"The Christian faith is the foundation of our morality and our ethics.
We must defend it against all attacks and protect it against all enemies and the Jews have been an alien element in our society, they have exploited our people, they have corrupted our youth and they have sown distrust in our nation.
It is our duty to solve this problem, not only to protect our nation, but also to protect humanity".
Josef Tizo
We must defend it against all attacks and protect it against all enemies and the Jews have been an alien element in our society, they have exploited our people, they have corrupted our youth and they have sown distrust in our nation.
It is our duty to solve this problem, not only to protect our nation, but also to protect humanity".
Josef Tizo

Catholic Integralism
The Political Ideology of Integralism is very popular among Catholics these days, but was devoloped by the Clergy many centuries ago.
Integralists uphold the 1864 definition of Pope Pius IX in Quanta cura that the religious neutrality of the civil power cannot be embraced as an ideal situation and the doctrine of Pope Leo XIII Immortale Dei on the religious obligations of states.
The Goals of Catholic Integralism are :
A State in which Jews, atheists, and all non-Christians will be denied citizenship and voting rights. Integralists also belief that that the execution of some LGBTQ people may promote the salvation of souls. Hereditary slavery of Non-Christians can be a potentially valid legal relationship in certain circumstances under Catholic Integralism.
The Political Ideology of Integralism is very popular among Catholics these days, but was devoloped by the Clergy many centuries ago.
Integralists uphold the 1864 definition of Pope Pius IX in Quanta cura that the religious neutrality of the civil power cannot be embraced as an ideal situation and the doctrine of Pope Leo XIII Immortale Dei on the religious obligations of states.
The Goals of Catholic Integralism are :
A State in which Jews, atheists, and all non-Christians will be denied citizenship and voting rights. Integralists also belief that that the execution of some LGBTQ people may promote the salvation of souls. Hereditary slavery of Non-Christians can be a potentially valid legal relationship in certain circumstances under Catholic Integralism.

The Holy Catholic Church praises the Führer 🌚👨
“There are only a few great men, and one of this men is celebrating his birthday today.
Adolf Hitler
Today we promise him that we will make every effort available so that our people can win the place in the world that they deserve".
Katholische Kirchenzeitung der Erzdiözese Köln am 20.04 1941
“There are only a few great men, and one of this men is celebrating his birthday today.
Adolf Hitler
Today we promise him that we will make every effort available so that our people can win the place in the world that they deserve".
Katholische Kirchenzeitung der Erzdiözese Köln am 20.04 1941

“The world is just a barrel-organ, played by God himself. We must all dance to the tune that just happens to be on the roll.”
Reinhard Heydrich on his deathbed
Reinhard Heydrich on his deathbed

The Ukrainian Catholic Archbishop Ivan Buchko helped all the remaining members of the 14th ϟϟ-Division to flee from the Bolsheviks in 1946, through requesting 9,000 Travel Documents, and allowing them to hide in Monasteries.

Did Léon Degrelle die an excommunicated man?
Léon Degrelle was only temporarly excommunicated which a German Archbishop undid. He died a Catholic.
Infact the SSPX Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet has hosted Mass in his honor.
Léon Degrelle was only temporarly excommunicated which a German Archbishop undid. He died a Catholic.
Infact the SSPX Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet has hosted Mass in his honor.

Pope Pius XII explains how hereditary factors, including race, impose certain duties, are worthy of esteem and must not be injured
"Better warned of the problems posed by genetics and the seriousness of certain hereditary diseases, today's men have, more than in the past, the duty to take these acquisitions into account in order to avoid themselves and avoid others numerous physical and moral difficulties. They must be very attentive to everything that could cause their offspring permanent damage, throwing it into an endless succession of miseries. We recall in this regard that the community of blood between people, be it in families, or in communities, imposes certain duties. Although the formal elements of every human community are psychological and moral, offspring form the material basis, which must be respected and can not be damaged in any way.
What we say about inheritance can be applied in a broad sense to the communities that constitute human races".
"Better warned of the problems posed by genetics and the seriousness of certain hereditary diseases, today's men have, more than in the past, the duty to take these acquisitions into account in order to avoid themselves and avoid others numerous physical and moral difficulties. They must be very attentive to everything that could cause their offspring permanent damage, throwing it into an endless succession of miseries. We recall in this regard that the community of blood between people, be it in families, or in communities, imposes certain duties. Although the formal elements of every human community are psychological and moral, offspring form the material basis, which must be respected and can not be damaged in any way.
What we say about inheritance can be applied in a broad sense to the communities that constitute human races".
Speech to the VII Congress of the International Association of Blood Transfusion, (1958)

The ϟϟ Runes are not pagan
In 1929, Walter Heck designed the ϟϟ logo, not based on an ancient Aryan-Germanic rune as later claimed by the the opponents of National-Socialism
but because he wanted to differentiate himself from the Fraktur font then widely used in Germany and also felt that the capital "S" used in the standard Latin alphabet was too soft to represent the values of the ϟϟ.
In 1929, Walter Heck designed the ϟϟ logo, not based on an ancient Aryan-Germanic rune as later claimed by the the opponents of National-Socialism
but because he wanted to differentiate himself from the Fraktur font then widely used in Germany and also felt that the capital "S" used in the standard Latin alphabet was too soft to represent the values of the ϟϟ.
Biological Anti-Semitism in the Catholic Church
The Holy Catholic Church did not only teach Anti-Judaism, but also propagated the belief of Jews being inferior in racial terms, with an physical appearance that exposes them.
Already in the Middle Ages, Catholic Art depicted Jews as having a long and crooked Nose.
The most important clerical figure in Slovakia & associate of the Pope, Andrej Hlinka believed that Jews were an inferior race in contrast with Catholics. Hlinka supported the belief that everyone with jewish blood, cannot become truly a Catholic, because behind closed doors they will still worship the Devil. Also called "Crypto Jews".
Regarding this thought, he is is quoted as saying :
"A Jew will remain a Jew, even if baptized by a thousand Bishops".
The Holy Catholic Church did not only teach Anti-Judaism, but also propagated the belief of Jews being inferior in racial terms, with an physical appearance that exposes them.
Already in the Middle Ages, Catholic Art depicted Jews as having a long and crooked Nose.
The most important clerical figure in Slovakia & associate of the Pope, Andrej Hlinka believed that Jews were an inferior race in contrast with Catholics. Hlinka supported the belief that everyone with jewish blood, cannot become truly a Catholic, because behind closed doors they will still worship the Devil. Also called "Crypto Jews".
Regarding this thought, he is is quoted as saying :
"A Jew will remain a Jew, even if baptized by a thousand Bishops".
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Catholic Authority II

"The national socialist movement has wrought this miracle. If Almighty God granted success to this work, then the party was His instrument."
Adolf Hitler, 1 January 1939
Adolf Hitler, 1 January 1939

"Some claim that we Fascists only pretend to be Catholics for political expediency, in order to lure Catholic sympathies to our cause. But this is not true. We are Catholics by conviction. I am Catholic by conviction, because I believe that Catholicism has adequate and sufficient doctrine to solve all the problems of individual, social, national and international life, and because, in the struggle between spirit and matter, Catholicism supports and desires the superiority and victory of the spirit".
Benito Mussolini
Benito Mussolini

Adolf Hitler did not like the boots Léon Degrelle wore
On the night of February 21. to 22. 1944, the leader of the ϟϟ Volunteer Brigade Wallonia, ϟϟ-Hauptsturmführer Léon Degrelle, arrived at the Wolfschanze. He was to be awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross for the successful breakthrough in Cherkassy. After Léon Degrelle had been freshly washed and shaved, he was given a clean uniform, and was introduced to Adolf Hitler. The Führer received Léon Degrelle in a friendly manner, but he did not like the Russian felt boots that Léon Degrelle was still wearing. He spontaneously asked the Belgian what his shoe size was, and Degrelle answered 42. Adolf Hitler went to a closet and took out his own boots in size 43. However, Hitler's boots were too big, so he crumpled up a page of the Völkischer Beobachter (Newspaper) and asked Léon Degrelle to put them in his boots.
On the night of February 21. to 22. 1944, the leader of the ϟϟ Volunteer Brigade Wallonia, ϟϟ-Hauptsturmführer Léon Degrelle, arrived at the Wolfschanze. He was to be awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross for the successful breakthrough in Cherkassy. After Léon Degrelle had been freshly washed and shaved, he was given a clean uniform, and was introduced to Adolf Hitler. The Führer received Léon Degrelle in a friendly manner, but he did not like the Russian felt boots that Léon Degrelle was still wearing. He spontaneously asked the Belgian what his shoe size was, and Degrelle answered 42. Adolf Hitler went to a closet and took out his own boots in size 43. However, Hitler's boots were too big, so he crumpled up a page of the Völkischer Beobachter (Newspaper) and asked Léon Degrelle to put them in his boots.

For the 🇩🇪 Volunteers, the War against the Sowjetunion, was the 9th Crusade.

Norbert Wallez
Norbert Wallez was a Belgian Catholic priest and a journalist born in 1882. He was a great admirer of Mussolini, in 1923 during a trip he visited him and got a dedicated portait of him which he then placed in his office. In 1940 he started openly supporting Léon Degrelle. After the war he was sentenced to four years of imprisonment and a fine of 200,000 francs. He died of cancer two years after his release the 24 September 1952.
Norbert Wallez was a Belgian Catholic priest and a journalist born in 1882. He was a great admirer of Mussolini, in 1923 during a trip he visited him and got a dedicated portait of him which he then placed in his office. In 1940 he started openly supporting Léon Degrelle. After the war he was sentenced to four years of imprisonment and a fine of 200,000 francs. He died of cancer two years after his release the 24 September 1952.

Pope Pius XII on the arrogance and disrespect of the Jews
"The Jews responded to His call and to His grace with the same rigid blindness and stubborn ingratitude that has led them along the path of guilt to the murder of God".
"The Jews responded to His call and to His grace with the same rigid blindness and stubborn ingratitude that has led them along the path of guilt to the murder of God".
Léon Degrelle as Tintin, drawn by Hergé

Johannes Pfefferkorn (born jewish & converted to Catholicism) about his own former people
"Who afflicts the Jews is doing the will of God, and who seeks their benefit will incur damnation".
"Who afflicts the Jews is doing the will of God, and who seeks their benefit will incur damnation".

"No one would think of preventing young Germans establishing a true ethnical community in a noble love of freedom and loyalty to their country".
Pope Pius XII
Mit brennender Sorge
Pope Pius XII
Mit brennender Sorge
Pope Pius XI praised Ernest Jouin for "combating our mortal Jewish enemy"
After the Catholic Priest Monsignor Ernest Jouin published writings in which he proved that Jews murder Catholic Children to drink their Blood in Rituals & that the Jews and Freemasons control Democracies, and also released the first French Edition of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion". Pope Pius XI publicly praised Ernest Jouin for "combating our mortal jewish enemy" and appointed him to high papal office as a protonotary apostolic.
After the Catholic Priest Monsignor Ernest Jouin published writings in which he proved that Jews murder Catholic Children to drink their Blood in Rituals & that the Jews and Freemasons control Democracies, and also released the first French Edition of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion". Pope Pius XI publicly praised Ernest Jouin for "combating our mortal jewish enemy" and appointed him to high papal office as a protonotary apostolic.

Communism is jewish
"After many centuries of Christian anti-semitism, many Jews saw Communism as the future and took part in the October Revolution. The Soviet Union was the first government in the world to criminalize anti-Semitism. In the Soviet Union, there were many Jews in the highest government positions".
Eine Geschichte des Antisemitismus 3/4 | ARTE
"After many centuries of Christian anti-semitism, many Jews saw Communism as the future and took part in the October Revolution. The Soviet Union was the first government in the world to criminalize anti-Semitism. In the Soviet Union, there were many Jews in the highest government positions".
Eine Geschichte des Antisemitismus 3/4 | ARTE

"Jews must be locked up in ghettos, because the Jew is well known for killing Christians. Furthermore, History has proven that the Jew is responsible for the French Revolution, Communism & Capitalism".
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

Jesus Christ whipped Jews to purify the Temple
Jesus Christ visited the Temple in Jerusalem, it was filled with livestock, merchants and jewish money changers. Jesus Christ made a scourge of small cords, and started whipping the Jews. He drove them all out.
John 2:15-16
Matthew 21:12–13
Jesus Christ visited the Temple in Jerusalem, it was filled with livestock, merchants and jewish money changers. Jesus Christ made a scourge of small cords, and started whipping the Jews. He drove them all out.
John 2:15-16
Matthew 21:12–13

Catholic Clergy welcoming Reichsführer-ϟϟ Heinrich Himmler

Dr. Joseph Goebbels draws his strength through the Bible
"I take the Bible, and all evening long I read the simplest and greatest sermon that has ever been given to mankind. The Sermon on the Mount! 'Blessed are they who suffer persecution for the sake of justice, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven?!"
"The idea of sacrifice first gained visible shape in Christ.
Sacrifice is intrinsic to socialism... The Jew, however, does not understand this at all. His socialism consists of sacrificing others for himself. This is what Marxism is like in practice".
"I take the Bible, and all evening long I read the simplest and greatest sermon that has ever been given to mankind. The Sermon on the Mount! 'Blessed are they who suffer persecution for the sake of justice, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven?!"
"The idea of sacrifice first gained visible shape in Christ.
Sacrifice is intrinsic to socialism... The Jew, however, does not understand this at all. His socialism consists of sacrificing others for himself. This is what Marxism is like in practice".
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