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The Communist Pact
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The image below depicts Isabel signing the Golden Law, which did not really end slavery in Brazil.

A bill is being proposed in Brazil, with popular support, to end the 6-1 work schedule (working 6 days and 1 day off). But just as the Golden Law didn't end slavery, a law won't end the 6-1 work schedule.

Firstly, because the proposed bill stipulates a 36-hour workday with a 4-3 work schedule, which sets a precedent for a 9-hour workday on four days or an 8-hour workday on four days and a half-shift on a fifth day. In addition, the bill does not repeal anything in the brazilian neoliberal labor reform, which is subject to the "collective bargaining agreement", which in practice is an agreement with the employer, and this agreement is above the labor law.

Secondly, and most importantly, there are many people who are still forced to work on work schedules worse than 6-1, and on top of that 10 or 11 hours a day or more, in violation of the current labor law. The struggle to end the 6-1 work schedule is extremely important. But legislation is worthless, meaning that preferably the class that benefits from it is the capitalist class. If they need to break the law, they will.

Once again, the struggle to end the 6-1 work schedule is extremely important. This post is just a reminder for us, for workers all around the world, to not to trust the institutions and the state, because they are never on our side. Our real struggle is for the 0-7 work schedule, for the end of labor as job-form, for communism.

The Communist Pact
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