"In 1984, after Steinberg had milked the company of $32 million, Disney family shareholders were too weak to resist a takeover by Michael Eisner, the Jewish boss of Paramount Pictures. Eisner in turn brought in as his second in command another Jew, Jeffrey Katzenberg. The company that Walt Disney built - the company that gave us Snow White and Fantasia - has been in Jewish hands ever since... During his first day as chairman of the Disney company - his first day, believe it or not - Eisner ordered the production of an R-rated film, about the kinky sexual misadventures of a typically neurotic Jewish family in the Los Angeles area. This was the first R-rated film ever produced by the Disney company - but certainly not the last... Actually, what Michael Eisner has done to the Disney company is far worse than cutting the soul out of it. He has transformed it into another instrument in the Jewish campaign to multiculturalize America. He has made it into a spiritually destructive propaganda instrument aimed at our children.
There are no better examples of this than a couple of recent children's films produced by the Disney company under Eisner: The Jungle Book and Pocahontas. Actually, in 1967, the year after Walt Disney's death, the original Disney company made an animated film based on Kipling's Jungle Book stories of India. It was a film in the Disney tradition, made to entertain children and not to brainwash them. Last year Mr. Eisner produced a new. Politically Correct version of The Jungle Book. The new version, which uses live characters instead of animation, promotes interracial sex. In Mr. Eisner's version. White males are portrayed as contemptible, cowardly, inept, and disloyal. The White heroine rejects her British- officer fiancée, and lets herself be wooed and won by an Indian jungle boy, played by a Chinese actor. And, of course, it bears no resemblance at all to anything written by Rudyard Kipling. I hardly need comment on the film Pocahontas, which has received so much publicity recently, except to say that its message is the same as that of Eisner's version of The Jungle Book: namely, that racial mixing is A-OK, that there's absolutely no reason why a White man should not marry an Indian woman or why a White woman should not have an affair with a Chinaman.
It took Mr. Eisner ten years to drag the Disney company down to the Pocahontas level. He is a careful man. He knows that there is a lot at stake. He certainly doesn't want to move too fast and cause a negative reaction from the American public. He didn't want to alert the American public to his intentions ten years ago. So he started with R-rated sex films and gradually moved to films which tell White children that miscegenation is fine and noble, and that non-Whites really have much more character than Whites. But I believe that Mr. Eisner had this outcome clearly in his mind from the first day that he took over the Disney company and began degrading it."
William Pierce (1995). Disney and the Jews.