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Sherzod Shermatov avatar

Sherzod Shermatov

Популярные публикации Sherzod Shermatov

Sun’iy intellekt mavzusiga qiziquvchilar NVIDIA hududiy rahbarining Toshkentdagi 2 ta muhim tadbirini o’tkazib yubormang!

1) Professor-o’qituvchilar va talabalar uchun Toshkent shahridagi INHA universiteti katta zalida 20-fevral soat 10:00

2) Davlat va xo’jalik boshqaruvi organlari hamda yirik korxonalardagi Sun’iy Intellektni joriy etish niyatidagi rahbarlar uchun Raqamli texnologiyalar vazirligi zalida 20-fevral soat 14:00
Please share among your friends and network the video used in the opening of Uzbekistan Tech Conference in Dubai, so that the companies would have better idea about opportunities to grow their business with us in Uzbekistan!

Explore for more details:

#opportunities #Uzbekistan
Prezidentimiz yoshlar bilan uchrashuvda ularning imkoniyatlarini ro’yobga chiqarish bo’yicha, xususan ularning startaplarini yanada rivojlantirishga qaratilgan yangi tashabbuslarni ilgari surdilar.

O’z startaplarini rivojlantirish niyatidagi yoshlarimizga jahon bozorlarida muvaffaqiyat qozonishga intilayotgan o‘zbek startap asoschilari faoliyatlari bilan yaqinroq tanishish ham qo’shimcha motivatsiya berishi aniq.

Shunday startaplardan biri, hozir Dubayda o’z faoliyatini kengaytirayotgan raqamli farmatsevtika ekotizimi FOM Group asoschisi Murat Maxkamov bilan uchrashdik. Uning startapi 7000 dan ortiq dorixonalarga 3M+ mijozlari bilan ulanishga yordam bermoqda va shu kungacha  7 million dollar sarmoya jalb qilishga erishdi. 

Albatta, ular uchun mutlaqo yangi bozorda, ya’ni BAAdagi 400 dan ortiq dorixonalar bilan bog‘lanish oson emas, buning uchun juda qattiq harakat va tirishqoqlik muhimdir.

Bunday startaplar tajribasidan yangi startap boshlayotgan yoshlarimiz uchun ham imkoni boricha kattaroq bozorga chiqadigan, ko’proq insonlarning muammolariga yechim bo'la oladigan loyihalarga e’tibor qilish, hamda yaxshi niyat bilan, uchraydigan qiyinchililarga yengilmay tirishqoqlik bilan harakat qilish muhim ekanligini o’rgansa bo’ladi.

FOM haqida batafsil:

Boshqa oʻzbek startaplari haqida batafsil ma’lumotlarni ushbu saytga kirib o’rganishingiz va startapingizni rivojlantirish haqida foydali ma’lumotlarni olishingiz mumkin:
Uzbekistan has many creative young talented people thanks to the long history of diverse cultures and nationalities mixed in the center of the Great Silk Road. Therefore it is the fertile ground for exciting startups to look for by potential investors.

One inspiring example is Beknazar Abdikamalov, who, despite having a successful startup abroad, promised our President during his Karakalpakstan visit to share his knowledge and experience with Uzbek youth — an act of true patriotism.

We believe Uzbekistan will soon produce more unicorns! Get inspired by Hupo’s success!

Link to the Forbes article about his startup:

Since the startup ecosystem and overall increase of interest in startup culture by many young talents, it is the right time to have a presence in this growing market, and learn more about the startup ecosystem at:

#StartupUzbekistan #VentureCapital #TechEcosystem #ITInnovation #UzbekistanYouth #UnicornJourney
See you at Uzbekistan Tech Conference in UAE on February 13

Uzbekistan offers affordable talents with Zero Risk and Zero corporate taxes as well as One stop shop support by IT Park in opening your outsourcing delivery center.

If you want to grow your business with us, please register to the conference in Dubai:
LinkedIn event:

#Uzbekistan_Tech_Conference #Dubai #Feb_13 #3pm
Uzbekistan’s startups continue to make us proud with their remarkable achievements, gaining international attention.

Notably, the innovative startup Coozin was recently featured on CNN’s “Marketplace Central Asia” segment. Founded by Murod Husanov in 2020, Coozin specializes in food preparation and delivery services tailored for corporate clients.

Beyond catering, it empowers women through educational courses, fostering both professional and personal growth.

Stay tuned for more inspiring success stories from Uzbekistan’s vibrant startup community!

More on Uzbekistan's Startups:
More on Growing your business with us:

#UzbekistanStartups #Innovation #Entrepreneurship #YouthEmpowerment #DigitalTransformation #StartupEcosystem #WomenInTech #GovernmentSupport
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