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The Mark Attwood Show: Adventures in a Cosmic Suit 2 avatar

The Mark Attwood Show: Adventures in a Cosmic Suit 2

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Популярные публикации The Mark Attwood Show: Adventures in a Cosmic Suit 2

Peace talks in the Oval Office go south
In terms of ascension symptoms (and I have narrowed it down to this), 2025 has been the craziest year so far in my life. I have been completely debilitated multiple times so far. Bouncing back like nothing happened for a few hours, then back to extreme exhaustion, inability to concentrate, extreme muscle aches, blocked chest and sinuses…etc. For example, yesterday morning right as rain, then almost the whole afternoon drifting in and out of consciousness followed by a 12 hour sleep. Really bizarre stuff. Feels like another level of clearing is going on. Getting much more sensitive to things like food. Forcing myself to eat at times. Time really not making any sense. Anyone else?
Just look at these cunts, wudja?
I've met people that know fuckoads about nothing, people that know loads about fuck all, people who talk like they know fuckloads about fuck all, fuckwits that know nothing about nothing, fuckers that know something about fuck all, fuckwits that know fuck all about something, and fuckers that give no fucks about fucking anything.

All in all, it's a fucking journey, innit?
Oh the irony. “Life” pharmacy
Dark to Light.
The underfloor heating is in position now at 😁
Me and the fella of 7 years split because he thinks I'm crazy. On Friday I took my ukulele to a pub on my own and played it. Turns out I have found a pub full of awakened souls like me. Awake for decades too longer than me. It was amazing to talk about everything from deamons to strawman, aliens, corrupt governments and big harma check out my song I wrote and I played them in the pub. They loved it, we were all tipsy though 🤣🤣. They asked me to send a video.. There are swear words. I hope you like it 💓 💗 💖.... its not perfect lol the dog legged me up 🤣🤣
I’ve been telling people for yonks now not to eat almonds in any format, and always get kick back. This explains why not
Why has Steer Karma had an HIV test? Are we all doomed, or is it part of The Great Awakening?
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