their jobs.
How to explain Nibiru when it becomes broadly obvious that it is looming in the skies overhead? The Zetas have said for years that when the time comes, the issue will be thrown in our laps for Nancy and the Zetas to explain.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 5/31/2024: As noted by many the naked eye visibility of Nibiru has increased over the past few weeks, as has the evidence of Red Dust and Petrol in the skies. This visibility has overtaken the Chemtrail fogging that is intended to blind the common man. All of the frantic attempts by the Nibiru coverup to explain this massive planet in view fail. What now? Since NASA has no explanation that the public would accept, they will fall silent. Russia is prepared to explain and will thus retain the respect it deserves, as will the astronomers in the Prongs group.
It will be the Internet that will spread awareness of Nibiru, until a threshold is reached wherein the public is connecting the dots, seeing connections to the erratic and fierce weather and the increase in Earthquakes and disasters such as landslides and bridge failures. Meanwhile, due to the popularity of ZetaTalk worldwide, the need to protect Nancy's home from those seeking answers will become an imperative. The Junta is prepared to do this.
We have said for years that when this time comes - the public demanding an explanation - that this question will be thrown into our laps for Nancy and the Zetas to explain. Special broadcasts have been prepared explaining the periodic Nibiru passage and its effect on the Earth. Martial law will have by that time been invoked so that new rules will be in effect. Growing and distributing food will be a priority, as will medical care and essential workers going to and from their jobs.

Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability Clouds, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Severe Earth Wobble
Severe Earth Wobble

Petrol Elements
Sun halo observed during sunset in Greece February 5, 2025.
Nibiru Iron-Oxide Petrol Debris
Petrol Elements
Sun halo observed during sunset in Greece February 5, 2025.
Nibiru Iron-Oxide Petrol Debris
Sakurajima volcano eruption with lightning Japan. 02/09/2025.
Written - Feb 15, 2000
"Of course, all volcanoes will explode, as this is going to be a very severe pole shift.
What about the months and years preceding the pole shift? It is no secret that Mammoth Lake and the caldera of Yellowstone are warming up, and the populace has been prepared for these occurrences by the movie Volcano where there, in the middle of LA, lava is bubbling up.
In fact, there is a fault line running from the approximate San Diego/LA area, up into the Sierras, and this is liable to rupture rather violently during one of the quakes that precedes the pole shift by some months. Volcanic eruptions from that area in the Sierras can be expected.
Will Mount St. Helen erupt?
All volcanoes that have been active within the memory of man will begin spewing and burping and oozing, and many that were not expected to become active will reactive." ~ZetaTalk - Feb 15, 2000
Surviving the
Poleshift in Japan
"Due to Japan's position on fault lines that lie under the ocean as well as land, tidal waves will result on occasion from these increasingly severe plate adjustments. Those living in coastal cities will thus find tidal waves resulting from earthquakes increasing in severity as well as the earthquakes themselves, leading up to the pole shift itself. The relatively narrow land will be battered and shaken, leaving the populace with few places to go. The tsunami press will be largest directly at right angles from the islands, assaulting the coasts so the water is forced up into the highlands, not along the coasts at an angle such that the force of the water might be turned out to sea. In some cases, during the pole shift, the water will rise high enough to surge completely over the islands, washing them clean.
For Japan, there will be no safe place."
Troubled Times: Japan
Written - Feb 15, 2000
"Of course, all volcanoes will explode, as this is going to be a very severe pole shift.
What about the months and years preceding the pole shift? It is no secret that Mammoth Lake and the caldera of Yellowstone are warming up, and the populace has been prepared for these occurrences by the movie Volcano where there, in the middle of LA, lava is bubbling up.
In fact, there is a fault line running from the approximate San Diego/LA area, up into the Sierras, and this is liable to rupture rather violently during one of the quakes that precedes the pole shift by some months. Volcanic eruptions from that area in the Sierras can be expected.
Will Mount St. Helen erupt?
All volcanoes that have been active within the memory of man will begin spewing and burping and oozing, and many that were not expected to become active will reactive." ~ZetaTalk - Feb 15, 2000
Surviving the
Poleshift in Japan
"Due to Japan's position on fault lines that lie under the ocean as well as land, tidal waves will result on occasion from these increasingly severe plate adjustments. Those living in coastal cities will thus find tidal waves resulting from earthquakes increasing in severity as well as the earthquakes themselves, leading up to the pole shift itself. The relatively narrow land will be battered and shaken, leaving the populace with few places to go. The tsunami press will be largest directly at right angles from the islands, assaulting the coasts so the water is forced up into the highlands, not along the coasts at an angle such that the force of the water might be turned out to sea. In some cases, during the pole shift, the water will rise high enough to surge completely over the islands, washing them clean.
For Japan, there will be no safe place."
Troubled Times: Japan

Once a contactee has decided upon a role, the matter is not easily settled.
If the timing is not right, the contactee may decide to be consciously unaware, put this out of their mind, until the time arrives.
This does not mean the contactee has not decided upon a role they wish to play, it means they are reducing contention in their current life and waiting.
ZetaTalk: Timed Release, written Dec 15, 1996.
Many contactees express a feeling that they are aware of things that are likely to occur in the future, are emotionally ready for these occurrences, but are consciously unaware of what they may be. Of course, in human society, those who prepare too soon for the coming cataclysms will be viewed as odd and consequently laughed at or harassed for sounding an alarm unduly. When life today seems much like the life of yesterday, the average human in any society on Earth today will not listen to a message about coming cataclysms with much patience.
However, contactees who have been open to the message that Service-to-Others aliens have been willing to give know that the Earth will receive renting changes soon and are subconsciously prepared. The schism in thinking leads many to believe that this knowledge is encoded with some kind of timed release, where the knowledge is not truly available to humans until scant months or even days prior to the cataclysms.
This timing may in fact be correct, but the contactees are fully aware of the circumstances. They are simply choosing to be unaware during their day to day existence in human society. When the time is right, they will get in contact with their subconscious knowledge. For many, the conflicts that early conscious awareness would present are best left alone. For instance:
A mother has a handicapped child, one who requires medical attention in order to survive. She knows that this child will not live beyond a week after medical attentions ceases, and that she will bury this child shortly after the cataclysms bring down bridges and rent the telephone lines from their poles. Were she to be consciously aware of what was coming, would she encourage this handicapped child to learn to read and write at the present moment? Such encouragement strengthens the spirit of both mother and child, and is worthwhile for this reason alone. The mother chooses to be unaware.
A young businessman in a small town employs several individuals who are considered marginal employees by most employers as they are under-educated, semi-skilled, and often speak in broken English. During their employment the young businessman is able to encourage them to self-sufficiency and finds his employees growing gardens and repairing mechanical devices under his tutelage. Were he to be consciously aware of the coming cataclysms, his attention to the needs of the business would falter and his business might fail to prosper. Consequently, he would be less able to nurture others in preparation. He chooses to be unaware.
A military man is in a position to influence the messages that the general population receive from headquarters. These messages can subtly awaken or can suppress the Awakening, just by their tone and the bits of information they deliver. Working in rigid surroundings, the military man must be careful not to express resentment, which would be interpreted an insubordination and result in his removal from his influential position. Were he to be consciously aware of the coming cataclysms and the alien presence all around, he would find adherence to silly rules and regulations increasingly annoying and might express this at a moment when his guard was down. He chooses to be unaware.
Contactee Groups, Making a Difference
If the timing is not right, the contactee may decide to be consciously unaware, put this out of their mind, until the time arrives.
This does not mean the contactee has not decided upon a role they wish to play, it means they are reducing contention in their current life and waiting.
ZetaTalk: Timed Release, written Dec 15, 1996.
Many contactees express a feeling that they are aware of things that are likely to occur in the future, are emotionally ready for these occurrences, but are consciously unaware of what they may be. Of course, in human society, those who prepare too soon for the coming cataclysms will be viewed as odd and consequently laughed at or harassed for sounding an alarm unduly. When life today seems much like the life of yesterday, the average human in any society on Earth today will not listen to a message about coming cataclysms with much patience.
However, contactees who have been open to the message that Service-to-Others aliens have been willing to give know that the Earth will receive renting changes soon and are subconsciously prepared. The schism in thinking leads many to believe that this knowledge is encoded with some kind of timed release, where the knowledge is not truly available to humans until scant months or even days prior to the cataclysms.
This timing may in fact be correct, but the contactees are fully aware of the circumstances. They are simply choosing to be unaware during their day to day existence in human society. When the time is right, they will get in contact with their subconscious knowledge. For many, the conflicts that early conscious awareness would present are best left alone. For instance:
A mother has a handicapped child, one who requires medical attention in order to survive. She knows that this child will not live beyond a week after medical attentions ceases, and that she will bury this child shortly after the cataclysms bring down bridges and rent the telephone lines from their poles. Were she to be consciously aware of what was coming, would she encourage this handicapped child to learn to read and write at the present moment? Such encouragement strengthens the spirit of both mother and child, and is worthwhile for this reason alone. The mother chooses to be unaware.
A young businessman in a small town employs several individuals who are considered marginal employees by most employers as they are under-educated, semi-skilled, and often speak in broken English. During their employment the young businessman is able to encourage them to self-sufficiency and finds his employees growing gardens and repairing mechanical devices under his tutelage. Were he to be consciously aware of the coming cataclysms, his attention to the needs of the business would falter and his business might fail to prosper. Consequently, he would be less able to nurture others in preparation. He chooses to be unaware.
A military man is in a position to influence the messages that the general population receive from headquarters. These messages can subtly awaken or can suppress the Awakening, just by their tone and the bits of information they deliver. Working in rigid surroundings, the military man must be careful not to express resentment, which would be interpreted an insubordination and result in his removal from his influential position. Were he to be consciously aware of the coming cataclysms and the alien presence all around, he would find adherence to silly rules and regulations increasingly annoying and might express this at a moment when his guard was down. He chooses to be unaware.
Contactee Groups, Making a Difference
Earthquake M4.9 - 185 km NNE of Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands - Sat, 1 Mar 2025 17:14:35 UTC (17:14 GMT) - 34 minutes ago
more info: https://www.volcanodiscovery.com/app/earthquakes/quake-info/21511715/info.html
via Volcanoes & Earthquakes App - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.volcanodiscovery.volcanodiscovery
more info: https://www.volcanodiscovery.com/app/earthquakes/quake-info/21511715/info.html
via Volcanoes & Earthquakes App - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.volcanodiscovery.volcanodiscovery

🇷🇺🇺🇸 President Putin has just offered the US a joint partnership to the rare earth minerals in the Donbass region.
$500B?? We are talking of $7T
The president emphasized that the new regions of Russia needs western investors, including the Americans (government).
🇷🇺🇺🇸 President Putin has just offered the US a joint partnership to the rare earth minerals in the Donbass region.
$500B?? We are talking of $7T
The president emphasized that the new regions of Russia needs western investors, including the Americans (government).

Earth's Dark Twin - Blue Kachina

ZetaTalk Connects the dots
👉Gaza will not survive the Poleshift in 2026-27
Relocating the Palestinians at this time is a lifesaving measure.
ZetaTalk: Israel
Israel will suffer during the coming pole shift, but no more than what other countries fringing the Mediterranean suffer. As during the prior pole shift, when the Jewish Exodus occurred, Israel will be on the side of the Earth facing the sun and directly in the path of the 12th Planet's tail as it lashes the Earth - hail, red dust, and the terrifying view of a passing object, slightly glowing. Those portions of Israel well above sea level will keep terrified survivors above the sloshing Mediterranean, but the volcanic dust from volcanoes in the area will roll over Israel's territory as well as all the other countries within hundreds of miles of the volcanoes. Just as Moses found himself wandering for decades in the Valley of the Shadow of Death after the last pole shift, those survivors in Israel will find growing crops or finding food difficult in a desert area beset with the extra burden of gloom and dust.
ZetaTalk ™
The eastern border of Israel, which lies directly on the Arabian Plate border, will be ripped open when the Arabian Plate rolls its top to the east, as we have predicted will occur at some point. The geography of the region shows that this trauma has occurred in the past, regularly, with the land on the plate border sunken and flooded into a series of lakes. At this time, Israel will be pulled to the southeast. Sinking and flooding can be expected, as well as earthquakes that will seem almost continuous as the pole shift approaches. When the 7 of 10 drops the African Plate, this area will likewise experience stretch zone trauma, pulled toward the southwest. Thus, jerked about in first one direction and then another, Israel should expect to feel quite rattled. Fortunately, Israel has high land, which will survive the pole shift sloshing, though it must contend with volcanic dust in the Aftertime.
ZetaTalk ™ September 10, 2011
Troubled Times: Israel
Troubled Times: Zeta Advice on Locations
ZetaTalk Connects the dots
👉Gaza will not survive the Poleshift in 2026-27
Relocating the Palestinians at this time is a lifesaving measure.
ZetaTalk: Israel
Israel will suffer during the coming pole shift, but no more than what other countries fringing the Mediterranean suffer. As during the prior pole shift, when the Jewish Exodus occurred, Israel will be on the side of the Earth facing the sun and directly in the path of the 12th Planet's tail as it lashes the Earth - hail, red dust, and the terrifying view of a passing object, slightly glowing. Those portions of Israel well above sea level will keep terrified survivors above the sloshing Mediterranean, but the volcanic dust from volcanoes in the area will roll over Israel's territory as well as all the other countries within hundreds of miles of the volcanoes. Just as Moses found himself wandering for decades in the Valley of the Shadow of Death after the last pole shift, those survivors in Israel will find growing crops or finding food difficult in a desert area beset with the extra burden of gloom and dust.
ZetaTalk ™
The eastern border of Israel, which lies directly on the Arabian Plate border, will be ripped open when the Arabian Plate rolls its top to the east, as we have predicted will occur at some point. The geography of the region shows that this trauma has occurred in the past, regularly, with the land on the plate border sunken and flooded into a series of lakes. At this time, Israel will be pulled to the southeast. Sinking and flooding can be expected, as well as earthquakes that will seem almost continuous as the pole shift approaches. When the 7 of 10 drops the African Plate, this area will likewise experience stretch zone trauma, pulled toward the southwest. Thus, jerked about in first one direction and then another, Israel should expect to feel quite rattled. Fortunately, Israel has high land, which will survive the pole shift sloshing, though it must contend with volcanic dust in the Aftertime.
ZetaTalk ™ September 10, 2011
Troubled Times: Israel
Troubled Times: Zeta Advice on Locations

Solar Halo
Petrol Elements
and Iron Oxide Dust
When it gets to the ground
people will call it TOXIC FOG
📸Balashikha, Moscow, Russia
on February 9th, 2025.
Solar Halo
Petrol Elements
and Iron Oxide Dust
When it gets to the ground
people will call it TOXIC FOG
📸Balashikha, Moscow, Russia
on February 9th, 2025.

Watch the waves from yesterday's 7.6 magnitude earthquake in the Caribbean Sea as they move through North America's seismological stations.
Via Tracie Crespo ZT FB
Via Tracie Crespo ZT FB
Soon everyone will know.
JFK Files lead to Roswell and MJ12
Roswell leads to Skinny Bob and ZetaTalk
ZetaTalk leads to Nibiru and the pending Poleshift
The Zetas talk about how mankind is gradually realizing they are Not Alone and Awakening to the Alien Presence;...
JFK Files lead to Roswell and MJ12
Roswell leads to Skinny Bob and ZetaTalk
ZetaTalk leads to Nibiru and the pending Poleshift
The Zetas talk about how mankind is gradually realizing they are Not Alone and Awakening to the Alien Presence;...
GAGE CO., Nebraska
The Gage Co Sheriff's Office was dispatched to assist on a train derailment near Hoag, Nebraska (3 miles west of Beatrice).
The BNSF Railroad engine was traveling northeast along the tracks when the rear 2 cars of a 10 car train (2 engines, 7 tankers, and one hopper) derailed.
The BNSF sent out crews to get the cars back on the tracks.
The Gage Co Emergency Management director, the Gage Co Highway Department, & Southeast Communications coordinated efforts with BNSF.
The only road closure is SW 80th Rd, a minimum maintenance road running south from W Hickory Rd.
Via Gage Co Sheriff Office
The Gage Co Sheriff's Office was dispatched to assist on a train derailment near Hoag, Nebraska (3 miles west of Beatrice).
The BNSF Railroad engine was traveling northeast along the tracks when the rear 2 cars of a 10 car train (2 engines, 7 tankers, and one hopper) derailed.
The BNSF sent out crews to get the cars back on the tracks.
The Gage Co Emergency Management director, the Gage Co Highway Department, & Southeast Communications coordinated efforts with BNSF.
The only road closure is SW 80th Rd, a minimum maintenance road running south from W Hickory Rd.
Via Gage Co Sheriff Office

Here's another picture of biblical Skyfire, this time posted by Vincent Kennedy Staten Island, New York
I enhanced the picture and zoomed in.
"And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people." ~ Revelation 13:13
Will there be an increase in Wildfires? 💯💯💯
We are at the precipice and the Nibiru Cover-Up is about to crumble.
March will be Earthshaking.
ZetaTalk Skyfire - Search / X
Here's another picture of biblical Skyfire, this time posted by Vincent Kennedy Staten Island, New York
I enhanced the picture and zoomed in.
"And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people." ~ Revelation 13:13
Will there be an increase in Wildfires? 💯💯💯
We are at the precipice and the Nibiru Cover-Up is about to crumble.
March will be Earthshaking.
ZetaTalk Skyfire - Search / X

Watch all the volcanoes
Mediterranean Floor dropping #7
Activity on Mount Etna. Sicily, Italy. 02/09/2025
Watch all the volcanoes
Mediterranean Floor dropping #7
Activity on Mount Etna. Sicily, Italy. 02/09/2025

Future Visions
written Sep 15, 1995
Many contactees speak with
great emotion of visions they have
been given, often of a devastated Earth.
These are understood by the contactee to be visions of the future, and many come away confused as to whether the vision is the future or might be the future. One reason for confusion is that the visions seem so very real.
Humans are used to the movies, in the main, where however engrossing the story, told with sight and sound, one is always cognizant of the viewers seated nearby, munching popcorn - a reality check.
When visions are given to contactees it is by a machine to brain method that most closely approximates your new virtual reality devices. All the senses are engaged, in the brain.
The contactee is not at all being presented with a reality. They are being presented with a story. Why is this done? Humans are altogether too complacent about the fragility of their world. They merrily pollute and deplete their ecosystem without a thought.
They in the main will march into the coming cataclysms with no preparation whatsoever, becoming, all of them, disaster victims who will then look to one another for help.
We are simply making these contactees think.
Contactee Groups, Making a Difference
Future Visions
written Sep 15, 1995
Many contactees speak with
great emotion of visions they have
been given, often of a devastated Earth.
These are understood by the contactee to be visions of the future, and many come away confused as to whether the vision is the future or might be the future. One reason for confusion is that the visions seem so very real.
Humans are used to the movies, in the main, where however engrossing the story, told with sight and sound, one is always cognizant of the viewers seated nearby, munching popcorn - a reality check.
When visions are given to contactees it is by a machine to brain method that most closely approximates your new virtual reality devices. All the senses are engaged, in the brain.
The contactee is not at all being presented with a reality. They are being presented with a story. Why is this done? Humans are altogether too complacent about the fragility of their world. They merrily pollute and deplete their ecosystem without a thought.
They in the main will march into the coming cataclysms with no preparation whatsoever, becoming, all of them, disaster victims who will then look to one another for help.
We are simply making these contactees think.
Contactee Groups, Making a Difference

"Thank you for your reply and the information you provided. I am curious, can you tell me if you are an alien(Zeta)? Or are you a human like us?"
We are all ZetaTalk Followers: Human Contactees on a Mission
"Learning of the coming pole shift, and its devastating effect on the Earth and its inhabitants, many people want to take steps to ease the pain, not only for themselves and their family, but for others.
They want to make a difference, help others realize what is around the corner, what they can do to help themselves, how they can potentially become self-sufficient.
In having these concerns, they are giving the Call, reaching out asking for counseling on how to proceed.
In short, they are likely to become contactees.
If not already aware of where the Earth is headed, then one of the first things they learn is specifics about the pole shift, often presented as a hologram."
Much More...
We are all ZetaTalk Followers: Human Contactees on a Mission
"Learning of the coming pole shift, and its devastating effect on the Earth and its inhabitants, many people want to take steps to ease the pain, not only for themselves and their family, but for others.
They want to make a difference, help others realize what is around the corner, what they can do to help themselves, how they can potentially become self-sufficient.
In having these concerns, they are giving the Call, reaching out asking for counseling on how to proceed.
In short, they are likely to become contactees.
If not already aware of where the Earth is headed, then one of the first things they learn is specifics about the pole shift, often presented as a hologram."
Much More...
Anseong, South Korea
At least 3 workers were killed and 7 others were injured when part of a highway construction site collapsed in South Korea on Tuesday morning, officials said.
Emergency crews were searching through the rubble for victims, South Korea’s National Fire Agency said.
The collapse happened about 9:50 a.m. near the city of Anseong, which is about 50 miles from Seoul, the capital.
The collapse happened during the construction of a bridge connecting sections of the highway, Yonhap, a South Korean news agency, reported.
5 steel beams supporting the bridge, each about 164 feet long, collapsed one after another, the news agency said.
At least 3 workers were killed and 7 others were injured when part of a highway construction site collapsed in South Korea on Tuesday morning, officials said.
Emergency crews were searching through the rubble for victims, South Korea’s National Fire Agency said.
The collapse happened about 9:50 a.m. near the city of Anseong, which is about 50 miles from Seoul, the capital.
The collapse happened during the construction of a bridge connecting sections of the highway, Yonhap, a South Korean news agency, reported.
5 steel beams supporting the bridge, each about 164 feet long, collapsed one after another, the news agency said.
Nibiru’s Moons
The Zetas have long stated that Nibiru has “dozens” of moons, without giving an exact number. Lately those dozens have shown up in photos snapped by the public. First, a little history. When the Nibiru complex was inbound in 2002 and being captured in CCD images during the Winter of 2002-2003, the Zetas described the clouds of moons being seen on occasion. They align themselves into what the Zetas call Moon Swirls, long tubes, which can be seen from the side as a String of Pearls or at the end of the tube as focused sunlight.
ZetaTalk Description 2001: Why do the moons trail, and spin in a slow whirlwind behind Nibiru, rather than orbit the planet? They are all stuck in a corridor behind the planet, not able to leave, not able to pass each other, and not able to catch the planet to reinstated a circular orbit around it. This swirl, unique to man in any comets or planets it observes, is what caused the ancients to call the passing monster, red in the sky because of its illuminated red dust cloud, a dragon, lashing its tail, the swirl of moons.
ZetaTalk Description 12/28/2002: As we have explained, the dozens of moons trailing Nibiru do a dance among themselves, creating several swirls. These swirls, like twirling partners on a dance floor, stay apart from each other, just as the moons in a swirl stay apart from each other while perpetually on the move. While Nibiru is in the main dead-on in a path toward the Sun, it veers in this dead-on path slightly on occasion as it was doing during the Dec 27th and 28th imaging sessions. This causes the moon swirls to be visible from the side or above or below Nibiru, depending upon the direction of motion. But the now visible moon swirls will often overlap, when seen from a dead-on view, such that they are more dense than when seen individually in a dead-on view, or when seen stretched out in a side-ways motion.
The Zetas have long stated that Nibiru has “dozens” of moons, without giving an exact number. Lately those dozens have shown up in photos snapped by the public. First, a little history. When the Nibiru complex was inbound in 2002 and being captured in CCD images during the Winter of 2002-2003, the Zetas described the clouds of moons being seen on occasion. They align themselves into what the Zetas call Moon Swirls, long tubes, which can be seen from the side as a String of Pearls or at the end of the tube as focused sunlight.
ZetaTalk Description 2001: Why do the moons trail, and spin in a slow whirlwind behind Nibiru, rather than orbit the planet? They are all stuck in a corridor behind the planet, not able to leave, not able to pass each other, and not able to catch the planet to reinstated a circular orbit around it. This swirl, unique to man in any comets or planets it observes, is what caused the ancients to call the passing monster, red in the sky because of its illuminated red dust cloud, a dragon, lashing its tail, the swirl of moons.
ZetaTalk Description 12/28/2002: As we have explained, the dozens of moons trailing Nibiru do a dance among themselves, creating several swirls. These swirls, like twirling partners on a dance floor, stay apart from each other, just as the moons in a swirl stay apart from each other while perpetually on the move. While Nibiru is in the main dead-on in a path toward the Sun, it veers in this dead-on path slightly on occasion as it was doing during the Dec 27th and 28th imaging sessions. This causes the moon swirls to be visible from the side or above or below Nibiru, depending upon the direction of motion. But the now visible moon swirls will often overlap, when seen from a dead-on view, such that they are more dense than when seen individually in a dead-on view, or when seen stretched out in a side-ways motion.

ZetaTalk: Antarctica
Feeding conspiracy theories, the Lake Vostok magnetic anomaly remains unexplained. Is this a crashed ship, an ancient city such as the lost city of Atlantis, or is there a simple geological explanation for the anomaly? Because exploring the lake would ruin its pristine condition, the mystery remains. It is known that iron ore deposits and hardened lava from volcanoes or spreading plates will show up as magnetic anomalies. Cities likewise have this signature due to the bulk of metal in their interior. The interior of plates is often thick crust, which likewise can give this magnetic signature. Antarctica is old rock and Lake Vostok lies along a rift running deep through this rock, thus showing a pattern of volcanic rupture when the continent was pulled from its attachment to India in the past.
ZetaTalk ™ August 13, 2011
Troubled Times: Zeta Advice on Locations
ZetaTalk Antarctica Rising - Search / X
Feeding conspiracy theories, the Lake Vostok magnetic anomaly remains unexplained. Is this a crashed ship, an ancient city such as the lost city of Atlantis, or is there a simple geological explanation for the anomaly? Because exploring the lake would ruin its pristine condition, the mystery remains. It is known that iron ore deposits and hardened lava from volcanoes or spreading plates will show up as magnetic anomalies. Cities likewise have this signature due to the bulk of metal in their interior. The interior of plates is often thick crust, which likewise can give this magnetic signature. Antarctica is old rock and Lake Vostok lies along a rift running deep through this rock, thus showing a pattern of volcanic rupture when the continent was pulled from its attachment to India in the past.
ZetaTalk ™ August 13, 2011
Troubled Times: Zeta Advice on Locations
ZetaTalk Antarctica Rising - Search / X
Argentina, Fire in El Bolson, Rio Negro.
The fire has intensified in recent hours, forcing the evacuation of nearby communities. Unfavorable weather conditions with wind gusts of up to 80 km/h are making it difficult for firefighters to work.
Fault Line Wildfires
Argentina, Fire in El Bolson, Rio Negro.
The fire has intensified in recent hours, forcing the evacuation of nearby communities. Unfavorable weather conditions with wind gusts of up to 80 km/h are making it difficult for firefighters to work.
Fault Line Wildfires

Joe Rogan
👽👽On a Mission
Awakening to the Alien Presence
ZetaTalk Awakening Alien Presence - Search / X
Joe Rogan
👽👽On a Mission
Awakening to the Alien Presence
ZetaTalk Awakening Alien Presence - Search / X
Earthquake M4.7 - Western Indian-Antarctic Ridge - Sun, 9 Feb 2025 16:38:04 UTC (16:38 GMT) - 37 minutes ago
more info: https://www.volcanodiscovery.com/app/earthquakes/quake-info/15145883/info.html
via Volcanoes & Earthquakes App - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.volcanodiscovery.volcanodiscovery
more info: https://www.volcanodiscovery.com/app/earthquakes/quake-info/15145883/info.html
via Volcanoes & Earthquakes App - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.volcanodiscovery.volcanodiscovery
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