Screw Big Gov is UNDER ATTACK again!
Just this week our 4th Tik Tok account was taken down, SBG #5 had a video on Big Pharma taken down with a violation and now a video of congressmen Burchett talking about the Pentagon removed as a violation.
For those of you that don’t know, we are the #1 target of the SPLC, with a 500-million-dollar bank roll. Why does that matter? When you are placed on the SPLC Hate Map it acts like a dog whistle for their minions to go after those that are listed. My organizations are listed three times.
I was told AGAIN today by someone very connected that we are being targeted bigly and in fact my calls are still being monitored. President Trump cannot do everything for us… This is War and the SWAMP will not go away quietly into the night.
Although it sucks to be under attack like this and still be shadow banned on EVERY platform, frankly it’s exhausting. It is also a BADGE OF HONOR. I will NOT relent! These idiots seem to forget that Patriot Journalists (like yourselves) get stronger through adversity. Unlike their weak-ass Marxist robots!
Ps. Big disclosure coming on “allegedly” the biggest money laundering, human trafficking, murder lawsuit on record, plus possible news on a disgusting case of FBI/Pharma lawfare on somebody bucking the system and saving lives. Plus more detailed disclosures on the Lahaina Fire.
You should probably follow now because it is likely you won’t see this news unless other patriots post it.
I will be doing several interviews in the coming weeks to bring all this to light.
Keep pushing forward! I believe soon the Anons, Citizen Journalists and the Trump team will meet on the battlefield which will signal the final demise of the Deep State… Let’s Go!!!