Synagoge of Satans / Devil Jews and Head Chopping Wahabbi Psychopaths / US and Saudi Arabia Backed Terrorist are Now “Best Friends!”
Once again, the Satanic USA, after 12 years has managed with the help of ISIS Terrorist to Destroy Syria, like they did Afghanistan and Iraq, when they had their ass handed to them after 20 years, and kicked out of there with the tails between their legs.😁
You bet your ass the same thing is going to happen again...
Do you think these morons are going to learn their lesson?
Do you think they learned their lesson from the Russian defeat when they were Nazis in WWII?
They’re so Stupid they’re doing it AGAIN!!! Except the Jews are called Neo-Nazis & Ukrainian Zionist Scum, attacking Russians…😄
Remember, it’s always the European white Ashkenazi Jew who is behind everything.
From the Russian Revolution, French Revolution, World War I, World War II, all the way to John F. Kennedy assassination 9/11 False Flag, and Fake Coronavirus and NOW the Genocide in Gaza.
Houthis 🇾🇪