The Super Bowl is a perfect example of how capitalism thrives on distraction. It’s an elaborate spectacle, carefully engineered to make the masses forget about their own lack of fulfillment. The entire event is a massive money-making operation designed to keep the masses entertained and docile while the true struggles of Our People unfold in the background. It is no coincidence that people invest their energy and emotions into these games, because they are taught to vicariously live through athletes instead of focusing on their own lives, their own potential, and what they can do for their community.
For the Dissident, or anyone else awake to the realities of our time, the Super Bowl is nothing more than a diversion. It encourages inaction, feeds into the lazy pursuit of momentary pleasure, and distracts from the urgent work that needs to be done to preserve the values and future of Our People and Nation. Yes, indeed we all need relaxation and time to unwind, but the Super Bowl is a deliberate waste of your time. Watching non-White millionaires chase a ball while the world around us collapses is not a meaningful way to spend your energy.
To those who engage in these things in healthy moderation, my words here don’t apply to you. To those non-Dissidents and folks who overdo it; Instead of being a passive observer of this corporate circus, get something done in your own life. If you truly enjoy a sport, go out and play it yourself. Get active and improve your physical health, this is something that the modern sports fandom has abandoned. Engage in activities that enrich your life, not numb it. There is far more to life than a commercialized spectacle.