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Just My Opinion, Joe Lange
Just My Opinion, Joe Lange
February 6, 2025

The screaming and gnashing of teeth by the enemy over USAID being shut down is deafening!


Without money, they lose power and control everywhere. All these money streams being cut off worldwide, has instantaneously ended CIA control over governments and people.

But it’s way more than just the money spigot being shut off.

DOGE is “following the money” trail and exposing all the corruption.
DOGE is naming NAMES.

These people’s crimes are being exposed to the public and the worst stuff hasn’t even been revealed yet.

CIA/USAID funded, armed and trained all the terrorists we’ve been at war with for many decades.

CIA/USAID has been behind the nuclear proliferation around the world to dictators in North Korea and Iran.

CIA/USAID is behind the worldwide drug trafficking networks.

CIA/USAID is also behind the child trafficking worldwide and when people find out what they did in Haiti, there won’t be a single place in the world for any of these people to hide.

The prosecution phase is not going to be isolated to America.
The prosecution phase is going to be worldwide.

A cleansing is coming and USAID is just one key that opens that door.

Transparency and prosecution, there is simply no other way.
November 13, 2024

Might I suggest a possibility?

I think two things are in play and haven’t happened yet.
They will change everything, including in state governments.

Mass arrests for corruption and election fraud.

Many government officials are going to be arrested in every state for facilitating election fraud or corruption.
That is going to leave a lot of vacancies and expose just how corrupt these state governments are. It will expose their money laundering operations to steal taxpayers money.

The people themselves will demand complete change in every state.

Trump will also expose all the election fraud and change the entire election system.
That will give the power back to the people and allow them to change their state and local governments to represent them.
If they don’t want taxes, they’ll vote for people who want to get rid of them.
November 6, 2024

For all you democrats, media and any other Trump haters.

Justice is coming.

I know this is what you fear the most.

But it’s not “revenge.”

“Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.”
Romans 12:19 NIV

We will leave true vengeance for your evil in God’s hands.

But what we are going to bring is “justice.”
The two tier justice system is now gone.
If you committed crimes, you are going to face justice.
There are no puppet masters or corrupt courtrooms that will save you.
And if you committed treason, you will face a military tribunal as an enemy combatant and then you will face the death penalty.
Not because of “revenge”, but because that is the law.

We are now going to follow the constitution and once again be a Republic based on the rule of law.

That has always been your greatest fear.

Lawyer up!

Tick Tock
November 5, 2024


Why is Jared Kushner missing in action?

Here’s some possibilities.

Jared ran Trump’s winning campaign in 2016.
He might be running this campaign, which has been brilliant.
We didn’t find out that he was running Trump’s campaign in 2016 until AFTER the election and then he got the credit.

That’s a possibility.

But we’ve learned something else.

Trump is funding his own transition instead of waiting for government funding.
This transition has already been happening in the background because Trump has said that his administration will hit the ground running.
He has mentioned a lot of things that he will do on day one and said that he will turn around this country very quickly.

What do you want to bet that Jared is in charge of Trump’s transition team and setting the table for the quick turnaround?
Is he vetting people and putting things in place?

That’s another possibility.

There are two wars going on right now.
Jared was the man behind the scenes, secretly bringing leaders together to create real peace in the Middle East.
Trump placed him in charge and he accomplished the Abraham Accords.
Is he working behind the scenes again, to create peace?
Is he helping to end the war in Ukraine and Gaza?
Trump has said many times that he can end these wars immediately. Maybe with just a phone call.
Is Jared already setting up those dramatic moments.

That’s another big possibility.

What I know, is that Jared is one of Trump’s most trusted aides who has been tasked with several things that were happening in the background and out of the media. He was doing the heavy lifting and keeping everything quiet.

I suspect he is knee deep in something big coming.
October 20, 2024

Everything has changed.
The enemy can try to switch votes again to prevent Trump from winning but they have the same problem they had in 2020.
They will need a massive amount of fake ballots in order to match the vote totals in the machines.
But this time, they will need way more fake ballots.
And the other problem they will have is those massive amounts of fake ballots will be more than the registered voters on the voting rolls.
Especially in the swing states.

Now when it comes to down ballot races?
The enemy has the same problem.
They can’t switch all the down ballot races without the number of fake ballots to match the vote totals and then they will not match the number of registered voters.

This exact scenario happened in 2020 but the timing wasn’t right to expose it all.

Now the timing is right and the enemy will need to cheat way more than in 2020.
I don’t think they can.
I think Trump wins and we win the House and Senate.
Kamala is worse than Biden, so she is killing the down ballot races and the democrats know it.
The gloves are about to come off.
All the election fraud is about to be exposed, so it doesn’t matter whether or not the democrats win the House or Senate.
Once the election fraud is exposed, which is treason, it will trigger mass arrests and change everything.
A new election, without fraud will completely change our government to MAGA.
September 6, 2024

This is key.
It’s always been about the economy.
The democrats are trapped and are getting all the blame.
Jobs number lower than expected and all the numbers from the previous month keep getting revised down big time.

“The unemployment rate ticked down to 4.2%, as expected. However, the “real” unemployment rate edged up to 7.9%, its highest reading since October 2021.
The previous two months saw substantial downward revisions. The BLS cut July’s total by 25,000, while June fell to 118,000, a downward revision of 61,000.”
January 25, 2025

Part 4
Pompeo security detail revoked.

Is Pompeo really a traitor and working with the enemy?
No way.
I gave evidence in Part 3.

Here’s my Substack article on that subject.

Have you ever heard of the secret CIA program called “Corona?”

“CORONA Satellite Program
The CORONA satellite program was a top-secret reconnaissance program managed jointly by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the U.S. Air Force.”

“The CORONA satellites were designated KH-1, KH-2, KH-3, KH-4, KH-4A, and KH-4B, with KH standing for “Keyhole.”

The CIA had a secret satellite program that allowed them to use top of the line satellite cameras to spy on people anywhere in the world.

Q dropped crumbs to lead us to this program.

Q drop
Nov 23, 2017 1:11:25 AM EST

Happy hunting.

Q wanted the anons to search for the meaning of “keyhole.” It wasn’t easy and this anon told Q how frustrated he/she was.
(Pardon the language)

Q drop
Nov 23, 2017 1:14:06 AM EST

Nov 23, 2017 1:12:34 AM EST

One more key word, please. Please.
Clowns In America.

Q said “keyhole” was connected to the CIA(Clowns in America). Then Q posted this:

Q drop
Nov 23, 2017 10:29:58 PM EST

Nov 23, 2017 10:25:26 PM EST


“is this relevant?”

“At In-Q-Tel, Painter’s work focused on identifying, researching and evaluating “new start-up technology firms that were believed to offer tremendous value to the CIA, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, and the Defense Intelligence Agency.” Indeed, the NGA had confirmed that its intelligence obtained via KEYHOLE was used by the NSA to support US operations in Iraq from 2003 onwards.

A former US Army special operations intelligence officer, Painter’s new job at Google as of July 2005 was federal manager of what KEYHOLE was to become: Google Earth Enterprise. By 2007, Painter had become Google’s federal chief technologist.

‘TK’ refers to Talent/KEYHOLE, code names for imagery from reconnaissance aircraft and spy satellites.”

Google wasn’t just helping the CIA set up its super computers in North Korea and Armenia.
It was also helping the CIA to develop better technology for their “keyhole” satellite cameras.

All of this was happening BEFORE Pompeo became CIA director.
He ended this program.

This program was called “Corona.”

Here’s what Q told us happened.

Q drop
Feb 10, 2018 5:30:58 AM EST

Seals are wonderful creatures.
Heard they work fast at capturing their prey.
Silence is golden.
Games R FUN!

Q was suggesting that the Navy Seals were tasked with taking down the Corona operational facilities. Q was trolling the enemy.

Then Q started posting these drops.

Q drop
Aug 30, 2018 6:44:36 PM EDT

Aug 30, 2018 6:37:25 PM EDT

Right after Q announced that the final CIA super computer was offline (Snow White 7 offline), they started taking down the Corona satellite facilities.

Q drop
Aug 30, 2018 6:45:30 PM EDT

Aug 30, 2018 6:44:36 PM EDT

Q drop
Aug 30, 2018 6:47:21 PM EDT

Aug 30, 2018 6:45:30 PM EDT

Q drop
Aug 30, 2018 6:48:47 PM EDT

Aug 30, 2018 6:47:21 PM EDT

Q drop
Aug 30, 2018 6:52:12 PM EDT

Aug 30, 2018 6:48:47 PM EDT
November 12, 2024

Is anybody else waking up every morning with a “perma-grin?

The Best Is Yet To Come
Power Back To The People

These aren’t just slogans.

We are going to actually witness this incredible transformation of our country and then the WORLD.
We, along with our children and grandchildren, are going to experience freedom and prosperity like we have never imagined.

Promises made, promises kept.

That’s not just a slogan either.
November 5, 2024

Trust me my friends.

Kamala has lost Pennsylvania. The race is over.
The media ALREADY knows this but can’t admit it yet because it’s early.
There’s no way she can make up the numbers that she needs.
She massively underperformed Biden in Pennsylvania.

Now is the time to watch CNN and MSNBC.
Let the crying and complaining commence!
November 5, 2024

Have you heard my theory?
I think those IP addresses were used to create fake IP addresses using fake security certificates to fully control all the machines used for elections and also IP addresses used to gather evidence from our enemies.
They think the links and apps they use are secure and instead, we are gathering evidence.
Plus, I think they have the ability to stop voting machine manipulation.
October 17, 2024

Here is my new Substack article on Badlands Media.


What Difference Does Benghazi Make?

They never thought she would lose.
September 6, 2024

What if Newsom is being forced to do things to expose the enemy?
How else could you explain him proposing to give mortgages to illegals when Californians can’t afford a home and most Americans can’t now.
How does that proposal help the democrats or Kamala, when the border invasion is the second biggest thing driving turnout in the coming election?

It’s one of the dumbest proposals imaginable. And the timing is only good for us.

But…..It is possible that there is a valid reason for Newsom to do this that might reveal something big.

What if Newsom isn’t leveraged? What if he desperately needs more illegals to come to California from other states because they are losing badly in California?
The entire election system is rigged in California, but you can’t steal an election if you’re losing by double digits. They need it to be a lot closer.
What better way to get more illegals on the voting rolls to cheat than to offer them mortgages?

It’s one or the other.
Either Newsom is leveraged and doing damage to the democrat party in some kind of lesser sentence deal or the democrats are getting crushed in their internal polls in California.

I’m not sure exactly, which one is correct.
November 14, 2024

My new Substack drops Saturday on Badlands media substack.

Fourth installment on Benghazi.

Here’s an excerpt:

Was it a “dereliction of duty” or just incompetence?
How do we know it wasn’t incompetence?
They made a
deliberate choice.
They chose, not to even
attempt to rescue the 37 Americans under attack by Al Qaeda in Benghazi.
They hung them out to dry.
No help came.
It was a Libyan militia, made up of ex-Gaddafi soldiers, who rescued the Americans trapped at the CIA annex.
The Obama administration sent no help and actually watched the attack on a live feed from drones.
The timeline tells the story.
The timeline proves that they made a deliberate choice and it was a ‘dereliction of duty.’
November 7, 2024

Sorry, wrong wording.
She didn’t do better than Biden in a single county in the country.
Not one.
That is horrible.

“Holy smokes! Literally nothing?” said the flabbergasted CNN presenter Jake Tapper in the small hours of Wednesday as the scale of Kamala Harris’s election flop became clear.
The network’s election guru John King had just pressed the big screen to reveal in which of America’s 3,243 counties the vice-president was performing better than Joe Biden in 2020. Not a single dot of blue could be seen on the entire map of the United States.
“Literally not one county?” Tapper kept repeating, in clear disbelief.”
November 5, 2024

Just watch Pennsylvania my friends.

Pennsylvania was called for Trump in 2016 and guaranteed Trump’s victory.
It will do the same thing today.
If Pennsylvania gets called for Trump, it doesn’t just guarantee that Kamala loses, it also depresses democrat turnout across the country and Democrats down ballot take a beating.

This is the battle.
The democrats will do everything they can, lawsuits etc, to try and prevent Trump being declared the winner in Pennsylvania tonight.

Our lawyers and military will be charged with protecting the votes and forcing election officials to declare Trump the winner.

The sooner that happens tonight, the more control we are in my friends.

It will crush democrats spirit.
The election will be over and FOX will be FORCED to declare Trump the winner of the election far earlier than they want to.

The enthusiasm gap is massive. Long lines are evidence of a Trump landslide.

I think he wins easy and it is declared fairly early.

Then let the games begin.
October 27, 2024

Spit Ball


Why is Elon pushing “Dark MAGA” so hard and Trump himself keeps mentioning “Dark MAGA”?

Might I offer a possibility.

Trump at his Madison Square Garden rally said this interesting little comment.

He was talking about the coming election and winning Congress and mentioned the word “secret.”
He knows a little “secret” that he will reveal AFTER the election.

What could that secret possibly be?

Have you seen this Q drop describing “Dark Secrets”?

Oct 21, 2020 3:01:21 PM EDT
“Inappropriate [sick] to you?
Normal to them?

The article in the Q drop describes Biden kissing his granddaughter inappropriately.

How about this Q drop on “Dark Secrets”?

Oct 18, 2020 1:01:04 AM EDT

“Those who provided Hunter w/ underage girls [trafficked?] _same people who also took the pictures?
If large sums of money are being paid by foreign [state] actors [to protected [in powerful positions] US pols] would they want assurances the deal will be kept?
Bribes & blackmail.

Bribes and blackmail evidence?

How about this Q drop?

Oct 07, 2020 3:14:58 PM EDT

“How many people in DC does Clinton have dirt on?
How many people in DC does Clinton have [had] on payroll?

Or how about this Q drop?

Oct 07, 2020 3:07:51 PM EDT

“Threats, bribes & blackmail being deployed @ unseen levels?
Dirty laundry [blackmail] controls DC?
Why are they protected?
Threats, bribes & blackmail or sharing of 'like-beliefs'?
"Let's see what happens."

Hasn’t Trump said recently that they won’t be able to steal the coming election and then he’s said, “Let’s see what happens.”

Speaking of elections.

What about this Q drop?

From drop 4846
Oct 11, 2020

"Thank you to our Justice Department and our federal law enforcement agencies for protecting our Governors and all the rest of our people without regard to politics."
Do you trust your source(s), [RR]?
Do you believe the election will be successfully rigged to avoid accountability?
What do they have on you?

Will the election be successfully rigged to avoid accountability?
I don’t think so. Not this time.

So a whole lot of “Dark Secrets” comms in the drops that talk about pedo’s, blackmail, bribery and election fraud.

How does this all connect to Elon Musk and Dark MAGA?

Have you seen this portion of Q drop 1102
Apr 09, 2018 mentioning Jack Dorsey and Twitter?

“We have it ALL.
You're next.
What is JACK's SECRET T-handle?
'Dummy' accounts to talk.
What you SEE is LIMITED.
Think emails (LL, HRC, HUSSEIN, etc).

What is Jack Dorsey’s SECRET Twitter handle?
Dummy accounts to communicate in “secret”?
Think emails(Hillary/Obama etc).

Can you see the connection?

When Elon bought Twitter, he also obtained all of the enemies “dummy accounts” and “Secret” Twitter handles.

Elon has all of the enemies “Dark Secrets.”

That’s why Elon said, “Twitter is both a social media company and a crime scene.”

What do you want to bet that Trump just hinted to us that those “dark secrets” Will be revealed to us right after the election.

Ten days of DARKNESS.

Is it all now making sense?
September 6, 2024

From X.

Spit Ball

Think much, much bigger.
I don’t think anyone really understands the changes that are coming.
Trump is openly telling us what’s coming and it’s actually only the tip of the iceberg.


Trump is telling us that he is going to completely change the tax system.
Making his biggest tax cuts in history permanent. No tax on tips. No Social Security taxes.
He’s slowly but surely, talking about dismantling the entire federal tax system and it’s to wake up more people to the corrupt system.
He’s going to remove any third party control over the people and their money.
This is only the start. It’s just the appetizer.
There is going to be no more federal income taxes.
That’s coming.
That’s the reason that he keeps mentioning tariffs and trade deals.
The federal government will only have tariffs to spend. That eliminates their power over the people.
The IRS, central banks, fiat money printing and the entire debt system are all going into the trash bin of history.

But now he’s peeling back the curtain to reveal something big.

He says he’ll cut mortgages by half and make it illegal for illegal aliens to get a mortgage because they help drive up prices.
Trump says 30% of a mortgage is based on government regulations and he’s going to cut them.
Do you believe him?
I sure do.
But here’s the kicker.
Here’s what should open a lot of peoples eyes to think much bigger.
Who owns the most land in this country?
If you said the government, you would be wrong.
The people own all of the land controlled by the government and Trump is going to give that land back to the people.
Do you realize what will happen if Trump opens up government land for housing?
The biggest housing boom in history and an economy that will grow beyond our wildest dreams.

Housing will instantly become affordable for almost all Americans.

Look how much land the government owns out west. It’s massive.

This will massively drive down home prices. The government has been artificially helping home prices go up by preventing building on the majority of land.
That is going to end.

What will also end?

Americans paying half their monthly income on their mortgage.
Can you imagine an economy where suddenly, almost all Americans have a lot more money in their pockets?
They are going to buy a lot more goods.

We have no idea what’s coming. The economy is going to be something we never thought was ever possible.

But then you ask, “What about the price of my home now? If prices drop massively, I’m underwater in my mortgage.”

That would be true for a lot of people…..temporarily.


The entire financial system is going to be changed and transformed. The fiat money debt system will be gone.
A new system based on sound money backed by gold, that the people control instead of bankers, is going to change everything.
Our money will now be worth a lot more and purchase more.
The FED will no longer control interest rates.
Can you imagine being able to refinance your current mortgage with a close to zero interest rate and based on your income that is now valued in real money instead of a debt instrument?

Everything is going to change.

As I’ve said for a long time now.
Everything changed the day Trump was sworn in as president.

He doesn’t make proposals that he’s not going to follow through with.
He already knows this is all coming.
These aren’t “proposals” by Trump.
They are “promises” and he’s going to keep them.

What’s next?
What massive proposals will he make next?

Think much bigger friends!
September 4, 2024

I agree with you completely. The majority of judges are not corrupt, just like the majority of the people working for the FBI and DOJ are not corrupt either.
But to change the system and put safeguards into the system to prevent corrupt judges, FBI, DOJ from targeting their political opponents in the future, you must show the people the corruption.
It’s the same with every corrupt system.
The education system is corrupted but not the majority of the teachers.
The election system is corrupted but not most of the people working in the states on elections.
The same goes for the military and healthcare system.
All must be exposed as corrupt so that the large majority of Americans will demand change.
That’s why safeguards are incoming in all of these systems.
November 13, 2024


Another boomerang incoming?

Have you ever looked at all the December 17, 2019 Q drops?

There were several and they seem to have a common theme.

They talked about AG Barr and Durham. They also talk about the Senate and presidential impeachment.
They talk about Comey and how someone purposely misspelled his name in the records to hide his actions.
They spelled his name Corney and then Q talks about the corn harvest.

But then guess what Q posts?

A picture of the “Storm Has Arrived.”
With this:

The Storm Sequence of Events: Horowitz IG Report > Comey Report > Declas of FISA > Indictments

Worth remembering.

The Horowitz IG report and Comey’s report have already happened, except for maybe some still classified information that has been used behind the scenes in other investigations.

I believe we are waiting for the “reveal” of the biggest declassified FISA documents.
People might think that the FISA scandal was already revealed.
But not the most important parts. The most important evidence on the biggest players has yet to be revealed to the public.

Do you remember this Q drop?

Q drop
Mar 04, 2019 3:39:34 PM EST

HUSSEIN gave the order to start the spy campaign.
It was logged officially 2x.
1x - Domestic.
1x - Foreign.
FISC judge WH meeting?
WH visitor logs are important.
HUSSEIN library CLAS doc move?
Attempt to shelter/protect?
Who has AUTH to obtain?
The More You Know.

Hussein tried his best to hide his treason. But he failed.

But guess what else was mentioned on December 17, 2019?

Q drop
Dec 17, 2019 2:24:40 PM EST

National Presidential Alert System [2].
Why was this created and tested?
Political warfare.
Information warfare.

Was Q focusing us on an “alert” involving a president?

And then there’s this.

Q drop
Dec 17, 2019 2:39:05 PM EST

Though, nothing should ever replace 'Christ' in 'Christmas'.
Merry Christmas, Anons/Patriots.
God is on our side.

Hasn’t Trump mentioned in the past, that he promised a great Christmas?

Can you see the theme of these drops?

Now what would be the biggest “present” Trump could give the anons for Christmas this year?

Do you know what was the last Q drop on December 17, 2019?

It was so important that Q repeated it on the same day.

It was one of the biggest Q drops to hit the boards.

Q drop
Dec 17, 2019 5:03:45 PM EST

First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.
First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.
They will fight but you are ready.
Marker [9].

Is there any bigger indictment (unseal) than Hussein Obama?

Wouldn’t that shock and wake up the world?
Wouldn’t his arrest confirm future actions?

Wouldn’t that change everything?

But how would that happen if Trump hasn’t been inaugurated yet?

There’s a possibility that most people have probably missed.

Q drop
Jun 20, 2020 3:15:16 PM EDT

CIA Director _early 2017 - April 2018?
External Advisory Board (CIA) members during this time?
Was Bill Barr a member of the board?
What advantages might exist to incoming AG Barr re: member of external advisory board (CIA)?
What advantages might exist to Sec of State re: former Dir of CIA?
It must be right.
It must be according to the law.
It must be proven.
It's what you don't see.
Durham is not the only GAME IN TOWN.

Q says……it’s what you don’t see.
Durham wasn’t the only game in town?

Neither was Huber.

This is from Q drop
Sep 26, 2020

What did we learn this week?
1. Durham 'true' start?
2. Durham 'take-over' Huber [select parts re: CF-i]?
What if there's another prosecutor (OUTSIDE OF DC) assigned by SESSIONS w/ the same mandate/authority?

We know about Huber and that Durham took over at least parts of his investigations.

But Q is suggesting there is another investigator that nobody knows about.
No leaks.

Is it possible Obama gets indicted right before Christmas?
Wouldn’t that be the biggest Christmas present ever and the best way to kick off the justice phase?
November 7, 2024

New York Times headline:

“Trump Storms Back”


Is a storm tweet incoming?

An article by Maggie Haberman?

I’m of the opinion that she flipped a while back.

Q drop
Apr 21, 2018 12:56:16 PM EDT

Right on Q.
Trust funds (3).
Deposits routed from EU.
Why are deposits ORIG from EU being transferred into [3] TRUST funds [children]?
How do you get your talking points?
Why do many DC journalists (yourself) use & replace 'burner phones' every week?
How do you pass the new number out?
Tweets are very important.
Do you feel safe?
November 5, 2024

I think they took control of most of the internet in the US with those IP addresses.
They are seeing everything.
The guy who was the head of that unknown front company that got all the IP addresses, also ran a company that could take control of an IP address using false security certificates.
He worked with the military and law enforcement using that ability in sting operations before he got all those IP addresses.
October 27, 2024

Only “registered” voters get to vote. That’s also the law.
It’s nowhere near 300 million people that vote.
Plus, all you have to do is break down precincts smaller. That allows for decentralization and quicker counting and results.
We already have the amount of people we need to conduct elections.
It is a scam that it takes as long as democrats say it does to hold elections and count the results.
It’s designed to cheat.
Many countries count their paper ballots in one single day.
September 6, 2024

What if Biden has been leveraged for a long time because Hunter purposely left the laptop with all of the evidence?
I wrote about Trump choosing Biden so that he can be a millstone around the democrats necks.
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