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Анатолий Шарий

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Мир сегодня с "Юрий Подоляка"


Николаевский Ванёк

Лёха в Short’ах Long’ует

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Анатолий Шарий

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Jun 12, 2024Рекорды
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Охват одного поста17.01.202523:59
Охват рекламного поста09.02.202523:59
Trump should have treated Bibi the way he treated Zelensky
Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel Fuck Israel
Donald Trump has banned paper straws
These pedophiles are in everything.
Male and Female are complimentary not adversarial. ☯️
But there is an anti-male and and anti-female. The sick want you confused. The dark ones cannot rise until the proper environment for them has been made.
The union of man and woman of love over lust is essential. They will attack it constantly.
Alphabet people are broken souls. Do not fall into debauchery.
Do not follow these false priests and their cult of resentment and wrathful egostical god.
The same people who bulldoze babies want you not to have any. Gaza forced them to show their true colors to the world. Anyone standing and clapping for SatanYahu is part of the rot and decay. God didn't create Israel the other guy did.
Male and Female are complimentary not adversarial. ☯️
But there is an anti-male and and anti-female. The sick want you confused. The dark ones cannot rise until the proper environment for them has been made.
The union of man and woman of love over lust is essential. They will attack it constantly.
Alphabet people are broken souls. Do not fall into debauchery.
Do not follow these false priests and their cult of resentment and wrathful egostical god.
The same people who bulldoze babies want you not to have any. Gaza forced them to show their true colors to the world. Anyone standing and clapping for SatanYahu is part of the rot and decay. God didn't create Israel the other guy did.



Regarding Trump’s plan for Gaza:
This is what happens when the Palestinians and the rest of the Arab world fail to speak with a single voice about the issue of a Palestinian state.
This is what happens when you empower a simp like Abu Mazen who makes common cause with Israel.
This is what happens when you let 9 million Zionists dictate the terms of coexistence to 473 million Arabs.
If the Arab world won’t defend the Palestinian’s right to a homeland, this is what happens.
When Abu Mazen criticizes Hamas, this is what happens.
This is what happens when 2 million Gazans put the Arab world to shame by resisting Israeli genocide for 15 months.
Egypt could say “no”.
Jordan could say “no”.
Saudi Arabia could say “no”.
The Gulf Arab states could say “no”.
And some might.
But they don’t mean it.
Because they don’t believe in Palestine.
And that is the crux of the problem.
This is what happens when the Palestinians and the rest of the Arab world fail to speak with a single voice about the issue of a Palestinian state.
This is what happens when you empower a simp like Abu Mazen who makes common cause with Israel.
This is what happens when you let 9 million Zionists dictate the terms of coexistence to 473 million Arabs.
If the Arab world won’t defend the Palestinian’s right to a homeland, this is what happens.
When Abu Mazen criticizes Hamas, this is what happens.
This is what happens when 2 million Gazans put the Arab world to shame by resisting Israeli genocide for 15 months.
Egypt could say “no”.
Jordan could say “no”.
Saudi Arabia could say “no”.
The Gulf Arab states could say “no”.
And some might.
But they don’t mean it.
Because they don’t believe in Palestine.
And that is the crux of the problem.
Fuck Zio-Trump
Palestine isn't alone. The world is wired together now and everyone sees everything. If you do this and become the overt tyrant, your empire's days are numbered.
What is sickening is that it with be the Shia world, Europe, and Latin America that will pull away against the US before the Gulf Arabs.
They preach Islam but they are not Muslim any deeper than the political authority is affords them.
These perfumed princes with whore island in Dubai the most debaucherous city in the world are the end product of everything is for sale. The most prostitution the most disloyal, greedy, coin counters. They will be next bc the US doesn't give a damn about them
Every Trump supporter needs to express outrage and never let up.
What is sickening is that it with be the Shia world, Europe, and Latin America that will pull away against the US before the Gulf Arabs.
They preach Islam but they are not Muslim any deeper than the political authority is affords them.
These perfumed princes with whore island in Dubai the most debaucherous city in the world are the end product of everything is for sale. The most prostitution the most disloyal, greedy, coin counters. They will be next bc the US doesn't give a damn about them
Every Trump supporter needs to express outrage and never let up.
Zio-Trump is living by might makes right. Well he's obeying like a dog for Netanyahu who sits on the Epstein tapes.
Nobody wants to live under a dog eat dog moral ethic, where the powerful just does whatever it wants.
We don't beat up kids and say oh well you're small.
Even US allies are not that stupid. Because it means they have nothing to prevent themselves from being next.
Might makes right, is the ideology of a psychopath and a fool.
Might makes what is, it does not make it right. And Might is temporal.
Right and wrong are real and they exist outside of force. Power allows action it does not make it correct actions just by being able to do it.
You live by the sword you die by the sword. Nations aren't people. You can not be the strongest forever.
It's completely against the social contract to blowup, burn and starve people for 15 months and then displace 2 million to another area so that fanatic psychopaths can steal their land.
This was done to red Indians but with 400 years of violence and losing several US and Spanish armies. In the end they made peace and just lived together how they could have done they entire time and as the French did do for 150 years.
We look at those episodes in history with horror. We ended child labor and slavery because of ethical political decisions because we are not animals.
If we are going to revert back to if I can do it then it's right, then don't complain when there are constant assisonations. No one is strong all the time.
Nobody wants to live under a dog eat dog moral ethic, where the powerful just does whatever it wants.
We don't beat up kids and say oh well you're small.
Even US allies are not that stupid. Because it means they have nothing to prevent themselves from being next.
Might makes right, is the ideology of a psychopath and a fool.
Might makes what is, it does not make it right. And Might is temporal.
Right and wrong are real and they exist outside of force. Power allows action it does not make it correct actions just by being able to do it.
You live by the sword you die by the sword. Nations aren't people. You can not be the strongest forever.
It's completely against the social contract to blowup, burn and starve people for 15 months and then displace 2 million to another area so that fanatic psychopaths can steal their land.
This was done to red Indians but with 400 years of violence and losing several US and Spanish armies. In the end they made peace and just lived together how they could have done they entire time and as the French did do for 150 years.
We look at those episodes in history with horror. We ended child labor and slavery because of ethical political decisions because we are not animals.
If we are going to revert back to if I can do it then it's right, then don't complain when there are constant assisonations. No one is strong all the time.

It is natural to have compassion and empathy. We have a default moral ethic inate in each of us if for no other reason than to raise children.
Yes it can be brainwashed out of us by isms. Hate can take its place and that is the goal of demons.
You see a leader may be strong. But never stronger than the rest combined. They lead because they are allowed to lead. If a king started kicking the shit out of children his own forces would abandon him faster than Assad was abandoned.
You cannot rule over moral people and take the type of action Trump is attempting. Israel can because they Don't have moral people. They have Jews. They have people whose moral framework is attached to a genocidal maniac that demands obedience at the threat of eternal violence.
America isn't Israel. They will not stomach this shit. Satan's chosen lunatics can manipulate politicians. They can't enforce Jack without soldiers. How ate you going to force Palestinians to move? This is a disaster.
Rebuild and give it to the people of Gaza. That is the only way. Hold an election and UN peace keepers there as they were from 1957 to 1967 while negotiating with Israel by simply ending US aid. That's the solution.
Yes it can be brainwashed out of us by isms. Hate can take its place and that is the goal of demons.
You see a leader may be strong. But never stronger than the rest combined. They lead because they are allowed to lead. If a king started kicking the shit out of children his own forces would abandon him faster than Assad was abandoned.
You cannot rule over moral people and take the type of action Trump is attempting. Israel can because they Don't have moral people. They have Jews. They have people whose moral framework is attached to a genocidal maniac that demands obedience at the threat of eternal violence.
America isn't Israel. They will not stomach this shit. Satan's chosen lunatics can manipulate politicians. They can't enforce Jack without soldiers. How ate you going to force Palestinians to move? This is a disaster.
Rebuild and give it to the people of Gaza. That is the only way. Hold an election and UN peace keepers there as they were from 1957 to 1967 while negotiating with Israel by simply ending US aid. That's the solution.
Egypt has moved tanks up to Rafah
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