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Telegram Info English

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Популярные публикации Telegram Info English

Paid Messages in Groups

On the Telegram test server, users can set a fee for sending messages in their groups. Today, this feature works like this:

• You can enable paid messaging in the “Permissions” section of the group settings screen.
• Only administrators with the “Ban Users” permission can set up a fee for sending messages.
• The setting is only available in supergroups. It is not available in basic groups.
• If the setting is enabled, regular group members must pay for sending each message to this group. Sending messages remains free for administrators.
• 85% of the stars paid by members go to the group, and the other 15% go to Telegram. Only the owner of the group is able to see and withdraw the balance of the group.

Sending Messages
• If the paid message sending option is enabled in a group, then users will see the corresponding text in the empty input field, and instead of the send button, they will see a button with a price and an image of a star.
• For sending each message, an ordinary group member will have to pay the number of stars specified by the group administrators.
• In groups with paid messaging, it is not possible to schedule messages, and messages scheduled before paid messaging was enabled will not be sent at the scheduled time.
• There is no fee for editing messages that have already been sent.
• Sending an album of several media will cost you the same amount as sending a single message as much as sending each media individually.

We remind you that authorization on the test server is unstable, as is the purchase of stars. Discussion of these issues in our group is prohibited.

#Android #beta
Telegram Has Tightened the Limits on Publishing Stories

Users that are not subscribed to Telegram Premium may now only publish up to 1 story per day, 3 stories per week, and 10 stories per month. On top of this, the list of countries that are unable to post stories without Premium has expanded to include at least the UK, Germany, and Indonesia. We haven't verified if any other countries are affected and it is not known if this was intentional or an error.

Along with those countries, users with phone numbers from Russia, Ukraine, India, and Iran still cannot publish stories without first subscribing to Telegram Premium.

List of known countries with no free stories (in alphabetical order):
• Czech Republic
• Cyprus
• Germany
• India
• Indonesia
• Iran
• Israel
• Italy
• Poland
• Russia
• Spain
• Ukraine

If you've lost the ability to post stories without Premium today and your country is not listed, tell us in the comments so we can update the list.

When the feature was first launched, Telegram allowed up to 3 free stories per day. However, in early February, the limit was reduced to 2 stories per day.

#premium #stories
Non-Obvious Privacy Aspects When Sending Star Reactions

In August 2024, Telegram introduced the ability for users to send star reactions to channel posts, and in February 2025 — the ability to send such reactions not only on their own behalf, but also on behalf of any of their public channels.

The privacy settings for both types of reactions are not obvious. If you expect that no one will know your name, keep in mind the following:

1. When sending a paid reaction on your own behalf, the application allows you to disable the "Show me in Top Senders" option. If the user disables it, then neither their name nor their profile picture will be displayed to other channel subscribers, even if they are among the three donors who sent the most stars to the post.
However, even in this case, the owner of the channel to which the stars were sent will see the sender's name in the "Monetization" tab in the channel settings.

2. When sending a paid reaction, the application allows the user to select one of the public channels that they own. In this case, the list of the top 3 senders will not display the name of the sender, but the name of the channel that they chose.
However, the owner of the channel to which the stars were sent will see the sender's name in the "Monetization" tab in the channel settings. By comparing it with the list of top 3 senders of stars to a specific post, the channel owner can find out who exactly owns the channel on whose behalf the stars were sent.

Be careful: Telegram applications do not warn users sending star reactions about these nuances.

#reactions #stars #privacy
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