It is un-Aryan to assign to an individual a trade or profession that is not in line with one's natural proclivity.
In a superior age, everyone would be where they are supposed to be, employing themselves in accordance to their current level of spiritual maturity, thus contributing optimally within society for the material and spiritual advancement of the race.
The position of servant would be the honor, the distinction given to one who would accompany nobility or a great soul. After all, Lord Krishna Himself served as prince Arjuna's charioteer.
Slavery on the other hand is not originally an Aryan concept. Exclusively associating us with it is a modern lie aimed at demonizing the White race. Europeans never feared manual labor, in fact they excelled at it without external help.
The slave trade was a Jewish business. It is the Jew who despises manual labor and who regards himself as master and the non-Jew as cattle, existing for the sole purpose of serving him.
We today need to understand that only a lazy, unenlightened European would regard slavery as beneficial. By displacing/ importing any foreign-to-our-race, organic element of different metaphysical attributes on Aryan soil, the auric field itself we collectively share as a tribe is disturbed. The balance is affected and a spiritual as well as material degeneration take place.