People didn't even believe us when we said we were being censored in 2017. People also think censorship was worst during COVID, nope.
I think this move is good and signals maturity on Zucks end. Who knows if there is an ulterior motive, but we should be tending toward a society where our minds open and we admit to the damage this nonsense has caused.
We lost our entire business as a result of FB's BS. Almost every time we were fact checked it was done using strawman arguments. Fact checkers would claim we made claims we didn't make. We lost millions in revenue as a result, and now don't even have access to our audience like before. For us, the damage has already been done. But I hope for new people, this helps them.
Now, Zuckerberg stated that the previous fact-checking model led to excessive censorship and numerous errors, prompting the shift towards a system that emphasizes free expression. He acknowledged that the fact-checkers had become "too politically biased."