Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt literally have conspiracy theories claiming the Coptic Orthodox Church possesses nuclear weapons. They have channels with millions of subscribers dedicated to attacking Copts where they among other things blaspheme Jesus Christ and St. Mary, claiming they are not the same as Isa and Miriam of the Quran.
All for being a minority doing literally nothing except resisting actual Islamist attacks.
If anything ever breaks out again in Egypt, millions of Egyptian Islamists as well as millions of their sympathizers from abroad are going to target the Copts. An attempt to genocide some of the oldest Christians from the land Christ Himself was called out from (Hosea 11:1/Matthew 2:15)
The true reason behind the Brotherhood's incitement is not alleged support for Sisi's crimes or whatever, but the fact that Copts are around 20% of Egypt, 20 million people, something they severely downplay. They fear Copts having any position of power.