Many TRUTHERS like myself, are currently experiencing, both the WORST times and the BEST times of their live's simultaneously.
I don't believe I've ever experienced so many HIGHS and so many LOWS at the same time. However, I know in my HEART, it's all part of God's MASTER plan.
After all how easy would it be to be HAUGHTY when you've been CHOSEN to help save the world? When you've dedicated many years and 5260 memes/artwork to such a NOBLE cause. I would say very easy.
And how easy is it to be HUMBLED away from that NAUGHTYNESS by circumstances beyond one's control, such as the [GUBBERMENT] capturing your innocent son? Again, very easy.
But God. He PROTECTS us from OURSELVES and ensures our readiness for what's ahead.
He has BLESSED us ALL.