Contrary to popular belief, this is not just the “Nazi salute…”
The salute is Roman in origin
Rome is linked to Babylon/Egypt
Masonry is a modernized practice of Babylonian/Egyptian mysticism. Nimrod is considered the “founder” of Masonry. Upon initiation into the 14th Degree, the same “Roman Salute” is revealed to the Mason
In America, the Roman Salute was once called the Bellamy Salute. It was named after Francis Bellamy, the writer of the Pledge of Allegiance. Up until WW2, it was used in American schools during the “pledge” (also connected to Masonry)
Don’t let the Nazi stuff detract from who’s really behind this all— Rome
That’s who Elon, Trump, Steve Bannon, and others have been showing their allegiance to
Just as it was on Inauguration Day, when Trump posted the “SPQR” flag
Rome never fell. Nazis, Zionists, Freemasons, and Jesuits are all linked to Rome, which links them to Babylon and Egypt
The entire world has long been ruled by Rome riding on Babylon/Egypt
It’s all connected. Ecc. 1:9