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🏴Condolences on the Martydom of Imām Musa ibn Ja’far al Kadhim (peace be with him)

💠Imām Kadhim (peace be with him) said:

▪️“Little deeds (with quality) done by a person of intellect is accepted (by God) and expands in quantity, while a lot of deeds done by whimsical and ignorant people is not accepted.”

💠امام كاظم عليه السلام:
▪️قَليلُ الْعَمَلِ مِنَ الْعاقِلِ مَقبولٌ مُضاعَفٌ، وَ كَثيرُ العَمَلِ مِنْ اَهْلِ الهَوى وَ الجَهْلِ مَرْدودٌ.

💠امام كاظم عليه السلام:
▪️اندكى عمل [صالح] از شخص عاقل، [در پيشگاه الهى] پذيرفته و چند برابر مى شود، در حالى كه اعمال [صالح] بسيار، از مردمان هوسران يا نادان، پذيرفته نمى گردد.

📖تحف العقول، ص ۳۸۷

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Meaning of Best Deeds:

“He is the One who created death and life to test you as to which of you is best in deed.” (Surah Al-Mulk, Ayat 2)

Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) explained:

“It does not mean who does the most deeds, but who does the most correct deeds. Correct deeds are those that include God-consciousness and pure intentions.”

He further stated, “Protecting a deed from impurity is more difficult than performing the deed itself.”

Pure and Righteous Actions:
A sincere and righteous action is one where you do not desire anyone other than Allah to praise you for that deed.

Book: Tafsir Nemooneh, Volume 14, Page 104
By: Ayatollah Nasir Makarem Shirazi
Do Not Be an Obstacle!

💠Hijab means this very mindfulness in one’s behavior: to remain untainted and not to taint others; not to become captive and not to make others captive. Hijab is not just about a woman covering herself. In this world, which is a path, a field of movement, a classroom, and a furnace, both men and women should not be obstacles in others’ way, nor should they trap others in themselves, keeping their eyes and hearts occupied, thus preventing them from transcending the world.

🔹Ostād Ali Safaee Hā’eri

سنگِ راه نباش!

💠حجاب یعنی همین دقت در برخورد؛ که آلوده نشوی و آلوده نسازی؛ که اسیر نشوی و اسیر ننمایی. حجاب، فقط این نیست که زن خود را بپوشاند؛ که زن و مرد، هر دو باید در این دنیایی که راه است و میدان حرکت است و کلاس و کوره است، سنگ راه نباشند و دیگران را در خود اسیر نسازند و چشم‌ها و دل‌ها را نگه ندارند و در دنیا نمانند.

🔹استاد علی صفایی حائری

📜 از کتاب نامه‌های بلوغ

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السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكِ أَيَّتُهَا البَعيدَةُ عَن الأوْطانِ

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Imam Ali (peace be with him): Awe-inspiring to Everyone
🎙️ Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei
🔊 Farsi (with English subtitles)

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💠Imām Kadhim (peace be with him):
🔺“There is no medicine but that it exacerbates another ailment, and there is nothing more beneficial to the body than self-restraint from all except what the body needs.”

📚Scale of Wisdom, p. 400

💠الامام الكاظم (عليه السلام):
🔺ليس من دواء إلّا و هو يهيّج داء، و ليس شيء في البدن انفع من إمساك اليد إلّا عمّا يحتاج اليه

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🔹Imām Kadhim (peace be with him) was asked through what means should one worship God?

💠Imām (peace be with him) replied: “Do not be a creator of new (so called) religious actions, (because) anyone who refers only to his own opinions will perish, and whoever abandons (the way of) the Ahlulbayt of the Prophet (peace be with them all) will go astray, and whoever quits on the (teachings of the) Book of God and guidances of the Prophet is a disbeliever.”

🔹مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ أَبِی عَبْدِ اَللَّهِ رَفَعَهُ عَنْ یُونُسَ بْنِ عَبْدِ اَلرَّحْمَنِ قَالَ: قُلْتُ لِأَبِی اَلْحَسَنِ اَلْأَوَّلِ عَلَیْهِ اَلسَّلاَمُ بِمَا أُوَحِّدُ اَللَّهَ
💠فَقَالَ یَا یُونُسُ لاَ تَکُونَنَّ مُبْتَدِعاً مَنْ نَظَرَ بِرَأْیِهِ هَلَکَ وَ مَنْ تَرَکَ أَهْلَ بَیْتِ نَبِیِّهِ صَلَّی اَللَّهُ عَلَیْهِ وَ آلِهِ ضَلَّ وَ مَنْ تَرَکَ کِتَابَ اَللَّهِ وَ قَوْلَ نَبِیِّهِ کَفَرَ.
📖الکافی ،ج ۱ ،ص ۵۶

🔹یونس می گوید: به امام کاظم علیه السلام عرض کردم: به چه وسیله خدا را به یگانگی پرستم؟
💠فرمود: ای یونس: بدعتگزار مباش کسی که برأی خویش توجه کند هلاک شود و هر که خانواده پیغمبرش را (صلّی الله علیه و آله) رها کند گمراه گردد و کسی که قرآن و گفتار پیغمبرش را رها کند کافر گردد.

🔹امام کاظم (علیہ السلام) سے پوچھا گیا کہ کس طرح خدا کی عبادت کی جائے؟
💠امام نے فرمایا: اے یونس، بدعتی نہ بنو، اور جو صرف اپنے آپ کی فکر کرے گا وہ ہلاک ہو جائے گا، اور جو اپنے نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ کے اہلبیت کو چھوڑے گا وہ گمراہ ہو جائے گا، جو قرآن اور رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ کے قول اور فرامین کو چھوڑے گا تو وہ کافر ہو جائے گا۔

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🔷Meeting with the 12th Imam (2)

✅A narration with the voice over of Sheikh Ahmad Kafi about a man from Kashan, Iran. He joins a caravan to visit Mecca for pilgrimage, but ends up becoming severely ill in Najaf, Iraq. It is here where he meets the Imam of the time.

📍Farsi with English Subtitles

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🌹Congratulations on the Auspicious birth of the Master of the Believers

🟩Leader of the faithful Ali (peace be with him):

🔺“The wisest of people is he who is insightful toward his own defects while blind toward the defects of others.”

🟩امير المؤمنين عليه السلام فرمودند :
🔺أَعقَلُ النّاسِ مَن كانَ بِعَيبِهِ بَصيرا وَ عَن عَيبِ غَيرِهِ ضَريرا ؛

🟩امير المؤمنين عليه السلام فرمودند:
🔺خردمندترينِ مردم، كسى است كه بيناى عيب خود باشد و از عيب ديگران، كور .


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💠Things that Imam Ali (peace be with him) did NOT do...

✅Part 2/2

🔹He accepted the problems of society. And he never denied accepting his duties and responsibilities.

🔹He took a covenant with himself to straighten the matters that plagued society and never unburdened societal responsibilities (that came as a result of being the ruler) from his shoulders.

🔹He preferred commonness over cleverness (meaning that he lowered himself to the level of common folk and did not use his profound intellect, and wisdom to trick the people).

🔹During wars, he never made his sons, relatives, or close ones to escape danger.

🔹He did not give special treats/treatment (even) to his blind, poor brother (just because he was his kin).

🔹He did not neglect the past (hardships of servitude or past life) of his servants.

🔹He did not ignore the minority’s rights.

🔹He did not snatch significance and importance for himself.

🔹He did not consider hard work as strenuous (disrespectful). He worked for a Jew (on his garden) and did not sense any dishonor and insignificance at all in it. (When he had a Jew working for him) he did not disregard the old Jewish man with negligence.

🔹He never considered work/labor that was lower than his dignity or rank to be cheap (or below his social rank).

🔹During political isolation, he never considered the culture and time (of that era) as blameworthy, nor was he hopeless in life and rebuilding of civilization....

—Sayyed Zein-ul Ābedīn Šafavī

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✨ عد لي حبيبي | نشيد في حق الإمام المهدي (عج)

🎙️حسن القدسي

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💠Imām Kadhim (peace be with him):
🔺“Diet control is the fountainhead of remedies, and the stomach is house of all ailments, so condition your body while it can be conditioned.”

📚Scale of Wisdom, p. 400

💠الامام الكاظم (عليه السلام):
🔺الحمية رأس الدواء، و المعيدة بيت الدواء ، عوّد بدنا ما تعوّد.

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💠Imam Musa Kadhim (peace be with him):
▪️Conversing with a scholar on a pile of garbage is better than a conversation with an ignorant on a (comfortable) rug.

💠عَنْ أَبِي الْحَسَنِ مُوسَى‏ بْنِ‏ جَعْفَرٍ عليهماالسلام:
▪️«مُحَادَثَةُ الْعَالِمِ‏ عَلَى الْمَزَابِلِ خَيْرٌ مِنْ مُحَادَثَةِ الْجَاهِلِ عَلَى الزَّرَابِيِ‏».

▪️گفتگو با دانشمند، روى زباله دانى بهتر است از گفتگوى با نادان روى فرش.

▪️ایک عالم سے کچرے کے ڈھیر پہ گفتگو کرنا، ایک جاہل سے قالین پر گفتگو کرنے سے بہتر ہے.

📖الكافي (ط - دارالحديث)؛ ج‏1؛ ص94

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💠Meeting with the 12th Imam (1)

✅A narration with the voice over of Sheikh Ahmad Kafi about Sheikh Hossein Aal Raheem, a young student of the Najaf seminary, afflicted with illness and stricken with poverty and difficulties, who meets the Imam of the time.

📍Farsi with English Subtitles

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🟩Leader of the Faithful Ali (peace be with him):
🔺“You have been created for the hereafter so endeavor for it. You have certainly not been created for this world so abstain from excess use of it and detach from it.”

🟩امیرالمومنین عليه السلام فرمودند :
🔺إنَّکَ مَخلوقٌ لِلآخِرَةِ فَاعمَل لَها . إنَّکَ لَم تُخلَق لِلدُّنیا فَازهَد فیها وأعرِض عَنها.

🟩امیرالمومنین عليه السلام فرمودند :
🔺تو براى آخرت آفریده شده ‏اى، پس براى آن کار کن . تو هرگز براى دنیا خلق نشده ‏اى، پس از دنیا دل برکَن و از آن ، روى بگردان.

📖غرر الحکم، ح ۳۸۱۰ و ح ۳۸۱۱

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💠Things that Imam Ali (peace be with him) did NOT do...

✅Part 1/2

🔹Our arguments (in defense of) Imam Ali is mostly about his sayings and beautiful actions, and we hardly speak or hear about what he did not say and what he did not do. We have taken his general traits for granted, such that anyone can easily apply those generalities and place themselves in the shoes of this (most) prominent man in (the pages of) history, where we attempt to rival him.

🔹I've criticized (the concept of) introducing individuals like Imam Ali and (the concept of being unable to be like him in) a different time , however if we wish to (truly) learn from the ways of Ali (peace be with him), one of the most important points is to refer to the actions that this honorable man did not do even to the slightest, even though he could have (easily done so for his advantage and interests).

🔹Ali (peace be with him) in times of battle, during the peak of victory and domination, did not block the source of water to enemy forces; and while sword fighting and/or shield defending, he did not ask for his elite soldiers to cover and protect him (fought bravely like a warrior alone); and he did not slip (or escape) due to fear of losing his life;

🔹Ali did not allow any excess praise (about him) to make a difference to him. He never surrounded himself to the social circles of ego-centered persons and never made a lens of perceiving the world from their outlook.

🔹He never limited himself only with his “close-ones”, nor did he ever make them his “special-ones”.

🔹He was never negligent of realities (and occurrences behind the veil), and he never sought the aid from superstitions.

🔹He never behaved fraudulently with anyone, nor did he see any of his opponents with bias and prejudice.

🔹He never created space between himself and the poor, nor did he build a palace. He did not use the public treasury even for matters such as the grave of Prophet Mohammad and Sayyida Zahra (peace be with them both and their progeny), in that he did not make a shrine with flower hands, and a tomb enclosing their graves, though a vault and porch were necessary (and he did make that using public funds).

🔹He never boasted and showed off to someone because of his sacrifices and all (noble) abilities. Never boasted, nor stressed (about worldly affairs) and (never expressed undue) anger. He never showed off his piety for his publicity, and never dressed like rulers and caliphs.

🔹Nor did he sell anyone's reputation (or his own) to others. He did not display his asceticism (and piety) to the public.

🔹He never conceived of others or himself to be the criterion for the truth, nor did he see himself as (more knowledgeable and non-criticizable).
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🔹”O Allah, make the outcome of our affairs good.”

🔹اللّهُمَّ اجْعَلْ عَواقِبَ امُورِنا خَیْراً

🔹«خدایا آخر و عاقبت کارهای ما را ختم به خیر کن»

🔹خدایا ہمارے کاموں اور معاملات کا انجام خیر فرما.

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💠Let us Broaden our Thinking

🎙️Ayatollah Sheikh Mohsen Qira’ati

🌐Farsi + Eng Subtitles

بشنو این نی چون شکایت می کند
از جدایی ها حکایت میکند

کز نیستان تا مرا ببریده‌اند
از نفیرم مرد و زن نالیده‌اند

سینه خواهم شرحه شرحه از فراق
تا بگویم شرح درد اشتیاق

هر کسی کو دور ماند از اصل خویش
باز جوید روزگار وصل خویش


Listen to the Ney, how it complains,
It tells the story of separation.

Ever since they cut me from the reed-bed,
I have made both men and women weep with my lament.

I yearn for a heart torn apart by separation,
So I can tell the tale of my longing.

Anyone who is distant from their source,
Longs for the day of their reunion.


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💠Wisdom of Infallibles

🟢The Master of the Believers, Ali (peace be with him) said: “During civil disturbance (or political strife and sedition) be like an adolescent camel who neither has a back strong enough for riding nor utters to be milked.”

📚Nahjul Balagha, Saying no. 1

🟡قَال امير المؤمنين علي بن ابيطالب عليهما السلام: كُنْ فِي الْفِتْنَةِ كَابْنِ اللَّبُونِ لاَ ظَهْرٌ فَيُرْكَبَ، وَلاَ ضَرْعٌ فَيُحْلَبَ.

🔵امير المؤمنين علي بن ابيطالب عليهما السلام نے فرمایا: فتنہ اور سخت سیاسی آزمايشوں كے درميان اونٹنی کے بچے جیسے بن جائو؛ جسکی نہ ایسی پشت کہ کوئی سوار ہو سکے اور نہ ایسے دودھ کہ دودھ دُہا جا سکے۔ (یعنی فتنہ کے دوران نہ کسی کے لیے کام کرو اور نو کسی کو اجازت دو کوئی تمسے کام لے سکے)

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💠Leader of the Faithful Ali (peace be with him) told his son the following, when someone was backbiting in his son Imām Hasan’s presence:

🔺“My son, keep your ears away from people like this person. Because, surely, he has looked at the most disgusting things in his bowl and emptied it into yours.”

💠امیرالمومنین عليه السلام  وقتى ديدند شخصى در حضور فرزندشان امام حسن عليه  السلام از کسى غيبت مى کند، فرمودند:
🔺یابُنَیَّ، نَزِّهْ سَمعَکَ عن مِثلِ هذا؛ فإنّهُ نَظَرَ إلى أخبَثِ ما فی وِعائهِ فَأفرَغَهُ فی وِعائکَ!

🔺فرزندم! گوش خود را از چنین کسى به دور دار؛ زیرا او به پلیدترین و نجس ترین چیزهایى که در ظرف خود دارد نگریسته و آنها را در ظرف تو خالى کرده است.


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