I dont like to appear rude, but the complete silence of ALL the FDA employees on this subject means that they either hired people who were very asleep, or who were already corrupt, or there were no employees there - just an AI computer mimicking employees (chatbox). It is hard for me to imagine that ALL the employees would choose to keep this level of injury from the public.
The logic of my argument is that if real employees were there then evidence indicates they were not doing their job. So it would have been cost effective if an AI computer had replaced people in that institution - and an AI computer would not leak info or crack under the emotional strain of hiding so much info.
If 158,000 adverse events were reported in 2 months, and if the vaccines were rolled out for 30 months, then a very rough estimate of reported injuries might be 158000 x 15 = 2,360,000 assuming a constant rate of injury. I am sure more info will be released.
The only thing that can kill and maim this smoothly with this level of emotionlessness and automated persistence is probably an AI mind.
If you visited the FDA would you find anyone there, or just empty suites, a cleaner hoovering the floor, and an obese IT guy playing video games, whilst HAL hummed on quietly in the recesses of the basement.
Sasha makes a good case that this was a military operation or rather a military coup against democracy.
The number of deaths and injuries is not sufficient to really convince us that depopulation was the immediate goal. But the Covid, like 9/11, rafted in a host of totalitarian policies and laws that would in fact facilitate a future global tyranny.