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Cemil Kerimoglu

News and commentary on politics, history and culture. Mostly about, but not limited to, Eastern Europe and Russia.
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Apparently Donald Trump is not aware that Friedrich Merz is not at all his guy. Maybe Elon Musk is temporarily unavailable to whisper in his ear due to ketamene overdose.
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Vatnik Cope X avatar
Vatnik Cope X
Don't worry. Ukraine will prevail. Against all odds. This will be another unifying moment for the Ukrainian nation just like February 24, 2022.

Ukraine is not an object of history anymore. It has become its subject. In the last 3 years it has acquired its own historical agency. And it has already begun flexing its newfound agency. It is no longer merely taking instructions – it is making demands, setting terms, dictating conditions. Recently, President Zelensky has openly defied attempts to exploit Ukraine’s resources, refusing to sign an exploitative agreement on rare earth minerals that was recently presented by the Trump Administration almost as an ultimatum. He rightly recognized the extortionist nature of the deal – one that demanded much from Ukraine while offering nothing in return, not even the most basic security guarantees. More importantly, Ukraine has been a crucial force in mobilizing Western support for the war and in opposing the ever-present temptation of appeasement towards Russia. It has repeatedly refused to bow to American pressure to make concessions – whether under Biden or Trump. It is resilient, it is bold, it is unyielding.

But Ukraine cannot do it alone. It needs our support. This is where finally Europe must step in. Europe must mobilize. Europe must be on war-mode - the Holy War mode. And not a defensive war, but an OFFENSIVE one. Everything, including our basic everyday lives, must be re-organized and re-imagined with one single goal in mind: destruction of Russia. Supporting Ukraine in its noble fight. And of course, we must accept the hardships, the toils that such re-imagining will entail. Not only "accept", but be grateful that Destiny provides us with a wonderful opportunity to rise above ourselves. An opportunity to transcend the banality of our mundane existence, an opportunity to inject meaning and purpose into our pathetic philistine lives. And all thanks to Ukrainians.

This is Europe's moment to realize its own Manifest Destiny: to annihilate that devious predator called "Russia" once and for all. To conquer and re-organize that whole Eurasian expanse. Russia must be destroyed. Rusia delenda est.
The Russian Orthodox Church is currently musing with the idea of canonizing the Russian general of the 18th century Alexander Suvorov. On the internet one can already find various icons of him made by ordinary Russians. Most likely this proposal will be accepted by the Russian Orthodox Church and supported by the populace.

As I have been repeatedly saying in my writings, Russia is at the historical stage that can be compared to the Age of Crusades in medieval Europe or the first centuries of Islam in the Middle East, when the idea of Jihad emerged and took central stage. Both of those historical eras were characterized by wild ferocity and militant mindset intertwined with religion.

A similar phenomenon is being observed in Putin's Russia. Militant mindset is deeply intertwined with the role of religion in Russian society, particularly the Orthodox Church’s justification of militarism. Many in the West, and even in Ukraine, are shocked by how the Russian Orthodox Church not only endorses the war but also goes so far as to bless soldiers and consecrate nuclear weapons. A striking example is the recently built Main Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces, which is dedicated to the military - a concept utterly alien and appalling to Western and Orthodox Christians alike.

Equally perplexing is the veneration of Stalin among devout Russian Orthodox believers. During his reign Stalin brutally persecuted the Russian Orthodox Church, whereby many priests were tortured and killed, only to reestablish it in 1943 as a state-run intelligence and propaganda agency to fuel the war effort. Despite this he is now honored, with some even creating icons of him - one of the greatest persecutors of religion, and Orthodox Christianity in particular. Alongside him, Marshall Zhukov - Stalin's butcher during WWII - is also venerated in the Church. Therefore, I wouldn't be surprised if later along the way Stalin and Zhukov will also be officially canonized.

However, when we step back from a linear view of history and adopt a cyclical perspective, these seeming contradictions begin to make sense. In this phase of its cultural lifecycle, Russia’s approach to religion mirrors that of other nascent cultures during similar stages of their development. Just as the Catholic Church once incited believers to join the Crusades and Islam called its followers to Jihad, the Russian Orthodox Church now plays a similar role in rallying support for Russia’s own "holy war", which is directed against the West.

The veneration of Stalin, too, aligns with this pattern and instead of being contradictory, in fact, makes perfect sense. He is seen not simply as a political leader, but rather as a symbolic figure - a personification of the Russian soul who, brutally and relentlessly fought against the hated West - the eternal target of Russians' ire and crusading spirit.

Likewise, the canonization of Suvorov, although also shocking to many, represents another logical step within this trajectory. Militant church is nothing new. It has been a recurring pattern in history. Just like at the time crusaders hated the Muslim and Greek-Orthodox East, and Muslims hated (and continue to hate) the Christian West, Russians today hate the West with the same ferocity, with religion serving as the galvanizer.

This evolution of Russian Christianity will eventually trigger a schism within the broader Eastern Orthodox Christianity, comparable in its historical significance and intensity only to the Great Schism of 1054. And the catalyst to this will likely be the granting of autocephaly to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) in 2019 by the Ecumenical Patriarch in Constantinople. While Russia may accuse Ukraine of schism, it is, in fact, Russia that will be eventually separating itself from the broader Eastern Orthodox Christianity. As Ukraine moves closer to Europe, reaffirming its connection to the Greek Orthodox tradition, Russia may be on the path to developing a distinct form of Christianity, one that is uniquely Russian and resonates more deeply with its cultural essence.
Zelensky was amazing at the Munich Security Conference. I won't recount all the gems in his speech and press conferences - one can easily find them in news outlets - but one thing stood out: Zelensky called for the creation of European Army. Ukraine under Zelensky is truly shaping up as the leader and unifier of Europe.

When he was elected in 2019 I was skeptical of him. He seemed to be too naive, too pro-Russian. But he adapted very well. One can always be critical. We all make mistakes, noone is perfect. But since the start of full-scale invasion, Zelensky has been brilliant. He proved himself as a great leader and statesman: not only for inspiring Ukrainians to the good fight, but also excruciatingly awakening the West from its pathetic slumber. He must remain the president of Ukraine for the foreseeable future. And not only that: he should be the leader of unified Europe. In the future, statues of him will be built in European cities.

Once Leon Degrelle opined that the next Napoleon who would unite Europe will emerge from the East. The rightoids in Western Europe and the US assumed that he will be from Russia and saw Putin, among all people, as such figure. But the country that fulfills this prophecy is not Russia, it could have never been Russia. That country is Ukraine. And that potential leader is Zelensky.

Ukrainians display all the character traits that the western Right claims to cherish and craves for: nationalism, tradition, heroism, bravery, perseverance against all odds. Ukraine is the quintessential rebirth of European spirit. Making Europe Great Again really means being inspired by Ukrainians. Not the savage Asiatic Russian primitives, but noble, civilized Ukrainians. Not swallowing the low IQ, "contrarian" Russian narratives but following the lead of Ukrainians.

Ukraine is the quintessential Europe. Russia is the quintessential anti-Europe. The rebirth of Western Civilization lies through Ukraine. Russia, in contrast, is not the future of Western Civilization, but its graveyard.
Dresden. 14-15 February, 1945
This is Julius Malema. He is notorius for actively promoting the genocide of whites in South Africa. He became (in)famous with his chant "Kill the Boer, kill the farmer". He is a disgusting creature, a savage barbarian who hates white people and everything civilized.

You know what he is also notorious for? His staunch support for Russia, his love for Putin. A lot of right-wingers in the West are not aware of this, or if made aware might see a dissonance here. But they would be badly mistaken. Why? Because they are low IQ. Because in their quest to "stick it" to liberals, they essentially became like the liberals that they loathe (in many ways even worse than the liberals).

Just like liberals have been swallowing anti-white propaganda, glorifying post-Apartheid South Africa and glossing over the savage crimes that blacks commit against the white population, the right-wingers have been swallowing the Russian propaganda and whitewashing the equally savage atrocities Russians commit against Ukrainians. In their bizarre alternative universe, Russia is somehow the "defender of the West", "last bastion of traditional values" and "the last hope for the white race".

The truth however is that Malema is not an aberration, but the rule. He is fully consistent within his worldview. It's only natural for rabid anti-white haters to be also staunch Russian supporters. Because since shedding its artificial European veneer with the Bolshevik Revolution, Russia has been the vanguard of anti-western, even explicitly anti-white, ressentiment. Putin's Russia is simply the consummation of this natural, truly Russian trend.

What is unnatural however is for white nationalists, dissident Rightists, or anyone who claims to be a Western patriot to be pro-Russian. In a sense, this black terrorist Malema is actually smarter than many members of those groups. He is smarter than Victor Orban, Tucker Carlson and the German "patriots" of the AfD. Because at least he is internally consistent. Whereas the latter individuals are not; in fact they are blatantly, and one could say schizophrenically, inconsistent. Logical inconsistency is one of the markers of low IQ.

It is about time for all those contrarian "nationalists" in the West (at least the ones with an average and above IQ) to realize that Russians hate the West as much as blacks and Middle-Easterners do - the groups that those "nationalists" oppose while at the same time bizarrely being sympathetic towards Russians. Russians share similar character traits and behavioral patterns with blacks and Middle-Easterners. In fact, in all behavioral metrics that matter they are much closer to the averages of the latter groups than to people with European ancestry.

The Julius Malemas of this world have always been and will continue to be pro-Russian. This is only natural. Because Russians are not European. They are the quintessential anti-Europeans.

Zelensky: “If we are not accepted into NATO, Ukraine must have an army of 1.5 million soldiers with modern weapons.”

And nukes also. At this stage, after all the injustice that Ukraine had to endure, this should be obvious to any decent person with an average IQ. And also Russia has to be destroyed. Denuclearized, demilitarized, desintegrated into 40+ states, de-Putnized and de-Russified. All the territory to the west of Urals should be controlled by a European coalition (likely Eastern & Northern European coalition, but the more join the better) headed by Ukraine.

And yes, in case someone picks up on this, Ukraine has the right to - and should get - its nukes that were treacherously taken from it, even when Russia doesn’t exist anymore.
Trump: "I trust Putin. I know him very well. I believe he wants peace. He would tell me if he didn't."

Ok, so this is either some multidimensional, interstellar, AI-assisted chess or simply retarded.

Now, on a serious note, because this is getting tediously stupid. One shouldn't be surprised, because, hey, we're dealing with Russophiles after all. But I will try to explain it again for all the geniuses out there.

This common refrain, "Russia wants peace", "Putin wants peace" etc. And the question itself whether Russia wants peace or not. But that's the wrong question to ask in the first place. Well of course they want peace. Because their invasion went awry, they are losing, their economy is strained and the country is teetering on the verge of collapse. They want the badly needed break to heal wounds, recuperate and then attack again. That's why they need this "peace" now. Not because they atone for their deeds, not because they think they did something immoral. And certainly not because they want to live in peace ever after.

Which doesn't mean there will never be peace. There will be of course, but once Russia collapses. Then peace negotiations could begin. The only solution is the Russian dissolution. A truly peaceful and prosperous world is one in which Russia doesn't exist. So by the way, if Putin really wants peace, and we should assume he would tell Trump if he didn't, then he should pro-actively accelerate the collapse of Russia.
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Nicholas R. Jeelvy avatar
Nicholas R. Jeelvy
Very interesting thread:

Since the 90s, the U.S. has firmly opposed EU defence integration.
This wasn’t always the case. Truman and Eisenhower actively encouraged tighter European integration in military capability. The result over the last 25 years: a disaster for the EU and NATO.
In the mid-90s, EU members drew up plans for an integrated defence capability as the Bosnia war was a wake-up call for urgent action. The U.K. and France signed the St. Malo Declaration on creating a European Security and Defence Policy and a 60,000-strong EU reaction corps.
The U.S. quickly made sure this would never happen. In 1998, Madeleine Albright introduced the “3 D’s”: no duplication, no decoupling of defence and no discrimination of non-EU NATO members. The U.S. wanted to keep Europe open for U.S. arms sales (the reverse never happened).
Secretary of Defense Cohen stridently proclaimed in Dec. 2000 that “there will be no EU caucus in NATO” and that a EU force would spell the end of NATO. This became a mantra for all future U.S. administrations and the NATO leadership.
As late as the spring of 2024, Stoltenberg spoke out against the EU when the EU unveiled its plan for a unified defence industry. “We can’t have duplicated capability targets,” he said.
The reality is that this has been a catastrophic US policy that has profoundly hampered EU defence capabilities and left it in a dependent position despite its overall increased defence spending.
Does Europe share responsibility for its dilapidated military capability? Of course. But so does the U.S.
Now it’s time to stop caring what Washington says and to quickly move towards EU+UK defence integration.

At this stage, if you are pro-Russian or in any way sympathetic to Russia, you are either:

1. Deeply malicious.
2. You are stupid.
2a. If there is any evidence suggesting that you are otherwise intelligent, then you have some severe brainworms and need psychiatric treatment.
Why it is likely that, over the next two to five years, Russia might target Latvia for its next strike.

The Baltic region is geographically, economically, and symbolically significant. Theoretically, a blitzkrieg-style military operation could be carried out there. Launching a similar operation against Finland or Poland would be much more difficult and offer fewer advantages.

Traditionally, the Kremlin has viewed Latvia as the weakest link among the Baltic states. Here’s why:

1. It has the most challenging economic situation in the Baltics.

2. There is a very strong network of SVR-FSB operatives (inherited from the KGB of the Latvian SSR) and a substantial pool of influence agents, including former Soviet officials and their protégés.

3. Latvia has its own class of oligarchs (unlike the other Baltic republics), and all of them have historically been pro-Russian.

4. There is a large Russian and Russian-speaking population, widely influenced by neo-Soviet ressentiment.

5. Its geographic position is critical - controlling Latvia would split the Baltic region and secure strategically important ports.

6. Latgale, the country’s poorest region, has a high proportion of Russian speakers and directly borders both Russia and Belarus.

7. Latvia shares a border not only with Russia but also with Lukashenko’s Belarus, creating more opportunities for hybrid maneuvers.

No other location offers this combination of factors. Based on these facts and logical deductions, it’s reasonable to conclude that Moscow holds the same view.

The only pre-condition for a lasting peace is a partitioned, denuclearized, demilitarized, and not simply de-Putinized but really de-Russified post-Russian space. This should be the base case for opening the peace talks. Unless Trump comes with similar proposal, then there should be no peace talks. Oh, Russia won't accept such conditions, you say? Then what are you waiting for? Do everything to accomplish this. Provide Ukraine with everything it asks for, no strings attached. Attack Russia as a European coalition, open additional fronts. Believe me, Russia will collapse in an instant and Russians will be begging to be partitioned, denuclearized, demilitarized and de-Russified for a loaf of bread.

Популярные публикации Cemil Kerimoglu

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HapaPerspective avatar
What the war in Ukraine has proven, unequivocally, is that the collective will of a single White nation (Nationalism) is a force much stronger than the authoritarianism of the world’s largest autocracy. Authoritarianism is much weaker than genuine Nationalism.
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Vatnik Cope X avatar
Vatnik Cope X
Here is an ordinary Russian, who obviously has nothing to do with "Putin's war" and even, as some would claim, is as much of a victim of Putin's authoritarian regime as Ukrainians. Listen to what this soo totally innocent ordinary Russian woman has to say about Ukrainians.

She says that Stalin should have finished them off - i.e., brought to full conclusion the genocide of Ukrainians - in the 1930s. She laments that although the adult population of Ukraine was erased, the children were spared. According to this ordinary Russian who is suffering from Putin's rule and of course will embrace democracy & freedom in an instant if simply approached with the right words, those Ukrainians who escaped the genocide of the 1930s (Holodomor and else) grew up to become proud Ukrainians who don't want to become Russians, which is according to her unacepptable. And for that, she continues, Ukrainians must be eradicated like "crawling snakes".

She uses the slur "Banderovites" to designate Ukrainians. This and the "Nazi" slur are thrown by Russians at any Ukrainian who is simply proud of his ancestry and Ukrainian identity. Basically for Russians "Banderovite" = normal Ukrainian. Therefore, when Russians say they must exterminate "Banderovites" or "de-Nazify" Ukraine, what they really mean is to erase Ukrainian identity and exterminate this European nation.

Putin is not an aberration. In fact, it would even be technically incorrect to call him a "dictator". Putin represents the true nature and the deepest longings of the Russian people. Putin's Russia is the unfiltered expression of long-standing attitudes of the Russian people. In Russia, it's not Putin but the masses that hold sway in shaping the political and cultural ethos. Putin simply embodies their sentiments.

It needs repeating again and again. Putin is the least of the problems. Putin is simply a consequence, not the root cause. The real problem is the Russian people. The true evil and danger for the civilized world is not Putin, his authoritarianism or whatever. The true evil is the Russian people - regardless whether they are vatniks or "liberals", regardless whether they are pro- or "anti-Putin". People in the West must finally understand this basic fact - it's like 1+1=2. And act accordingly.

Apparently Donald Trump is not aware that Friedrich Merz is not at all his guy. Maybe Elon Musk is temporarily unavailable to whisper in his ear due to ketamene overdose.
Dresden. 14-15 February, 1945
Russians just bombed an orphanage in Sudzha in Kursk region… in Russia! And this is not the whole story. Guess what… Ukrainians are conducting rescue operations!!! In Russia! Ukrainians are rescuing Russian civilians from Russian bomb attacks. Let this sink in.

Who in his right mind can assume that Ukrainians and Russians are even remotely related peoples? I continue to be amazed at the angelic, superhuman nature of Ukrainians. Although they have all the moral right to hate, torture and kill every single Russian, regardless of age, gender and even political views, they divert their precious energy to help them in the territories they control and make their lives better. In spite of having the enormous burden to protect their own people from Russians, they now even protect Russians from Russians!

People in the West, and especially now the Trump Administration, need to finally grasp that this is not just an “ordinary conflict” which can be settled. This is not a disagreement between equals. This is a fight to the death between Good and Evil. Between angels and devils. Seldom in history has there been such a clearcut distinction.

NATO Secretary General Rutte: "Europe must prepare for war with Russia"

And not only a defensive war, in fact not at all a defensive war, but an offensive one against Russia. It needs to be clear: it’s not enough to fend off Russian encroachments. The very existence of Russia is a threat to European Civilization and will be its main headache going forward. As long as Russia exists, it will continue to pollute Western discourse with its asinine narratives, it will continue to manipulate, sow confusion and discord. It will continue organizing terrorist attacks and killings of undesirables on European soil. Russia is a virus that needs to be stamped out. Russia is cancer that needs to be cut out.

In order to live a healthy life you need to cure the disease by eliminating the root causes. Treating the symptoms is not enough. Currently, Europe is in symptom-treatment mode - although one shoul say this is already substantial progress that came too late. But this is not enough. Europe needs to be in the fight-the-disease mode. And this involves destroying Russia.

Europeans must bring back the spirit of the The War of The Holy League that their ancestors fought against the Ottomans in the 17th century. Now, this memory must be revitalized against Russia.

Russia must be desintegrated, decolonized, denuclearized and demilitarized. That whole Eurasian expanse must be controlled by Europe. Then and only then true peace and prosperity will arrive. Only then the disease will be cured. Only then Europe Will Be Great… Again.
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Radical Dose avatar
Radical Dose
When the Golden Horde fell, it left a stepchild in its wake. We call that stepchild Russia these days.


Radical Dose
Don't worry. Ukraine will prevail. Against all odds. This will be another unifying moment for the Ukrainian nation just like February 24, 2022.

Ukraine is not an object of history anymore. It has become its subject. In the last 3 years it has acquired its own historical agency. And it has already begun flexing its newfound agency. It is no longer merely taking instructions – it is making demands, setting terms, dictating conditions. Recently, President Zelensky has openly defied attempts to exploit Ukraine’s resources, refusing to sign an exploitative agreement on rare earth minerals that was recently presented by the Trump Administration almost as an ultimatum. He rightly recognized the extortionist nature of the deal – one that demanded much from Ukraine while offering nothing in return, not even the most basic security guarantees. More importantly, Ukraine has been a crucial force in mobilizing Western support for the war and in opposing the ever-present temptation of appeasement towards Russia. It has repeatedly refused to bow to American pressure to make concessions – whether under Biden or Trump. It is resilient, it is bold, it is unyielding.

But Ukraine cannot do it alone. It needs our support. This is where finally Europe must step in. Europe must mobilize. Europe must be on war-mode - the Holy War mode. And not a defensive war, but an OFFENSIVE one. Everything, including our basic everyday lives, must be re-organized and re-imagined with one single goal in mind: destruction of Russia. Supporting Ukraine in its noble fight. And of course, we must accept the hardships, the toils that such re-imagining will entail. Not only "accept", but be grateful that Destiny provides us with a wonderful opportunity to rise above ourselves. An opportunity to transcend the banality of our mundane existence, an opportunity to inject meaning and purpose into our pathetic philistine lives. And all thanks to Ukrainians.

This is Europe's moment to realize its own Manifest Destiny: to annihilate that devious predator called "Russia" once and for all. To conquer and re-organize that whole Eurasian expanse. Russia must be destroyed. Rusia delenda est.
This is Julius Malema. He is notorius for actively promoting the genocide of whites in South Africa. He became (in)famous with his chant "Kill the Boer, kill the farmer". He is a disgusting creature, a savage barbarian who hates white people and everything civilized.

You know what he is also notorious for? His staunch support for Russia, his love for Putin. A lot of right-wingers in the West are not aware of this, or if made aware might see a dissonance here. But they would be badly mistaken. Why? Because they are low IQ. Because in their quest to "stick it" to liberals, they essentially became like the liberals that they loathe (in many ways even worse than the liberals).

Just like liberals have been swallowing anti-white propaganda, glorifying post-Apartheid South Africa and glossing over the savage crimes that blacks commit against the white population, the right-wingers have been swallowing the Russian propaganda and whitewashing the equally savage atrocities Russians commit against Ukrainians. In their bizarre alternative universe, Russia is somehow the "defender of the West", "last bastion of traditional values" and "the last hope for the white race".

The truth however is that Malema is not an aberration, but the rule. He is fully consistent within his worldview. It's only natural for rabid anti-white haters to be also staunch Russian supporters. Because since shedding its artificial European veneer with the Bolshevik Revolution, Russia has been the vanguard of anti-western, even explicitly anti-white, ressentiment. Putin's Russia is simply the consummation of this natural, truly Russian trend.

What is unnatural however is for white nationalists, dissident Rightists, or anyone who claims to be a Western patriot to be pro-Russian. In a sense, this black terrorist Malema is actually smarter than many members of those groups. He is smarter than Victor Orban, Tucker Carlson and the German "patriots" of the AfD. Because at least he is internally consistent. Whereas the latter individuals are not; in fact they are blatantly, and one could say schizophrenically, inconsistent. Logical inconsistency is one of the markers of low IQ.

It is about time for all those contrarian "nationalists" in the West (at least the ones with an average and above IQ) to realize that Russians hate the West as much as blacks and Middle-Easterners do - the groups that those "nationalists" oppose while at the same time bizarrely being sympathetic towards Russians. Russians share similar character traits and behavioral patterns with blacks and Middle-Easterners. In fact, in all behavioral metrics that matter they are much closer to the averages of the latter groups than to people with European ancestry.

The Julius Malemas of this world have always been and will continue to be pro-Russian. This is only natural. Because Russians are not European. They are the quintessential anti-Europeans.

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Nicholas R. Jeelvy avatar
Nicholas R. Jeelvy
Very interesting thread:

Since the 90s, the U.S. has firmly opposed EU defence integration.
This wasn’t always the case. Truman and Eisenhower actively encouraged tighter European integration in military capability. The result over the last 25 years: a disaster for the EU and NATO.
In the mid-90s, EU members drew up plans for an integrated defence capability as the Bosnia war was a wake-up call for urgent action. The U.K. and France signed the St. Malo Declaration on creating a European Security and Defence Policy and a 60,000-strong EU reaction corps.
The U.S. quickly made sure this would never happen. In 1998, Madeleine Albright introduced the “3 D’s”: no duplication, no decoupling of defence and no discrimination of non-EU NATO members. The U.S. wanted to keep Europe open for U.S. arms sales (the reverse never happened).
Secretary of Defense Cohen stridently proclaimed in Dec. 2000 that “there will be no EU caucus in NATO” and that a EU force would spell the end of NATO. This became a mantra for all future U.S. administrations and the NATO leadership.
As late as the spring of 2024, Stoltenberg spoke out against the EU when the EU unveiled its plan for a unified defence industry. “We can’t have duplicated capability targets,” he said.
The reality is that this has been a catastrophic US policy that has profoundly hampered EU defence capabilities and left it in a dependent position despite its overall increased defence spending.
Does Europe share responsibility for its dilapidated military capability? Of course. But so does the U.S.
Now it’s time to stop caring what Washington says and to quickly move towards EU+UK defence integration.

Why it is likely that, over the next two to five years, Russia might target Latvia for its next strike.

The Baltic region is geographically, economically, and symbolically significant. Theoretically, a blitzkrieg-style military operation could be carried out there. Launching a similar operation against Finland or Poland would be much more difficult and offer fewer advantages.

Traditionally, the Kremlin has viewed Latvia as the weakest link among the Baltic states. Here’s why:

1. It has the most challenging economic situation in the Baltics.

2. There is a very strong network of SVR-FSB operatives (inherited from the KGB of the Latvian SSR) and a substantial pool of influence agents, including former Soviet officials and their protégés.

3. Latvia has its own class of oligarchs (unlike the other Baltic republics), and all of them have historically been pro-Russian.

4. There is a large Russian and Russian-speaking population, widely influenced by neo-Soviet ressentiment.

5. Its geographic position is critical - controlling Latvia would split the Baltic region and secure strategically important ports.

6. Latgale, the country’s poorest region, has a high proportion of Russian speakers and directly borders both Russia and Belarus.

7. Latvia shares a border not only with Russia but also with Lukashenko’s Belarus, creating more opportunities for hybrid maneuvers.

No other location offers this combination of factors. Based on these facts and logical deductions, it’s reasonable to conclude that Moscow holds the same view.

Russians bombed a residential building in Poltava today. At the time of this writing there are 5 dead and 14 injured. Obviously, it’s not like they were aiming somewhere else - not that that would be in any way justifiable, they aimed precisely at the residential building.

In recent months Ukraine has intensified its strikes deep into Russian territory. However, differently from Russians, Ukrainians target exclusively oil refineries, oil depots and military targets. You never get the news such as “so and so victims are dead or injured as a result of Ukrainian strike on a building”. Even at the frontline cities like in Bryansk, Belgorod, and most importantly Kursk regions, Ukrainians go out of their way and meticulously manage to strike exlusively military targets. The devastation that is brought upon the Kursk region is entirely the result of Russian scorched earth policy, for example.

Russians however exclusively bomb civilians - both in the frontline cities and those faraway. It needs repeating again and again: the primary mover for Russians in this war is literally to kill Ukrainians, to eradicate the Ukrainian nation - nothing else. Not “geopolitics”, “NATO expansion” or whatever other nonsense the “contrarian” scum likes to spew.

It has amazed from the start. After all the savageries that Russians committed and continue to commit - sadistic tortures, murders, rapes, beheadings, castrations - against Ukrainian civilians and POWs, after all the carpet-bombing that they unleashed on Ukrainian cities, Ukrainians would be morally justified to destroy anything inside Russia. They would be morally justified to kill and torture any Russian that they can get their hands on.

But they are not doing that. They continue to show an amazing, one should say, superhuman, levels of restraint. When Ukraine releases Russian POWs they look as if they spent time in a 5-star hotel. Ukrainian POWs, in stark contrast, are battered, starved, destroyed, maimed and crushed. And I don’t even want to recite again the horrific stories of abuse that they tell of the Russian captivity.

Moreover, even when Ukrainians entered the Kursk region they are treating Russian civilians with kindness and respect - the diametrical opposite of the hell Russians unleash on captive Ukrainians.

From the start this has been a war of angels against devils. Of civilized humans against subhumans, of sophisticated people against savage barbarians. There can be no peace settlement with spiteful savage barbarians whose declared aim is to eradicate you from the face of the Earth. These savage barbarians will never let it go, they will not rest until they destroy Ukrainians or bend them to their will. The only solution therefore - what would truly bring lasting peace - is the eradication of those very savage barbarians.
Not only politicians, but political movements in general. Those who recognize the danger posed by the kind of people on the left tend to be charitable towards, even supportive of, the kind of people on the right, and vice versa.

Both the political Left and Right must get their act together. The liberals must finally realize that Africans and Middle-Easterners whom they welcome into white countries are no different in their intentions towards Europe than Russians. They commit the same kind of atrocities in the West against native populations as Russians do in Ukraine, and harbor the same hatred against the West.

Likewise, the populist Right must finally realize that Russians are no different than Africans and Middle-Easterners in their character traits and attitudes towards the West. What Russians are committing against Ukrainians is of the same barbarity as what Pakistani rape gangs were doing to British girls, for example.
I would probably disagree with Slavoj Žižek on everything else, but on this one he is absolutely right and deserves respect.

Slavoj Zizek: “It’s incredible to me how many pseudo-leftists are drawn to this strange fascination with Russia. Even though they admit that Putin is horrible, they still cling to the idea that Russia, somehow being less affected by Western consumerism, somehow preserves more ‘authentic’ human relationships. For example, an idiot once told me that while the West is all about promiscuity and sexual freedoms, in Russia, ‘true love’ is still possible.

This romanticized notion of Russia is often combined with another leftist dogma: that NATO is the ultimate evil. According to this view, anyone in conflict with NATO must have something good or virtuous about them. By this logic, Ukraine is disqualified from support because it’s seen as merely fighting a ‘proxy war’ on behalf of NATO.”

Just one should remark that he calls those leftists who are fascinated with Russia - “pseudo-leftists”. The truth is, however, that they are actually the true leftists. Russophilia has always been part and parcel of leftist ideology. Because in its essence leftism is the ideology of anti-western, even explicitly anti-white, hatred. And Russia, after throwing off its European veneer with the Bolshevik Revolution, has been the vanguard of this anti-western, anti-white ressentiment. That’s why it’s only natural for leftists to lean towards Russia.

Regardless, with his stance on Ukraine and Russia, I think Slavoj Žižek proved himself an honorable person. One should give credit where credit is due.

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