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Hitler said, 'There are only Germans and no party What he did and what he had built was done for his people, not for himself His mission was to raise the German people up to the highest level, that was his idea His main concern was that he wanted to ensure that nothing would ever befall his people again, he took it upon himself, and he said, 'never again.

~ Karl Wilhelm Krause
SS-Untersturmführer later SS-Hauptsturmführer
Member of the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler
5 years = 1, 826 days

1,826 days = 43,824 hours

43,824 hours = 2,629,440 minutes

6,000,000 Jews divided by 2,629.440 minutes
2.281 Jews a minute

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As long as nationalism and socialism march as separate ideas, they Will be defeated by the United forces of their opponents. On that day when both ideas are molton into one, they Will become invincible.

~ Adolf Hitler
‘The Führer is not dead! He lives on in the creation of his spirit close to God. It will outlast the lives of those who were damned by fate to not understand the Führer while he still lived. They will sink into the grave and become forgotten. The spirit of the Führer, however, will continue to work into time and became the savior for his enslaved folk and for a seduced mankind.’

- Julius Streicher, 1945 political testament.
ADDRESS# 13: DECEMBER 11, 1941


Background: The Tripartite Pact bound Germany and Italy to support Japan.

Official History: Hitler declared war on America.

Mein Side of the Story: I had no desire to wage war against the United States. The attack upon Pearl Harbor, which Roosevelt himself had invited guaranteed America’s entry into the war. Germany was resigned to preparing for America’s arrival in the European theater.
The national socialist revolution

Therein we conceive our final victory. For we have seen what it leads to with the others. Twenty years ago they sucured an apparent victory and what has come of this victory?

Nothing but misery and despair. They fought their war only for the planned plutocracy, for a few financier dynasties...which administer their capital markets!

For a thew hundred...who in the end control these people.That should serve as a lesson to us all! And one day there will come a time when all of us will join the fight for this reich with confidence for this reich of peace of work, of welfare, of culture, which we want to erect and which we will erect.

"I Thank you!"

German Wehrmacht. Man for man, officer for officer all of these fools who thought there could be rifts among us, have forgotten that the third reich is no longer the second.

For this struggle is not one for the present but firm and foremost one for the future!

Adolf Hitler
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Zionist Chronicles avatar
Zionist Chronicles
"Whatever pack of lies British propaganda, international world jewry, and its democratic accomplices tell they will not change the historical facts."

~ Adolf Hitler
Feder was the man behind national socialism, Adolf Hitler was the one who implemented it and put it into practice.

The Purpose and Spirit of the Economy

The national economy in its totality has the purpose above all of adequately providing for the three basic necessities of all folk-comrades in terms of food, housing, and clothing, and beyond that of satisfying every need of a cultural and civilizational nature in accordance with the state of technology and the income conditions of the time. The economy as a whole is a serving limb in the overall organism of the Volk; in the best sense it is of service to the Volk for the greatness and the welfare of the nation.

A nation’s economy is not an end in itself, it is not there to enrich individual business leaders at the expense of their officials, employees, and workers, and even less is it there to serve as an object of exploitation for international High Finance.

Feder, together with Anton Drexler, Dietrich Eckart and Karl Harrer, were involved in the founding of the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (German Workers' Party-DAP).

Adolf Hitler met him in the summer of 1919 while he was in an anti-Bolshevik training course at Munich university—funded by the army and organized by Major Karl Mayr—and Feder became his mentor in finance and economics. He helped to inspire Hitler's opposition to "Jewish finance capitalism." Delivering political courses alongside Feder was Karl Alexander von Müller (son of Bavaria's Culture Minister) who spotted Hitler's oratorical ability and forwarded his name as a political instructor for the army—an important step in Hitler's career.

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Adolf Hitler at an Official Event of the NSDAP in Olenburg, 1931


Background: Germany’s defense treaty ally, Japan had been at war with China since 1937. The U.S. supported the Chinese.

Official History: Without provocation, imperialist Japan attacked the U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor.

Mein Side of the Story: Seeing that I would not take his bait, Roosevelt maneuvered Japan into striking first. This enabled Roosevelt to finally overcome the strong peace movement in America and do what he pleased make war.
We need no "hurrah" patriotism, all of us know how terrible war is, it is not the superficial "hurrah" patriotism, rather it is a fanatical determination.

Come what may, not one of us is worth any more than the men and women who lived in the past, all the sacrifices they had to make back then are no easier than the sacrifices we must make today.

Every sacrifice demanded of us is no more difficult than the sacrifices born in the past.

whatever may happen, we are determined to endure and overcome any hardship and see this battle through.

We have but one desire: that the God Almighty who has now bestowed his blessings on our weapons might enlighten other peoples, that he might impart to them the insight that this could have been avoided, and that they gain nothing from going to war against us.

My he compel them to contemplate the blessings of a peace they abandoned merely because a handful of infernal warmongers and war profiteers sought to drive the people into war.

~ Adolf Hitler
The truth is inevitable people are starting to see Adolf was right the tide is turning these videos are literally everywhere on Instagram and the comments sections are 🔥

I have dedicated 8 years of my Life educating people on the truth about ww2 and national socialism, 8 years ago it was a lonely road and to see this today fills me with the greatest of hope for the future.

Big thank you to all those who have contributed to this awakening and to all those friends I have made along the way you guys are the best, no wonder they are coming heavy with the holocaust in schools because they are losing power all thanks to our efforts.

Blessings to everyone

Noble - wolf

You will see, my spirit will arise from the grave and people will see that I was right.

~ Adolf Hitler

World War II, or ‘The Good War’ as modern day court-historian refer to it - is the gift that keeps on giving - giving us problems that is! This tragedy, and its aftermath, haunt humanity to this day, and will continue to well into the foreseeable future. Out of the aftermath of World War II comes the Cold War, the Korean War, the Viet Nam War, the wars and ongoing problems in the Middle East, the financial schemes and distress caused by the IMF and the World Bank, the framework of the tyrannical and corrupt European Union, and so many other problems of the modern day.

The Bad War was a complete disaster for the forces of civilization, stability, virtue, culture, and independent nationalism of blood-related kinfolk. ..But it was a total triumph for the overlapping dark forces of Globalism, debt-based “Crony Capitalism’, World Communism, misguided liberalism and Zionism.

Behold what the victorious “good guys” have wrought in the days since that tragic war. Europe, and by extension America, Canada and Australia, no longer exist as peoples with common history, heritage or values.

The Globalists have reduced the beloved “Europa” of Hitler into a rootless, cultureless, godless, genderless, alienated, infertile, pornographic, homosexual multi-cultural, mish-mash of mentally medicated tax and debt slaves.

Collectively, the people of the West are no longer really even ‘peoples’ defined by common cultures, traditions, bloodlines and sets of eternal values. We are economies defined solely by the Gross Domestic Product.

As individuals, we are no longer persons defined by our virtues and intellects. We are soulless machines – disposable, pill-popping, TV-addicted “human resources” and “tax payers” defined solely by our “net worth” and ability to “consume” - a euphemism for going into debt to buy crap that we don’t need. In a broader philosophical sense, that’s what World War II was all about And the true “good guys” lost!

There is nothing that can be done to undo the evil folly of the past; but by correcting the misinformation associated with it, we can, perhaps, at least avoid more bloodbaths in the future. Make no mistake; this dirty game is still going on and may one day culminate in World War III; pitting the NWO against the “disobedient” sovereign powers of the new Russia and China. Only the players change; the great game does not.

If you want to know who's telling the truth in a world full of lies, look at who's been demonised.
The Bad War The Truth NEVER Taught About World War II PDF

During the 75 years that have now passed since the end of the grand history-altering event known as World War II, only a single narrative of the great conflict has been heard. It is a story which the architects of the New World Order have implanted, no, POUNDED into the minds of three subsequent generations.

Every medium of mass indoctrination has been harnessed to the task of training the obedient masses as to what the proper view of this event should be. Academia, news media, public education, book publishing, TV documentaries, Hollywood films, clergymen and politicians of every stripe all sing the same song.

You know the familiar lyrics: “Led by Adolf Hitler; Germany, Italy and Japan tried to enslave the planet. The “good guys” of the “world community”, led by Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) and Winston Churchill, banded together and stopped them.

Literally, not a day seems to pass without some sort of media reference to this incomplete and simplistic narrative; a story which oh-so-conveniently ignores the previous decades of critical history leading up to World War II, omits vital information from the actual war years, and outright fabricates lie after lie after lie.

Indeed, the “official story” amounts to a manufactured mendacity of such mountainous dimensions that the human mind will have a hard time processing the actual truth of the grand event, no matter how compelling the case may be.

Isn’t it time you heard a different tune; at least for your consideration? Haven't you ever at least been curious as to what "the other side of the World War II story" was?

If so, you ought to have a look at 'The Bad War', a heavily illustrated epic timeline that will transport you back to the mid 1800's; and then lead you on an exciting "you are there" journey right up through both World War I and World War II.

Well-written, entertaining, and meticulously documented, 'The Bad War' is unique for its ability to condense so much real history into just 245 attention-riveting, illustration-rich pages.

But do be forewarned. Your worldview may never be the same.
ADDRESS# 11: JUNE 22, 1941 ON


Background: Until now, Stalin and Hitler have enjoyed an uneasy peace.

Official History: An overly confident Hitler broke the German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact and launched an unprovoked invasion of the Soviet Union.

Mein Side of the Story: The Soviets had quietly amassed the largest military force in world history on our eastern frontier. Stalin’s plan was to storm into Europe. Had I not acted with the element of surprise, all of Europe would have been lost.
For fourteen long years these parties have raped German freedom, they have gagged and beaten the German people, before two or three months have passed this terror will be eliminated if you vote for national socialists!

~ Adolf Hitler
"Even if millions might curse us today, the hour will come in which they will march with us, after all, having realized that we wanted nothing but the best for our people."

~ Adolf Hitler, 1933.
After hearing Feder’s first lecture, the idea immediately came into my head that I had now found one of the most essential prerequisites for the founding of a new party”.

— from Mein Kampf, 1925, by Adolf Hitler

[The Dual German-English translation of Dr. Thomas Dalton, Clemens & Blair Edition, 2017, Vol. I, Chap. 8, p. 401
ADDRESS# 14: APRIL 29, 1945 MY


A day before committing suicide in his Berlin bunker, Adolf Hitler dictated his final Testament to his youngest secretary, Traudl Junge. The declaration would be his final words to the German people, as well as a statement for coming generations.

More than thirty years have passed since 1914 when I made my modest contribution as a volunteer in the First World War, which was forced upon the Reich.

In these three decades love and loyalty to my people have guided all my thoughts, actions and my life. They gave me the strength to make the most difficult decisions ever to confront mortal man. In these three decades I have spent my strength and my health.

It is untrue that I or anyone else in Germany wanted war in 1939. It was wanted and provoked solely by international statesmen either of Jewish origin or working for Jewish interests. I have made too many offers for the limitation and control of armaments, which posterity will not be cowardly enough always to disregard, for responsibility for the outbreak of this war to be placed on me. Nor have I ever wished that, after the appalling First World War, there would ever be a second against either England or America. Centuries will go by, but from the ruins of our towns and monuments the hatred of those ultimately responsible will always grow anew against the people whom we have to thank for all this: international Jewry and its henchmen.

Adolf Hitler - Last Political Testament
Honorable Intentions.


[Because] we stand up for our people's right to exist in this world, which must be fought for. The blood of the multitude of our racial comrades [Volksgenossen] can only be pledged to this task if
they know that the struggle doesn't serve one particular class, but that it benefits our people as a whole... The day will come when the German people rise up and shatter its fetters asunder, when in millions of hearts there will be this one single belief and all-encompassing conviction. We do not fight for the German middle class, nor for the German proletariat; we fight for our people, for wife and child, for our children's children! That's what makes us National Socialists!

~ Adolf Hitler
9th April 1927
Weimar: A reminder of what they did to Germany, and what Germany had to do to recover. Neither the former nor the latter were mere accidents. The first was an act of an evil imagination, the other an act of willpower.
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