On a sidenote: we frequently receive criticism in the comments regarding how we present, qualify, or portray people, actions, and events.
First and foremost, we are a media aggregation channel. Our mission is to scan thousands of sources, filter the most relevant news, and share them with you. We do not create the news—we report it.
When it comes to Syria, we often hear accusations like "You are pro-X" or "You are pro-Y." The challenge with conflicts like this is that Arabic media outlets tend to carry strong biases, favoring specific people or organizations. The language they use reflects their allegiances.
For instance, some media refer to certain groups as "regime remnants", others as "pro-Assad", "ex-pro-Assad", "anti-government forces", "resistance", or "insurgents". The same people can be labeled in completely different ways depending on the perspective of the outlet reporting the news. In the end, some people will never be satisfied.
This presents a challenge for us, as our goal is to report events without distortion. While no one is entirely free from bias, we strive to present the news as objectively as possible, without adopting the political agendas embedded in media narratives.