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Bombadil's Athenæum avatar

Bombadil's Athenæum

None has ever caught him yet, for Tom, he is the master: His songs are stronger songs, and his feet are faster.
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Последние публикации в группе "Bombadil's Athenæum"

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Catholics IRL🇻🇦 avatar
Catholics IRL🇻🇦
Prosecute the blasphemers who disrespect Lord Jesus!
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The End Times avatar
The End Times
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Raw Egg Nationalist avatar
Raw Egg Nationalist
Tucker Carlson: "Lindsey Graham knows what's coming"

"Ukrainian government has committed a remarkable number of serious crimes. The Ukrainians sold huge quantities of American weapons on the international black market at twenty cents on the dollar"
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Nationalist Audio avatar
Nationalist Audio
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Alt Skull's Charnel House avatar
Alt Skull's Charnel House
Lex Fridman is a completely astroturfed Mossad op.

Rant by Tim Dillon related.

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Alt Skull's Charnel House avatar
Alt Skull's Charnel House
got eem

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Alt Skull's Charnel House avatar
Alt Skull's Charnel House
Don’t threaten me with a good time.

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The Greyson avatar
The Greyson
Walks outside: mosque and an Ethiopian church surrounded by litter and broken cars.
Walks to the park: filled with homeless drug addicts, half of which can't speak English.
Apply for a job: rejected because hiring manager is hindu and I'm White.
Tries to move to rural area: boomers sold the property to a developer who built apartments for low income immigrants.
Government: if you don't work we can't spend your taxes on subsidizing more foreigners.

I'm willing to risk the "hell on earth option" considering what we have now.


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SEP '24OCT '24NOV '24DEC '24JAN '25FEB '25MAR '25

Популярные публикации Bombadil's Athenæum

🇺🇸 Former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe says the FBI is in "utter disarray" thanks to Trump, says they are living in "terror" because their pensions, healthcare, and retirement are at risk.

"I've talked to more FBI people in the last 4 days than I did in the prior 4 years."

"It is a place in utter disarray right now. People are worried about how am I going to pay the bills? How am I gonna support my family?"

"If you get fired, you're done. That's the end of your reputation, your ability to get any job, you lose your pay, you lose your chance at a pension, you lose your health insurance."

"This is a moment of terror for these people."

📎 Collin Rugg
This is a true fact
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Catholics IRL🇻🇦 avatar
Catholics IRL🇻🇦
Prosecute the blasphemers who disrespect Lord Jesus!
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The End Times avatar
The End Times
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Ty Webb’s Caddyshack avatar
Ty Webb’s Caddyshack
the ConInc tards who are constantly rallying around muh constitution always leave this part out, what a strange oversight 🤔
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No BS it's the Jews®️ avatar
No BS it's the Jews®️
The Hispanics here are
categorized as “White” in
the crime database

When you find out just
how low White violent
crime is
, you’ll realize
I think the way I do out of
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The Greyson avatar
The Greyson
Walks outside: mosque and an Ethiopian church surrounded by litter and broken cars.
Walks to the park: filled with homeless drug addicts, half of which can't speak English.
Apply for a job: rejected because hiring manager is hindu and I'm White.
Tries to move to rural area: boomers sold the property to a developer who built apartments for low income immigrants.
Government: if you don't work we can't spend your taxes on subsidizing more foreigners.

I'm willing to risk the "hell on earth option" considering what we have now.
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Institute for Male Supremacy avatar
Institute for Male Supremacy
I’ve seen this happen IRL
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