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Neues Europa archive
🎂Today we will like to notice the birthday of SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich

🏴 Neues Europa archive 🏴
A very interesting photo of the members and officers of the 392. Croatian Infantry Division dining In Karlovac what is most distinctive Is the portraits of the Führer and Poglavnik as well as the Third Reich flag in-between them

𐀏 Volksfront | Boost | Admin
A rare but very deteriorated picture of a member of the Russian Protective Corps guarding the Trepca mine and it's ethnic Albanian workers In Kosovska Mitrovica a region overseen by the Bulgarian 1st Occupation Corps of Serbia, although Kosovska Mitrovica was formally a part of the territory of the Military commander In Serbia the Germans had appointed one of the founders of the SS Skanderbeg and Minister of Interior of Albania, Xhafer Deva as It's governor effectively marking it under Albanian control.

𐀏 Volksfront | Boost | Admin
Another Iron cross recipient certificate awarded to Rudolf May a Hauptmann of the Croato German SS Police, he's also being awarded the second class Iron cross, what is interesting is the loss of font from 1943 to 1944
𐀏 Volksfront | Boost | Admin
A very high quality photo of the 369th Croatian Reinforced Infantry Regiment marching on the Eastern front, clearly Identified by their checkerboard pattern arm shields and the commanders (likely Viktor Pavičić) Croatian Homeguard Visor cap

𐀏 Volksfront | Boost | Admin
1st Cossack Cavalry Division In Croatia, exercises by the "Kuban" mounted artillery detachment

𐀏 Volksfront | Boost | Admin
A very rare group photo of 5 members of the 392. Croatian Infantry Division nicknamed the "Blue Division", the fate of the soldiers from this division was rather unknown and hiden In conspiracy until April 3, 2009, when the Croatian Helsinki Committee found a mass grave consisting of 4,500 men near Zaprešić and identified the masscared men as members of the division since then the locals have indicated that the masscare was committed by the 21st Assault Serbian Division of the Yugoslav Partisans

𐀏 Volksfront | Boost | Admin
A rare picture of a member of the 7th SS Volunteer Mountain Division "Prinz Eugen" taking a rest after what probably was a long day of marching, the soldier Is shown with his 98k carbines at close hand as well as a ammunition pouch for his mauser attached to his black leather belt, he is also wearing distinctive Waffen SS camouflage

𐀏 Volksfront | Boost | Admin
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