First day in Belfast with Gary McKibben and Pete Garcia.
The audio version of The Rogue (the first volume of my prophecy fiction series Planets Shaken) is now available.
This book weaves an exciting story around a core of useful information on ancient astronomy, ancient catastrophism, electric universe cosmology, and Bible prophecy. The essence of the story is a massive comet (the core of the planet that used to orbit between Mars and Jupiter) that is headed for a collision course with Mars, potentially bringing forth the fulfillment of "the planets of the heavens shall be shaken."
This book weaves an exciting story around a core of useful information on ancient astronomy, ancient catastrophism, electric universe cosmology, and Bible prophecy. The essence of the story is a massive comet (the core of the planet that used to orbit between Mars and Jupiter) that is headed for a collision course with Mars, potentially bringing forth the fulfillment of "the planets of the heavens shall be shaken."
Believing the Bible is trusting the statements of Scripture at face value, using the normal rules of interpretation that we use for all literature. Yes, the Bible has amazing types and shadows, amazing number patterns, sometimes a layer or two of deeper implications or broader applications, BUT such things don't change the way we interpret the Bible. They are merely enhancement and authentication. The Bible was written with common diction, common grammar, common use of figures, and it must be interpreted with common diction, common grammar, and common figures. Any approach that comes with unique allegorical methods for interpretation must be rejected. It doesn't deserve two seconds of consideration. The allegorical method is a categorical rejection of God's future plans for mankind.

True peace can only be found in a relationship with Jesus. He is our source of strength and courage. Let us cling to Him, seek His counsel, and trust Him to lead us in the paths of righteousness. Through Him, we can have true and lasting peace, no matter what storms may come our way.
Carli • Saved by Grace
Carli • Saved by Grace
I find it amazing that many who profess to believe in Jesus don't take Genesis or Revelation literally. If Christ's work on the cross doesn't save us from a literal fall and literal coming judgment, then it doesn't save us from anything.

There may be times we wished we had lived in the days of the apostles and SEEN the Lord with our own eyes, and felt His gentle touch, but how blessed are we who have not seen Him in the physical realm but have SEEN Him with the spiritual eye of faith and are still able to cry as Thomas did, "my Lord, and my God."
Carli • Saved by Grace
Carli • Saved by Grace

We are the earthen vessels into which the glorious truth of the gospel of God has been poured, causing our mortal bodies to become the temple of the Holy Spirit, Who uses this gospel light to guide us into all truth and as we proclaim the glorious gospel of grace to others. The treasure within is the Spirit of Christ ~ so that as we work the works of God, the surpassing greatness of His power will be of God and not of us. Let us praise His name for His inestimable grace towards us.
Carli • Saved by Grace
Carli • Saved by Grace

God is eternal. He is the first and the last, and He is without beginning or ending. He is the genesis of all that is and He is the revelation of all that ever will be. He is sufficient in Himself and needs neither man nor angels to find completeness. He existed in sublime glory and exists in great majesty. In Himself, He is self~sufficient, self~sustaining, and entirely complete. And yet, for the love of you and the love of me, Jesus stepped out of eternity in order to be born as a baby and to die on the Cross as the Saviour of mankind. Hallelujah! What a Saviour!
Carli • Saved by Grace
Carli • Saved by Grace
Trials are just a reminder that we are on an ugly battlefield in a momentous cause with eternal consequences.

We are not worthy to gather up the crumbs under His table and yet He is the God of all grace, abundant grace, multiplied grace, and He is the Father of all mercies, comfort, and peace.
May God's abundant grace and incomprehensible peace continue to be multiplied towards all His children as we seek to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk in humble submission before Him all the days of our life, in love.
Carli • Saved by Grace
May God's abundant grace and incomprehensible peace continue to be multiplied towards all His children as we seek to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk in humble submission before Him all the days of our life, in love.
Carli • Saved by Grace
One of the most unnerving things I see among those who bear the name evangelical is the inability to weigh strong challenges to their beliefs. Plain statements of Scripture, basic grammar rules, actual Greek or Hebrew usage, undeniable facts of history, unimpeachable testimony are dismissed with a cavalier wave of the hand. Why is this? Because error is built on a foundation of superstition not a foundation of faith based on objective truth. Therefore "truth" trumps truth and "narrative" trumps facts. The fact is, prejudice is impervious to truth and facts.

He came to die on the Cross and to reveal the Father~heart of God so that all who believe on Him would not perish, but have everlasting life. His whole earthly life was set as a flint in this direction and from the foundation of the world God purposed that His death would mean life to the children of men.
And when He completed all things He shouted in triumphant victory, "It is Finished!"
Thank you Jesus!
Carli • Saved by Grace
And when He completed all things He shouted in triumphant victory, "It is Finished!"
Thank you Jesus!
Carli • Saved by Grace

In East Grand Forks with Mike Golay and the Loilands.
Your first duty is not doing the will of the Lord but knowing it. You can't do the will of God unless you know it. You can't know it apart from spending time in his word, not as a mere devotional or religious exercise, but as the passion of a heart that burns to know the Lord, his word, and his will.

These words of Isaiah were indeed good tidings of great joy to the little, faithful remnant of Israel, but they are words of great comfort and succour to all who are weary and heavy~laden, both Jew and Gentile alike, for He sent Jesus to be the good Shepherd of the sheep, the Door of the sheepfold, the Way, the Truth, the Life, and the Light to all who would trust in His name for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting. Praise His holy name.
Carli • Saved by Grace
Carli • Saved by Grace
ONE. Turkey's entrance into Syria poses a tremendous threat to the Kurds and Israel. This is a potentially explosive matter. My suspicion is that the Syrian army will bring devastation to the Alawaites, while the Turkish army in conjunction with associated militias will rain destruction on the Kurds. Then both will head south towards the buffer Zone held by Israel and the Druze. The situation could be a quantum leap in the geo-political stage setting for the Gog and Magog invasion.
TWO. The experiment with deploying militias against Israel has failed miserably. Expect to see a huge ramp-up of national armies in the near future in the region which enjoy full support (political, logistical, intel, and military) from Russia, Turkey, Iran, and Egypt.
ONE. Turkey's entrance into Syria poses a tremendous threat to the Kurds and Israel. This is a potentially explosive matter. My suspicion is that the Syrian army will bring devastation to the Alawaites, while the Turkish army in conjunction with associated militias will rain destruction on the Kurds. Then both will head south towards the buffer Zone held by Israel and the Druze. The situation could be a quantum leap in the geo-political stage setting for the Gog and Magog invasion.
TWO. The experiment with deploying militias against Israel has failed miserably. Expect to see a huge ramp-up of national armies in the near future in the region which enjoy full support (political, logistical, intel, and military) from Russia, Turkey, Iran, and Egypt.

Let us glory in that wonderful name of JESUS and resist the deceit of the world, the lusts of the flesh, and the wiles of the enemy, by keeping the eyes of our heart fixed upon Him and the ears of our understanding ever open to His still small voice. We are saved... spirit, soul, and body, when we believe on Christ. We are saved once and forever when we trust in Him, "for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved."
Carli • Saved by Grace
Carli • Saved by Grace

Let us take a moment to consider the importance of our praise for God. We are called to glorify Him and to speak His praises continually. May we take every opportunity to give Him the praise and worship He deserves, for He is the source of all good things. Let us also give thanks for the great gift of our Lord Jesus Christ, for He and He alone is the One Who makes our relationship with God possible. He is our Sovereign Lord Who has given us the ultimate example of love and sacrifice. Let us always remember to give Him the praise, honour, glory, and blessing He deserves: "To Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."
Carli • Saved by Grace
Carli • Saved by Grace


May this important question be asked of all who are saved by grace through faith in Christ: "Who among you is wise and who has understanding?" And may we all with our action and attitude reflect the same resounding reply, which was identified by James in his singular epistle so that by God's grace we reflect the beauty and wisdom of the Lord Jesus, both by our good behaviour and through the gentleness of spirit, which alone comes from the Lord Himself.
Carli • Saved by Grace
Carli • Saved by Grace
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