Oy! Vey! Fresh from the Hindu Temple, Pierre switches to small hat mode and reminds us all that our government is owned and operated by a foreign nation.
Absolutely amazing to watch the BS in real time. Carbon tax going up 20% and nobody cares… but tariffs are evil. Canada/Mexico bad, we don’t need them, yet USA’s biggest line item expense is Zionism. So much free kool aid everywhere on all sides.
Feminism set the stage for transgenderism. - Matt Walsh
How will Canadian Con-tards ever be able to settle for little PP after seeing what Trump is doing?

LMAO. Canada next? I could sure go for some castle doctrine, and cheap cheese.
Canadians have become such a pathetic, soft, and arrogant people that it is no wonder they hate Trump and his America First attitude. Any push to become more efficient at their job or being a better human being is met with fierce shrieks of denial. Canada is now being run by kids that never once got spanked or even told the word “no,” and it is becoming more obvious by the day.
Anyone who needed a government report to tell them the response to Covid is insane, is retarded. In the true sense of the word.
Here come the Bolsheviks. Amazing how these people think that money that wasn’t forcefully taken by government is somehow an “expense” for the city. And of course they had to give the token nod to the Alphabet club while simultaneously slandering Godly morals. It’s been barely 60 years since sodomy was legalized and now the paper is advocating taxing churches into closure to create more high density shit boxes for immigrants nobody wants.
Can anyone who has actually read Treaty 6 please explain to me how these “land acknowledgments” are supposed to work? Serious question. Frankly it’s more like rubbing a dog’s nose in it, than anything even close to resembling uplifting. It’s bloody insulting is what it is, but the literacy level in this country is so low, nobody even knows.

Nothing to see here… just your purchasing power being eroded by a factor of 8 in 20 years. What cost you $1 in 2005 is now $8. Vote harder. I’m sure lil’ PP will fix it, with Danielle go-get-the-jab Smith.
And this is just getting started. Better get your wheelbarrow out, in case you want that cheeseburger. Too bad our cash can’t be burnt for heat without noxious plastic fumes.
And this is just getting started. Better get your wheelbarrow out, in case you want that cheeseburger. Too bad our cash can’t be burnt for heat without noxious plastic fumes.

Next up, on Canadian Trailer Trash, Pat King’s surety wants her money back. Those of us who have paid attention to Pat for any length of time, know that isn’t going to happen.
Not an endorsement for the X poster, she’s clearly braindead.
Not an endorsement for the X poster, she’s clearly braindead.

If you still watch the NHL, you’re retarded. At least WWF fans knew it was fake. Breads and circuses. This logo is all the proof you need.
That is the raised fist of Marxism. The “Roman salute” of the Nazi’s was created in direct response to this exact symbol.
That is the raised fist of Marxism. The “Roman salute” of the Nazi’s was created in direct response to this exact symbol.
All this “Team Canada,” crap, encouraging a united front against Trump is from the same group of retards that wanted you sent to the gulag for not wearing a mask.
Trump is taking America out of the WHO. Brilliant. Do NATO next.
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