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Bishop Williamson (Unofficial)

A very scandalous publication was released by the Superior General of the SSPX reflecting upon Bp. Williamson’s passing, amounting to a hit piece on a recently departed good Catholic.
The clear lack of charity amongst the leadership of the neo-SSPX (compared to the charity thankfully exhibited by many of its priests) is stark and disturbing.
They disprove the old Latin adage:
“De mortuis nil nisi bonum dicendum est“
"Of the dead nothing but good is to be spoken”
The clear lack of charity amongst the leadership of the neo-SSPX (compared to the charity thankfully exhibited by many of its priests) is stark and disturbing.
They disprove the old Latin adage:
“De mortuis nil nisi bonum dicendum est“
"Of the dead nothing but good is to be spoken”

(+)Bishop Williamson's Legacy: Refuting Fr. Schmidberger's Uncharitable Assessment

"Every soul appearing at death instantaneously before God’s judgment seat will be judged by him with a perfect justice and with a perfect mercy. God alone knows the depths of a man’s heart which a man can hide from himself, let alone from other men. Men may misjudge, but God never."
By Eleison Comments on August 13, 2011
By Eleison Comments on August 13, 2011

Mgr Williamson: un ami, un confrère, un père
par S.E. Mgr Jean-Michel Faure
par S.E. Mgr Jean-Michel Faure

Anti-Culture Antidote
By Eleison Comments May 31, 2008
"The danger is rather of our children being so progressively caught up in the wilfully immature fantasy that it will be too late for them to re-adjust to reality. “Movies are all they know,” says E.Z., “they aren’t learning anything about life except from movies. How can they reconcile a phony Hollywoodian perception of reality with their Catholic Faith?” No wonder Conciliarism took over from Catholicism!
As Marcel de Corte puts it, how can someone who has no idea of real being have any real idea of the Supreme Being?"
By Eleison Comments May 31, 2008
"The danger is rather of our children being so progressively caught up in the wilfully immature fantasy that it will be too late for them to re-adjust to reality. “Movies are all they know,” says E.Z., “they aren’t learning anything about life except from movies. How can they reconcile a phony Hollywoodian perception of reality with their Catholic Faith?” No wonder Conciliarism took over from Catholicism!
As Marcel de Corte puts it, how can someone who has no idea of real being have any real idea of the Supreme Being?"
Eleison Comments
(December 16, 2023) ; Downfall of Europe - I
"The collapse of France and of Europe as a whole is a catastrophic reality. It did not happen overnight. The undermining has been going on for a long time, as French nationalists most keenly saw, predicting the grave consequences for society and civilisation, which are now evident...
After the collapse of France’s colonial empire and the betrayal of French Algeria the student uprising of 1968 in Paris demonstrated that the French people in general were ready to accept the overthrow of all common sense, Tradition, sane morals, of whatever used to make the greatness of our civilisation. Then came the legalising of abortion, a socialist government in 1981, anti-racism, engineered immigration, reshaping the family, LGBT, transgender, paedophilia, adrenochrome (a real horror), organ sales, “climate change”, chemtrails, etc...
Yet surprisingly, that “West”, which is no longer anything more than the puppet of satanic masters who are an oligarchy of materialistic and gnostic globalists, still behaves as though it has a calling to lead the world, somewhat like the Talmudic Jews pretending themselves to be the priesthood of mankind.
Our task in politics is to do whatever we can that may have an effect, but it is mainly to preserve for a better future the best fruits of France’s glorious past, just as, when in the sixth century the Roman empire was being swamped by the barbarians, the monks in the monasteries preserved the glories of antiquity. These glories, preserved, played a large part in the building up which followed, of 1500 years of European and Christian civilisation."
(December 16, 2023) ; Downfall of Europe - I
"The collapse of France and of Europe as a whole is a catastrophic reality. It did not happen overnight. The undermining has been going on for a long time, as French nationalists most keenly saw, predicting the grave consequences for society and civilisation, which are now evident...
After the collapse of France’s colonial empire and the betrayal of French Algeria the student uprising of 1968 in Paris demonstrated that the French people in general were ready to accept the overthrow of all common sense, Tradition, sane morals, of whatever used to make the greatness of our civilisation. Then came the legalising of abortion, a socialist government in 1981, anti-racism, engineered immigration, reshaping the family, LGBT, transgender, paedophilia, adrenochrome (a real horror), organ sales, “climate change”, chemtrails, etc...
Yet surprisingly, that “West”, which is no longer anything more than the puppet of satanic masters who are an oligarchy of materialistic and gnostic globalists, still behaves as though it has a calling to lead the world, somewhat like the Talmudic Jews pretending themselves to be the priesthood of mankind.
Our task in politics is to do whatever we can that may have an effect, but it is mainly to preserve for a better future the best fruits of France’s glorious past, just as, when in the sixth century the Roman empire was being swamped by the barbarians, the monks in the monasteries preserved the glories of antiquity. These glories, preserved, played a large part in the building up which followed, of 1500 years of European and Christian civilisation."
🌟🌟(October 19, 2024):
"Poor modern man, so drastically short-sighted,
His whole life being, by that short sight, blighted!
If we want to save our souls for eternity, as God wants all of us to do (I Tim. II,4), then the world now surrounding us is a dangerous environment for that purpose because, broadly speaking, for seven centuries mankind has been slowly but surely demoting God in order to take His place. It is a foolish attempt, doomed to fail, but in the meantime it has brought mankind to the brink of nuclear suicide. Now, on that road to ruin, from the Incarnation onwards, the greatest obstacle to the folly of man was God’s own Church instituted by God’s own Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, to be the continuation of His Incarnation amongst men, as the Light of the World to dispel men’s confusion, and the Salt of the Earth to prevent men’s corruption."
"Poor modern man, so drastically short-sighted,
His whole life being, by that short sight, blighted!
If we want to save our souls for eternity, as God wants all of us to do (I Tim. II,4), then the world now surrounding us is a dangerous environment for that purpose because, broadly speaking, for seven centuries mankind has been slowly but surely demoting God in order to take His place. It is a foolish attempt, doomed to fail, but in the meantime it has brought mankind to the brink of nuclear suicide. Now, on that road to ruin, from the Incarnation onwards, the greatest obstacle to the folly of man was God’s own Church instituted by God’s own Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, to be the continuation of His Incarnation amongst men, as the Light of the World to dispel men’s confusion, and the Salt of the Earth to prevent men’s corruption."

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Please note that some personal tributes to Bishop Williamson have been posted on https://respicestellam.org/
Other tributes will be posted in due course for the edification of all.
Prayers are still requested for the repose of the Bishop's soul.
Other tributes will be posted in due course for the edification of all.
Prayers are still requested for the repose of the Bishop's soul.
Archive of Bishop Williamson videos. Watch, study:
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