"In its substance, its inner essence, everything is one: the One, Infinite Godhead. No single thing is independent; each exists only inasmuch as it is a phenomenon of the Eternal and Infinite Divine Power. But this Substance does not appear as a fixed Being, excluding all movement and multiplicity. It is the eternal creative activity, the acting force of nature, the cause of all things. The Godhead is the acting Cause - Natura Naturans - of all things; It relates to singular things as the power of thinking to singular concepts, but Its thinking is at the same time the creation of all reality.
"The aim of this creative activity is nothing less than the perfection of the universe itself, as the realisation of all the infinity of forms and images, the possibility of which is contained in the Divine Substance. Therefore the Divine Substance appears at one and the same time as the World Cause and the World Purpose; She is the Creative Spirit Whose thoughts are nature and reality. But only Spirit can create and build; it acts in things as an intrinsic Artist, as Idea and Creative Power at the same time. All nature breathes in this Divine Life, this inner animation. In the Infinite Substance, therefore, all separateness disappears, since It is everything, and cannot be anything in particular.
"Therefore, for us, whose concepts are formed on singular things, She is incomprehensible and inexplicable. But, at the same time, as the Whole remains unchanged in Its Essence, the life of singular things is a ceaseless change; thus nature is always in being, yet it is always ready and complete; the universe is perfect at every moment and can never be anything other than the infinite revelation of the Divine Prime Power. Singular things, on the contrary, are subject to a process of budding, growth, and withering; they originate in the most imperfect form, develop to the full bloom of their inner essence, and die again to a new imperfection in order to serve as the germ of new life for other things."
~ Giordano Bruno