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Flat Earth Dome ✨ avatar
Flat Earth Dome ✨
Flat Earth Dome ✨ avatar
Flat Earth Dome ✨
We are supposedly blasting through space, but somehow we are always seeing the same stars..

When you are new to flat earth, it all start making sense once you start connecting the dots that all is a big show to distract you about where you are, what you are, how you are and who you are.

Flat Earth is a spiritual journey.
In order to know who you are, you have to know where you are.

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When you think the awakening is all butterflies and rainbows that the Youniverse says otherwise...

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Once you go flat, you never go back!

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NASA document 1207
The sun is local!
The sky is the limit!
The earth is stationary!

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Almost every rocket ends up in the ocean of the Bermuda triangle or explodes against the firmament. It doesn't take rocketscience to see we can't go to space.

Space is the ocean.

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7 levels of the Matrix

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NASA is Santa for Adults

Space-X is the Easter bunny

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The National Annunaki Subversion Agency

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Earth not a globe proof!
31 miles line of sight can only be accomplished on a flat plane!

Earth is flat!

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In ancient times 13 was a number associated with the goddess and divine feminine cycles of creation. 13 is connected to the 13 moons in our calendar year and the 13 cycles menstruating women have when they are in sync with their natural rhythms. The Divine Feminine is CREATIVE and generative. Co-creating in harmony with the Earth. A true year has 13 moons of 28 days + 1 day for rest in 1 solar year. There are actually 13 zodiac signs and the turtles shell represent the lunar cycle. Associating the number 13 with unluck is another deception and disturbance of the natural rhythm.

Today is the new moon, great timing to plant new seeds to return back to true cosmology, geology and our natural rhythms.

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Against logic there is no armor like ignorance.

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The "Water doesn't stick to a spinning ball" experiment.

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All-in-one moon landing debunk doc:

American Moon (English Version)

Timestamps & Chapters

3:19 NASA Simulator

20:58 NASA Simulator

21:24 10 Years of Propaganda

24:48 The Moon hoax Theory

59:58 Van Allen Radiation Belt - Ralph Rene

46:29 How They Faked It

52:51 Moon Simulator

1:17:38 Engine Dust Imprint

1:20:39 Dust Foot Pads

1:26:59 Engine Noise

1:30:36 Schematics & Lost Tapes

1:35:50 Radio Delay

1:40:32 Rover TV Broadcast

1:46:38 Lunar Dust and Footprints

1:56:16 Steel Wires

2:04:29 Air on the Moon

2:16:42 Photography & No Radiation Damage

2:31:05 Photography - Thermal Contraction

2:36:03 Photography - Brittle

2:37:27 Photography - Artificial Light vs Sunlight

2:49:10 Photography - Shadows

2:57:20 Photography - Soft Edges

3:00:27 Photography - Backlight

3:22:03 Photography - Reshoot

3:23:19 Conclusion - Astronots Interviews

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In case your Christmas dinner with beloved ones turned out to make the house foundations shake as Flat Earth dropped on the table. Then you probably had a very entertaining time. In case family members don't reply to your messages anymore and still think the white lines in the sky are water vapour.. that is ok.. It might take some deep breaths and leave them at level 1 for now...

There is an urge of importance to plant Flat Earth seeds, as the more people get Flat, the higher our awareness rises and the awakening occurs. Somehow this goes hand in hand together..

It doesn't take long the globe deception gets removed out of our consciousness via mainstream platforms.

Trump: "it's a flat plane".

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The Earth Don’t Spin | Bryce Mitchell tells Patrick Bet-David how you can prove the Earth doesn’t spin by hovering a helicopter at 15000 feet for 4-5 hours, at 0 miles an hours, no movement north east south west, and come back right down where you took off..

The Earth is a stationary plane.
The Earth Don’t Spin.

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The Earth Looks Pretty Flat To Me!

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This is the lost technology that NASA talks about...

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Earth's 4 Motions are Nonsense:  By Eric Dubay 🙏🏻 

The heliocentric model with its spinning, spherical Earth concept, consistently requires an array of intricate scientific calibrations, adjustments and ‘fixes’ for its highly implausible assertions to hold up. The geocentric model, the other hand, with a flat, stationary Earth at the center of our world, requires no use of adjustments, supplementary phenomena, or highly complex explanations to demonstrate its straightforward and uncomplicated operation — it just makes sense.

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Chinese CGI studio forgets to curve the earth 🌎

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Red flashing light and activity on the moon shown in this video... The moon is much closer by than we have been told... and what the moon actually is we still have no idea!

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Astrology proves flat earth. We see the same stars and constellations for thousands of years.. If we would fly with the speed they say, we should see new stars every decade or so...

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