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⛳️The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 12-02-2025 Swati Mahendra's the hindu editorial vocabulary , The Hindu Vocab , the hindu vocabulary pdf , Vocabulary for Govt Exams

1. Delimitation (Noun): परिसीमन:the action of fixing the boundary or limits of something

Synonyms: demarcation, delineation, delimiting, outlining, circumscribing

Example Sentence: Set the delimitation or boundaries of your proposed research in order to provide a clear focus.

2.Imprimatur (Noun): आज्ञा:official permission to do something that is given by a person or group in a position of power

Synonyms: approval, assent, approbation, endorsement

Antonyms: disapproval, refusal, disapprobation

Example Sentence: When he suspended the assembly and dissolved Congress, he had the imprimatur of the armed forces.

3.Contention (Adjective):विवाद: the disagreement that results from opposing arguments

Synonyms: argument, dispute

Antonyms: agreement, harmony, peace, concord

Example Sentence: There's a lot of contention about that issue - for every person firmly in favor, there's someone fiercely against it.

4. Fait accompli (Noun): a thing that has already happened or been decided before those affected hear about it, leaving them with no option but to accept it

Example Sentence: The policy change was presented to us as a fait accompli, without consultation or discussion.

5. Libel (Noun): निंदलेख: a published false statement that is damaging to a person’s reputation; a written defamation.

Synonyms: defamation, misrepresentation, vilification

Antonyms: praise, respect, commendation

Example Sentence: The governor’s office issued a statement accusing the state’s largest newspaper of libel.

6. Pursuance (Noun): अनुसरण: the carrying out of a plan or action

Synonyms: implementation, carrying out, fulfilment

Antonyms: non-performance, nonfulfillment

Example Sentence: They may need to borrow money in pursuance of their legal action.

7. Redundant (Adjective): बेकार: the state of being not or no longer needed or useful.

Synonyms: futile, purposeless, useless

Example Sentence:The programmer deleted the redundant line of code that added no value to the software program.

8. Frazzled (Adjective): थका हुआ : completely exhausted

Synonyms: exhausted, fatigue

Antonyms: refreshed, energized

Example Sentence: The meeting left me feeling completely frazzled.

9. Teed off (Verb ): गुस्सा होना: feeling or showing anger

Synonyms: ballistic, angry, infuriated

Antonyms: pleased, accepting, delighted

Example Sentence: There's no use getting teed off about something that's out of your control.

10. Intuitive (Adjective): स्वाभाविक: using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive.

Synonyms: instinctive, intuitional, instinctual

Example Sentence:The intuitive police officer could tell the woman was trying to hide something from him.
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⛳️The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams |10-02-2025 Swati Mahendra's the hindu editorial vocabulary , The Hindu Vocab , the hindu vocabulary pdf , Vocabulary for Govt Exams

1. Marquee (Noun): शामियाना: a large tent used for eating and drinking in at events held mainly outside that involve a lot of people ; leading; pre-eminent

Synonyms: shelter, tent, canopy, greatest, leading, foremost

Antonyms: unknown, undistinguished, inferior

Example Sentence: The studio chiefs wanted a marquee name in the lead role, not some unknown.

2. Apportion (Verb): बाांटना : to give or share out something, especially blame or money, among several people or things

Synonyms: allocate, allot, assign, distribute, divide

Example Sentence:When we know how much is profit, then we can apportion the money among/between us.

3. Embellish (Verb): सजाना / सुशोभित: to make something more beautiful by adding something to it; make (a statement or story) more interesting by adding extra details that are often untrue

Synonyms: decorate, adorn, ornament, elaborate, exaggerate

Antonyms: reasonable, realistic, simplify

Example Sentence:These ornaments are made in silver, and precious and semi-precious gems are used to embellish them.

4. Scoff (Verb): उपहास : speak to someone or about something in a scornfully derisive or mocking way

Synonyms: mock, taunt, ridicule, deride

Antonyms: admire, approve, compliment, flatter, honor, praise

Example Sentence: The rude little rich girl thought it was fun to scoff at the poor children at her school.

5. Munificence (Noun): उदारता: the quality or action of being lavishly generous; great generosity

Synonyms: generosity, bountifulness, magnanimity

Antonyms: mercilessness, pitilessness, ruthlessness

Example Sentence: The munificent woman is a well-known philanthropist who funds many university scholarships

6. Balk (Verb): बाधा डालना: to prevent from achieving a goal

Synonyms: block, hinder, thwart

Antonyms: facilitate, assist, encourage

Example Sentence: Monica knew that her husband would balk at going shopping for new clothes, so she told him they were going to see the new action movie.

7. Scuffling (Verb): हाथापाई करना: engage in a short, confused fight or struggle at close quarters

Synonyms: fight, struggle, tussle

Example Sentence:The teacher noticed two students scuffling in the corridor.

8. Indigent (Adjective): दरिद्र: poor; needy

Synonyms: poor, impecunious, destitute

Antonyms: prosperous, opulent, rich

Example Sentence:Because he was indigent, the court-appointed a lawyer to represent him.

9. Aver (Verb): दृढ़ता से कहना: state or assert to be the case

Synonyms: declare, assert, state

Antonyms: deny, gainsay

Example Sentence:I aver that I have spoken the truth.

10. Anomalous (Adjective): नियमविरूद्ध: deviating from what is standard, normal, or expected

Synonyms: abnormal, atypical, nontypical

Antonyms: natural, normal, regular

Example Sentence:There was an anomalous storm hanging over the city that no one could explain, as it had seemingly appeared out of nowhere on a sunny day.
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⛳️The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 07-02-2025 Swati Mahendra's the hindu editorial vocabulary , The Hindu Vocab , the hindu vocabulary pdf , Vocabulary for Govt Exams

1.SUBSIDE (VERB): (कम होना): abate

Synonyms: let up, moderate

Antonyms: intensify

Example Sentence:

I'll wait a few minutes until the storm subsides.

2. IMMEDIATE (ADJECTIVE): (वर्तमान-संबंधी): current

Synonyms: present, existing

Antonyms: past

Example Sentence:

The immediate concern was how to avoid taxes.

3. NURTURE (NOUN): (लालन-पालन): upbringing

Synonyms: care, fostering

Antonyms: nature

Example Sentence:

We are all what nature and nurture have made us.

4. CONCERNED (ADJECTIVE): (चिंतित): worried

Synonyms: anxious, disturbed

Antonyms: composed

Example Sentence:

The school's decision is being questioned by a group of concerned parents.

5. FEDERAL (ADJECTIVE): (संयुक्त): confederate

Synonyms: federated, combined

Antonyms: unitary

Example Sentence:

The health ministry has sole federal responsibility for healthcare.

6.DESECRATE (VERB): (अपवित्र करना): violate

Synonyms: profane, pollute

Antonyms: venerate

Example Sentence:

Not more than 300 graves were desecrated.

7. CAUTIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (सतर्क): careful

Synonyms: wary, aware

Antonyms: incautious

Example Sentence:

A driver has to be cautious always.

8. ENDORSE (VERB): (समर्थन करना): support

Synonyms: back, favour

Antonyms: oppose

Example Sentence:

He earns more money endorsing sports clothes than playing football.

9. CAMARADERIE (NOUN): (सौहार्द): friendship

Synonyms: comradeship, fellowship

Antonyms: enmity

Example Sentence:

There is an enforced camaraderie in office life.

10.COERCE (VERB): (मजबूर करना): pressure

Synonyms: pressurize, persuade

Antonyms: dissuade

Example Sentence:

He was coerced into giving evidence.

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⛳️The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 13-02-2025 Swati Mahendra's

1. Resilient (Adjective): आघात से सँभलने में समर्थ: able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.

Synonyms: string, tough, hardy

Antonyms: vulnerable, weak

Example Sentence: She's a resilient girl - she won't be unhappy for long.

2. Rebound (Noun): प्रतिक्षेप: to bounce back after hitting a hard surface; to rise in price after a fall

Synonyms: recover, revive, making a comeback, bounce

Example Sentence:Cotton rebounded from declines early in the day to end at a higher price.

3. Tandem (Noun): मिलकर: two people or pieces of equipment that work together to achieve a result or a team of two people or animals; a bicycle with seats and pedals for two riders, one behind the other.

4. Doom and Gloom: निराशामय: a feeling or attitude that things are only getting worse; (A situation) characterized by negativity or futility.

Synonyms: ominous, threatening, menacing, sinister, inauspicious

Antonyms: positive attitude, cheer, and positiveness

5. Amiable (Adjective) : स्नेही: having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner

Synonyms: warm-hearted, likable, cordial

Antonyms: unfriendly, disagreeable

Example Sentence: Behind that amiable facade, he's a deeply unpleasant man.

6. Uptick (Noun) : तेजी : a small increase or slight upward trend

Synonyms: increase, boost, gain

Antonyms: reduction, falloff

Example Sentence: People didn’t notice the uptick in temperature from yesterday to today since it went from 32 to 34 degrees.

7. Volatile (Adjective) : अस्थिर : liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse

Synonyms: inconsistent, eruptive

Antonyms: stable, constant

Example Sentence: Because Mary and Frank have a volatile relationship, they often argue.

8. Falter (Verb) : हिचक : lose strength or momentum; speak hesitantly

Synonyms: waver, vacillate, halt, stagger

Antonyms: decide, budge, plunge

Example Sentence:His voice began to falter at the mention of his sufferings in the old days.

9. Comply (Verb) : पालन करना : act in accordance with a wish or command

Synonyms: consent, defer, accede

Antonyms: disagree, differ, dissent, conflict

Example Sentence: The man was arrested because he refused to comply with the airline’s no smoking policy.

10. Contemplate (Verb) : सोचना : think deeply and at length

Synonyms: ponder, consider, entertain, debate, study

Antonyms: dismiss, ignore, scorn, disregard, reject

Example Sentence: When the accountant was asked to contemplate the current budget, he discovered many ways the company could save money
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⛳️The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 11-02-2025 Swati Mahendra's the hindu editorial vocabulary , The Hindu Vocab , the hindu vocabulary pdf , Vocabulary for Govt Exams

1. Disconcert (Verb): चिंताजनक: disturb the composure of; unsettle

Synonyms: confuse, fluster, rattle, unsettle, discomfit, disturb

Antonyms: relieve, soothe, comfort, calm

Example Sentence: John would disconcert his parents by not coming home after school.

2. Dilation (Noun): फैलाव: the action or condition of becoming or being made wider, larger, or more open

Synonyms: increase, expand, swell, enlarge, accelerate

Antonyms: contraction, decrease, lessening, shrinkage, reduction, compression, shortening

Example Sentence: The doctor will repair the narrowed vessels by inserting a tube to dilate them.

3. Solitary (Adjective): अकेला: done or existing alone; single; only

Synonyms: lone, only, one, unique, single, singular, sole, alone

Antonyms: multifarious, myriad, miscellaneous, mixed, varied

Example Sentence: If the seat next to me on the airplane is solitary, I will take advantage of the extra space to spread out my legs.

4. Tamp down (Phrasal Verb): to reduce the amount, level, size, or importance of something

Synonyms: press, compress

Example Sentence: The party retained power by boosting the economy and tamping down corruption.

5. Jocund (Adjective): प्रफुल्ल: cheerful and lighthearted, in a happy mood

Synonyms: merry, jolly, festive, cheerful, mirthful, jovial, jocose

Antonyms: melancholy, sorrowful, sad, unhappy, glum, forlorn

Example Sentence: As soon as I walked towards the front door of the luxury hotel, a jocund doorman greeted me with a smile.

6. Impediment (Noun): बाधा: a hindrance or obstruction in doing something

Synonyms: obstacle, hurdle, obstruction, barrier, hinder, thwart

Antonyms: benefit, aid, assistance, encouragement, relief, support

Example Sentence: My broken wrist is the impediment preventing me from finishing my new novel.

7. Tranche (Noun):अंश : a portion of something, especially money

Synonyms: segment, piece, chunk, section, lump, portion, fragment

Antonyms: whole

Example Sentence: At the end of the month, a tranche of the worker’s settlement will be sent from one account to a savings account.

8. Folly (Noun): मूर्खता : lack of good sense; foolishness

Synonyms: insanity, idiocy, absurdity, stupidity, madness

Antonyms: wisdom, prudence, discretion, sagacity

Example Sentence: Too much cleverness is folly.

9. Catharsis (Noun): विरेचन : the process of releasing strong emotions through a particular activity or experience, such as writing or theatre, in a way that helps you to understand those emotions

Synonyms: purgation, purification

Antonyms: repression

Example Sentence: Crying is a great catharsis for releasing pain and anger.

10. Addled (Adjective): व्याकुल : unable to think clearly; confused

Synonyms: dazed, bewildered, confused

Antonyms: conscious, clearheaded

Example Sentence: Because my grandmother is in her mid-nineties, she is a bit addled at times and requires the aid of a personal caregiver.
⛳️The Vocab Master For All Competitive Exams | 08-02-2025 Swati Mahendra's the hindu editorial vocabulary , The Hindu Vocab , the hindu vocabulary pdf , Vocabulary for Govt Exams

1. Lose steam (Phrase): to suddenly lose the energy or interest to continue doing what you are doing

Synonyms: abate, curb, curtail, decelerate

Example Sentence: Both teams seemed to lose steam in the second half.

2. Dustup (Noun): झगड़ा: a physical dispute between opposing individuals or groups

Synonyms: clash, battle, fight

Antonyms: truce

Example Sentence: He came home with a black eye from the dustup at the bar.

3. Defiance (Noun): अवज्ञ़ा : open resistance; bold disobedience

Synonyms: resistance, opposition, confrontation

Antonyms: compliance, obedience, submission

Example Sentence: The demonstration was held in defiance of official warnings.

4. Gargantuan (Adjective): विशाल : unusually large

Synonyms: enormous, massive, giant

Antonyms: little, mini, petite

Example Sentence: Of all her mistakes, this was the most gargantuan.

5. Confabulate (Verb): ब़ातचीत करऩा : to exchange viewpoints or seek advice for the purpose of finding a solution to a problem

Synonyms: consult, confer, discuss

Example Sentence: I’d like to confabulate with my friends at weekends.

6. Fudge (Verb): ठगऩा : to use dishonest methods to achieve a goal

Synonyms: cheat, finagle, falsify

Example Sentence:She’s been fudging on her taxes for years.

7. Staple (Adj): प्रमुख : the main or greater part of something as distinguished from its subordinate parts

Synonyms: core, chief, major

Antonyms: subordinate, secondary

Example Sentence: Vegetables are a staple part of a healthy diet if you want to stay fit.

8. Pillory (Verb): निंदा करना : to severely criticize someone, especially in a public way

Synonyms: blame, criticize, scold, ridicule, denounce

Antonyms: endorse, approve, commend, accolade, praise, esteem

Example Sentence:The press pilloried the judge for his decision.

9. Vacuous (Adjective) : having or showing a lack of thought or intelligence; mindless

Synonyms: blank, vacant, expressionless

Antonyms: brainy, bright, brilliant

Example Sentence: Bored with the vacuous chatter at the party, Mitchell went home and read a book.

10. Arsenal (Noun) : शस्त्रागार: a place where military arms are stored

Synonyms: armory, warehouse, depot

Example Sentence: They sent the ordinance officer to the arsenal for weapons.
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