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Bubba Kate v The State 2023-2024 (Uncensored for now) avatar

Bubba Kate v The State 2023-2024 (Uncensored for now)

New Public Channel of Kate Fanning. English Nationalist and White Indigenous Rights Advocate.
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Популярные публикации Bubba Kate v The State 2023-2024 (Uncensored for now)

Another loss for the Open University with their rabid enforcement of far left extremist political ideology through use of harassment and victimisation. My case is based on racial discrimination and discrimination of belief but not ones related to gender ideology, along with racial harassment, victimisation and contraventions of the Education Act and Human Rights Act. I gather I am the only Litigant in Person in proceedings against them. Just preparing the final parts of the Skeleton Arguments, preparing for opening and closing statements, oral submissions and cross examination of witnesses. I am quite looking forward to the Trial and concluding this matter so I can focus on studies and WIRA. I am certainly going to be deserving of a nice quiet spa weekend away and a holiday by the time this is done.
When will the corrupt police be held accountable?
My Grandads funeral was on Friday. He lived to 95. When organising his funeral, we had some family meetings where we discussed his life and legacy along with a group chat where old photos were posted to pick out which would be displayed.

It got me thinking about how quickly our homelands have changed. In the course of one lifetime my Grandad lived through the second world War and then did his national service in Palestine where he was shot at by Jews. When he returned he married and moved into the house where he would live for over 70 years of his life in an inner city area of Manchester that was when he first moved in a fully white area as most of Britain was. By the time he died it was a white minority area occupied by foreigners who turned the area into a crime ridden, rubbish filled foreign occupation zone most white people say they are too scared to enter on foot.

Looking back at the old photos it was once clean, the streets had no litter, everybody dressed in suits and elegant dresses, houses were large, there was no over crowding, parks were safe placed you would want to take your family to, there were community pubs and shops on the local High Street that sold decent healthy produce, English butchers, green grocers, no supermarkets and bakers. Now its all foreign take aways, dodgy barbers, halal food stores with rotting vegetables in crates outside, shops selling burkas and Islamic clothing.

Although my Grandad lived a long healthy life most of it with the woman he loved and surrounded by a large family I can not help but think how sad it is that he grew old watching the utter destruction of his home, how neighbours died or moved to be replaced by foreign hostile people that destroyed everything good and British about the area. How the increase in African origin peoples lead to high crime rates, gangs and street violence. How the mass invasion of Islamic people made the area unrecognisable, turned into a foreign third world shit hole where he would have been the odd one out. He never felt intimidated by the foreigners as he had a very large local family known to be aggressive themselves when required but he shouldn't have had to see everything his father and older brothers fought for destroyed by corrupt anti-white shabbos goy politicians.

I often see nationalists talk about how they "want to secure a future for white children" which of course is a primary objective but I also seek justice for the betrayal of older generations of our people and what they have taken from us.

What they did to our forefathers must also not be forgotten and the betrayal of them must not be forgiven.

We must ensure they are held accountable for what they have done, with the wars and to our homelands after the world wars.
A group of decent British men are fundraising to apply to the High Court of Justice to force the Government to open a national statutory enquiry into the racially and religiously motivated foreign rape gangs that have targeted White kids across Britain for decades.

The legal application has been drafted and is ready to be filed subject to funding. The case is urgent and time limited.

This is to open doors to possible further action for Justice for the victims of grooming gangs:

The money goes into the legal fund of the law firm to take direct action and help to bring about justice. It's not going to grifters looking to personally profit or people wanting you to buy car or a holiday. It's to take real action on behalf of all our native peoples especially those directly affected by these crimes agaibst White kids.

So please do donate if you can:

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Traditional Britain Group
Reported the crimes against them. Instead the police raided their homes and arrested them.

Final filing today. Bundles are huge, I am going to require a wheeled suitcase to get everything to the court each day of the trial next week. So glad this is finally reaching its conclusion. Litigation is so incredibly drawn out and work heavy. It will be nice to just have the baby, studies and the company launch to worry about.
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