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Gothic lady serval
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Gothic lady serval
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Servaldays avatar
A crazy neighbour wants to poison my fur family.
Sad fact
What a real and happy smile the girl with the dog has, and what fake suffer smiles those who chose crotch goblins have. What a cute dog and how gross the kids in the photo are.

I'm glad to see the comments on this video, most people wrote the same thing. And the comment that says the dog is cuter than children has the most likes. And I might add that kids and the word cute are antonyms. Kids are yuck.

Animals are better than kids, anything is.
Why after bad actions bad people always live happy?
My Aiza from AI
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FlashW art avatar
FlashW art
Received a pm just how “awful” my art is and asking me not to draw.
Sharing more art of mine, creatures can cope harder and cry more.
I love artbooks. Here is old lion king artbook. This was a gift for me some years ago. I dreamed about it so long lol ^^
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Servaldays avatar
New bedding. I don't even know, it's really hard to guess my favorite dog breed. ^^
Anyone and anything is better than kids from kid obsessed
My country is increasingly promoting the killing and hatred of animals and promoting obsession with kids. Kid obsessed actively support killing and hating animals who have no homes, who have it hard enough as it is. Kid obsessed are rotten bastards who don't care about anyone but their crotch goblins. I will never respect or consider as people those who support cruelty to animals and consider only their own species the most worthy of life and the right to decide who should live and who should not. They are bastards, not people, and most of them are creatures with kids who raise their kids to be bastards and selfish cunts who hate nature and animals.
Fuck them and their crotch goblins suck. Animals are better, way better than those cunts.
Have you ever noticed how beautiful kind people who love animals are? What kind and sincere smiles do they have? There is warmth in such people, which they share with others. But kid obsessed, who can't stand animals and sees them as things, I have never seen anything beautiful in them, when I see them or photos of them, I get disgusted.
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